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Turkey To Israel: Cross Our Airspace To Bomb Iran & We Will Respond Like An Earthquak

coming back to the topic, I personally don't think Israel will make the mistake of attacking Iran. Anti Israel sentiments run high all over the Muslim world there will be huge resentment and Iran will not think twice to go all out for a full scale war.

That will not sway Israel. they believe that Iran only wants a nuke so that they can use it against them. They see it as national survival to not let Iran have nukes.
On June 8 1967, the Israelis launch an attack on the USS Liberty with Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats, in an effort to blame it on Egypt, to bring America into the war on their side, and of course follow to the letter, their Mossad motto,

“By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.”

As a result of their attack, 34 American servicemen were killed and 174 wounded. Israel lies as usual, claiming it mistook this warship that was flying a large United States flag, for an ancient out-of- service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir, that was 180 feet shorter. They also claim the ship was in the war zone, when it was actually in international waters, far from any fighting. The Israeli’s attack on this warship lasts for 75 minutes during which time they shoot up one of the United States flags, resulting in the sailors desperately raising another one.

In the aftermath of this attack, the American sailors who survived are warned by the United States military not to discuss the matter with anyone due to, “national security.”

lol, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?
And how are they going to do that? Israel has pretty decent anti missile defenses. Combined with the long range early warning radar the U.S. just installed. they can see every aircraft and missile launch in 2/3 of Iran. they can't use their ground army. Their air force is a joke. Their proxy armies Hezbollah and Hamas don't have any real offensive capability. If they try to resort to chem or biological attacks. That will green light Israel to use their Jericho 3 missiles and nuke them. Please do lay out how you think they would respond.

Sheer numbers of Shahab III , Iran has claimed to attack israel with 600+ shahabs with in hours of the start of the conflict.

Iran has S-300 already , they have SU-30's too but are kept secret we have Intel about it!;)

Iran and syria has an agreement in order to fight jews together if attacked.

Iranians have years of experience fighting wars , they have oil to support a long term conflict .
If israel attacked iran russia will intervene .....

i think Iran has every right to produce nuclear energy and if israel attacks than it will give them right to produce a Nuke too ( tough we believe that they have few dirty bombs imported from N.korea)

Yes you are right there are differences between muslims all over the world but comparing that to the Anti-Israel sentiments will be a big mistake. Ever heard of "An alliance of common enemy"

Barret even if people in muslim nations hate Israel does the leaders of that country's has the risk an attack against Israel???note that most of the Arab nations are not democratic so people voice does not count in it and also some Arab nations already had friendship treaty with Israel ..
So what are they waiting for?

I believe the only reason they have not done anything so far is the U.S. holding them back. But that will only work for so long. And I don't blame them seeing how Iran is playing games with the I.A.E.A.. I don't see negotiations going anywhere as long as Russia and China don't put pressure on them. They know they can just draw things out and finish building their bomb.
No flaming but do Israel need to cross Turkeys airspace to attack Iran??just a doubt.can any one clear it?
I don't think so. All Israel has to do is to use air space of at least two countries. One Iraq, and other either Syria or Jordan
Three options
1.fly over Jordan into Iraq and then Iran
2.fly over Syria into Iraq and then Iran
3.fly over Turkey into Iran
The 'Central Route' is most direct and quickest and would have the Israeli strike force cut through thin slices of Jordan and Syria, then across Iraq. The 'Southern Route' would cut across Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The 'Northern Route' would cut through thin slices of south-eastern Turkey, northern Syria and finally northern Iraq. The 'Northern Route' would have the Israeli strike force in very brief time over Turkish airspace. Even less for Syria and Iraq before the flight enter Iranian airspace. Since Israel has no relationships of any kind, other than a low simmer of hostility, with Syria, the political fallout from Syria is considered low. Whereas Turkey is a NATO member, so even though the military risk is low-medium, the political fallout between Israel-Turkey-US would be high.

