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Turkey to double flights from India

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I really don't care for what Hindustanis have to say, quite amusing how you decide to write such a long post. Mate save your rubbish lecture nobody cares not interested. Pakistan nor do I need to learn from some substandard Indian on political strategy.

You have over a hundred insurgencies going on in your country, more poor than Africa, most pollution, more aids infected people than West Africa, you are the most disease ridden back water nation on Earth. Don't you dare lecture me.

Have a great day knowing your nation is the worlds biggest hole.

Yes, I was expecting this reply. Each and every time you don't have fact's to reply you come back with similar reply just because you have to say something. I had given all hard facts, no BS and you come back with all crap. I understand you have no point to debate. You have absolutely nothing to argue about. So, why the hell you freak out if a others are trying to build a better relationship with us? Which is on mutual interest.

We are dealing with insurgencies which is financed by you one by one.

Its not a secret anymore, Everybody knows which nation is the biggest hole. So, enjoy your troll fist while we work on building relationship with others.

You've implied that forming ties with a brotherly nation's enemies is smart on the Turkish side, but not smart on the Pakistani side.

No, I said trading with other countries are normal... I didn't said bonding of forming ties...
You've implied that forming ties with a brotherly nation's enemies is smart on the Turkish side, but not smart on the Pakistani side.

all i am saying is that turkey and pakistan are not comparable. turkey can do trade with big countries and high value products coz they are developed. while pakistan cant. china is an exception as pakistan's most projects and defence are china funded. turkey will expland trade with us while india will compell arabs and iran to do buisness with us.
It's time for us to say hello to Armenia, expand ties with Greece more, say hello to Israel, and etc.

We get betrayed by everyone. Why can't we do the same?

For a long time Israel has been interested in establishing ties with Islamabad. Perhaps it's time we start our "flights" to Israel. We've had diplomatic relations with them and we can cooperate with them on anti-terrorism, defense, tech, and science. Israel now has bad relations with Turkiye, Pakistan can fill as Israel's main Muslim partner.

Jews are "people of the book" afterall.
You've implied that forming ties with a brotherly nation's enemies is smart on the Turkish side, but not smart on the Pakistani side.

Ray, seriously what are you on about ? What ties are you talking about ? Forget Pakistan for a moment. Indo-China trade has hit the $100b mark (I think) but do you remotely think that it has entwined the both into even a loveless marriage ? No..far from it. Both China and India still have pronounced apprehensions about each other...so trade isn't that big a thing that it'll mess everything up !
For a long time Israel has been interested in establishing ties with Islamabad. Perhaps it's time we start our "flights" to Israel. We've had diplomatic relations with them and we can cooperate with them on anti-terrorism, defense, tech, and science. Israel now has bad relations with Turkiye, Pakistan can fill as Israel's main Muslim partner.

Jews are "people of the book" afterall.

whats the point of relations with isreal, if anything happens isreal will again come to us. anyways u guys just talk first fix ur govt.
For a long time Israel has been interested in establishing ties with Islamabad. Perhaps it's time we start our "flights" to Israel. We've had diplomatic relations with them and we can cooperate with them on anti-terrorism, defense, tech, and science. Israel now has bad relations with Turkiye, Pakistan can fill as Israel's main Muslim partner.

Jews are "people of the book" afterall.

:D Loled so hard it starts to hurt my chest muscles... Weren't you guys talking about Palestinian suffering and muslimm ummah thingy... :) I guess Israels tech is really mouth watering :)

On topic, what are your thoughts on China being India's largest trade partner?
...but here we have Turks and Arab forming military as well as economic ties with our enemy strengthening it in the long term.

That's because you guys are fools of the highest degree.

For you, life begins and ends at kashmir.

You guys have tunnel vision like a race-horse and nothing exists in the world apart from Kashmir.

Well, what else to expect from a people willing to eat grass for a fictitious 1000 year war.

You got your nukes. Now eat them.

However, not every other country and its leaders share your lala land.

There are countries in the world which care about their people. . You see, the life of a Chinese or a Turk or an Arab, for that matter, is way more costlier than that of Pakistanis. The same Pakistanis who can fight another's war for a few dollars and who let a foreign power drone and bomb their people.

Your lives are worth nothing and you guys yourselves are responsible for that.

Other countries like Turkey, Saudi Arab and China do not work like that.

Their friendship with you is not more important for them than the cause of securing bread and butter for their people.

Chinese, Arabs and Turks have to feed their people and make them prosperous.

Pakistanis do not have to. For Pakistanis grass was and continues to be enough. Rest of the importance and mental attention is grabbed by Kashmir, not roti, kapda, makaan.

You go and eat Kashmir, most others in the world feed on bread and butter.

Im sorry for the harsh words but that is the truth and bitter it is.
Ray, seriously what are you on about ? What ties are you talking about ? Forget Pakistan for a moment. Indo-China trade has hit the $100b mark (I think) but do you remotely think that it has entwined the both into even a loveless marriage ? No..far from it. Both China and India still have pronounced apprehensions about each other...so trade isn't that big a thing that it'll mess everything up !

i would say ties btw india and china are rapidly rising and both countries r coming closer. ur closing ur eyes. we r sharing technologies like power plants and nuclear energy and soon we r gonaa have military exercises and navy cooperation. loll just keep dreaming.
For a long time Israel has been interested in establishing ties with Islamabad. Perhaps it's time we start our "flights" to Israel. We've had diplomatic relations with them and we can cooperate with them on anti-terrorism, defense, tech, and science. Israel now has bad relations with Turkiye, Pakistan can fill as Israel's main Muslim partner.

Jews are "people of the book" afterall.

First off - Good luck convincing the overwhelmingly majority of Pakistanis !

Secondly - This isn't a tit-for-tat game !

And Thirdly - Don't you think that your getting a little too apprehensive about a betrayal that didn't happen ? Its trade...we do it with India too !
pakistanis consider this betreyal read the first posts

It's not necessarily a betrayal, Pakistan Turkish relations have never been stronger. Pakistan will expand its ties with other nations.
:D Loled so hard it starts to hurt my chest muscles... Weren't you guys talking about Palestinian suffering and muslimm ummah thingy... :) I guess Israels tech is really mouth watering :)

On topic, what are your thoughts on China being India's largest trade partner?

by current speed indian and chinese trade by 2025 will takeover us and canada trade of 400 bill as both countries will be massive economies by then.
i would say ties btw india and china are rapidly rising and both countries r coming closer. ur closing ur eyes. we r sharing technologies like power plants and nuclear energy and soon we r gonaa have military exercises and navy cooperation. loll just keep dreaming.

Sure whatever rocks your boat !
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