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Turkey, the next syria/iraq/Libya in ME?

And Assyria state was exactly in between Levant and Mesopotamia.

Assyria originated from North Mesopotamia, expanded to the levant.

If Iraq and Syria are 'artificial' than they still don't belong to neighboring sates, they'd either be unified or further divided. But to further divide they'd need historical backing to be a state that is not 'artificial', kind of hard nowadays given that Iraq's North and South don't differ too much anymore, religious differences are quite recent.

Syria's 'heartland' would be their Western part whilst the East has a lot of closeness to Iraqi culture and traditions as well as the Iraqi dialect.

Current borders of Syria and Iraq are 100% artificial.

To some degree, but it doesn't matter much. The border with Iran is a historical divide between Persia and Mesopotamia, the border with Saudi is the historical divide between Mesopotamia and Arabia etc. Syria-Iraq border isn't exactly right as the East of Syria is closer to Iraq in many ways. Whilst the Syrian-Iraqi border might not be right historically these 2 countries still have their own culture, traditions and history which make them "real". Now a fake nation would be Kuwait and Qatar, the latter being part of Arabia, Kuwait being part of Mesopotamia through most of their history.
My 2 cents,

No one is going to attack Turkey from the outside. But if you mean that Turkey might be the next Syria or Iraq, in the sense that Islamists within the country might want to take over., There is a chance for that because of the domestic policies the past 10 years in Turkey as well as what's going on in neighbouring countries, but other countries in the region or outside the region will not attack Turkey.

And other countries in the region will have problems with Islamists before Turkey faces them.
With the ambitions expansion in the Middle East, more and more interference of neighbour countries,more and more complex relations with great powers,more and more radical political groups,more and more bomb blasts inside turkey.
I am afraid there will be dangers that turkey will be another lraq /Syria/Libya in middle east.
Turkey should be really careful with its foreign policy
what's happened in Libya, Iraq and Syria is the direct result of west intervention and policies. so no, nothing like that would happen to Turkey, cause we don't have the key element here. but since supporting and boosting Takfiri/wahhabi ideology has been in their agenda, now they have to pick the fruit.
playing with explosives (suicide bombers) has consequences and this consequence is going to remain in Turkey for a long time.
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I am not talking about civilization, but about state. Another problem of Iraq and Syria is that most of their short history they were ruled by minorities. Its like Yugoslavia which was also artificial state.

Not at all.

And Assyria state was exactly in between Levant and Mesopotamia. Current borders of Syria and Iraq are 100% artificial.
Israel is also an artificial state ...
Sadly, not so much these days, it is slipping into the same chaos/regressivness that can be found in the rest of the ME. Erdogan seems intent on setting Turkey back by generations.

I had admired Turkey as a secular Muslim majority democracy but it has really turned into a disappointment of late.

I echo these sentiments. The Turks have tipped over.
We are under terorism attack for more than 35 years.
Thanks to all these asimetric threats we 've learnt too much.We are much stronger than others, may be one of the most stronger from this point of view.
We are in defensive position now but when we begin to attack I want to see what will they do who are attacking to us at the past and todays.
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