Turkish airspace incursion would be too brief for Turkish defense to respond, unless the Turks know precisely the time and flight path and is determined to have a lethal military response. The political fallout between Israel-Turkey-US would be even higher. Keep in mind that Turkey was rejected by the EU so that leave only the US as sponsor. So to keep the 'Northern Route' an option, the US and Israel could offer Turkey an under-the-table technical and military offering of some kind to upgrade the Turkish military. The reality is that in foreign relations, everyone is a pimp, a prostitute and a customer at one time or another. No one hold the moral high ground. So either Turkey do the absurd and attack Israel now, severing any relationships with the EU and the US, attempt to wrest the leadership role from Iran and Erdogan take his chances. Or make some loud noises but when the time come, quietly allow Israel to cross territorial airspace into Iran. Turkey will place Turkish self-interests far ahead of the Palestinian cause and muslim sensibilities.
That was an answer to your concerns about Iran attacking US interests and bringing them into war.

I think your source for the reasons our ship got attacked are a little off. Israel is smarter then you give them credit for. anyone with common sense would know it wasn't Egypt. I am familiar with the incident and That's the first I have heard that scenario.
I believe the only reason they have not done anything so far is the U.S. holding them back. But that will only work for so long. And I don't blame them seeing how Iran is playing games with the I.A.E.A.. I don't see negotiations going anywhere as long as Russia and China don't put pressure on them. They know they can just draw things out and finish building their bomb.

I thought it was the other way around. U.S controls Israel or Israel controls U.S ?

3rd October 2001, Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, makes the following statement to Ashkenazi Jew, Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that….I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
Thomas, i'm only guessing that if this is the first time you have heard the scenario you were either not born during that time or just supporting Israel as a patriotic American. convenient eh ?
Sheer numbers of Shahab III , Iran has claimed to attack israel with 600+ shahabs with in hours of the start of the conflict.

Iran has S-300 already , they have SU-30's too but are kept secret we have Intel about it!;)

Iran and syria has an agreement in order to fight jews together if attacked.

Iranians have years of experience fighting wars , they have oil to support a long term conflict .
If israel attacked iran russia will intervene .....

i think Iran has every right to produce nuclear energy and if israel attacks than it will give them right to produce a Nuke too ( tough we believe that they have few dirty bombs imported from N.korea)


Sorry but I don't believe they have the S300 yet. That is something that would be pretty hard to hide. as of 2006 Iran only had 30 - 50 Shahab-3 missiles so the 600 figure seems pretty high. But hey even if they do have 600 Shahab-3's so far that missiles system has about a 50% failure rate in testing. My guess is they have not built that many till they work the kinks out in it.
Sheer numbers of Shahab III , Iran has claimed to attack israel with 600+ shahabs with in hours of the start of the conflict.

Iran has S-300 already , they have SU-30's too but are kept secret we have Intel about it!;)

Iran and syria has an agreement in order to fight jews together if attacked.

Iranians have years of experience fighting wars , they have oil to support a long term conflict .
If israel attacked iran russia will intervene .....

i think Iran has every right to produce nuclear energy and if israel attacks than it will give them right to produce a Nuke too ( tough we believe that they have few dirty bombs imported from N.korea)


I dont know about their ballistic missile numbers but i know forsure they dont have S300 and SU30's. The delivery of these military assets was successfully blocked by Israel and US, that is why Israel's PM secretly visited Russia just to block the sale of these weapons.
Sorry but I don't believe they have the S300 yet. That is something that would be pretty hard to hide. as of 2006 Iran only had 30 - 50 Shahab-3 missiles so the 600 figure seems pretty high. But hey even if they do have 600 Shahab-3's so far that missiles system has about a 50% failure rate in testing. My guess is they have not built that many till they work the kinks out in it.

Shahab carry a 2000 lb war head,, how much damage does a 2000 lb war head do,,,for example how many would it take to take out acre of land.
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