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turkey sings a deal with Korea for the altey tank

Very little info is out so it is hard to discuss. Most is speculation at this point. Things we know or are close to accurate is that it will be a large tank around 60 tonnes give or take a few. Have a 120mm L/55 cannon by MKEK(most likely a under license build). The engine is likely to be a 1,500HP MTU from Germany. The fire control system will be developed by Aselsan and based on the Volkan 2 which is currently being integrated into the Leopard2A4. Rocketsan is in charge of the armor for the tank and that will be based on the technology we brought from our South Korean friends. The tank will have a crew of 4 we decided not to put in a autoloader for similar reasons as to why the americans and germans don't (maintence, rate of fire,safety and having a extra crew member)
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