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Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

We still hold the state and the level of so called rejection and violence is less than what you see in Karachi, KP and other frontier areas of Pakistan.. About AFSPA, which give extra powers to Armed forces.. well that exists in Pakistan for the whole country, where Army can pretty much do anything, everywhere.. Is that a proof that Pakistan has lost political war in Pakistan itself ;)

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

You do know what most of the western world mentions about Pakistan everyday along with their daily breakfast. Terrosists, Islamic extremism and what not... If that doesnt matter to you then why would a comment from Turkey for which they also tendered an apology, will make any difference on the ground for India..

Typical indian looking up to his colonial masters, we also ruled you for a thousand years.
let the turkey rule the pak let the brotherhood become onehood nation
refresh ur history mate...have u ever heard of kashmiri pandits buddy?????before partition there was a huge population of kashmiri pandits in kashmir valley..but after partition those people left kashmir and settled elsewhere in india...while enumerable pakistanis entered indian side of kashmir....who are claiming now to let kashmir be independent..so as far as i can see its ur fellow countrymen who are supporting this propaganda in the valley..it may be that many original kashmiris would also be in favour..but the larger side of the picture is that u have to also consider those native to kashmir while deciding about the fate of kashmir..
jai hind!:sick:

don't teach me history. You are new on this forum boy. Your arguments are illogical. In that case there are some properties in india which belongs to my family so why don't you hand them over to me... :drag:
So keep away this nonsense: "pundits used to live there". :blah: :blah:
Just curious, which 9 year old girl battered Indians? lol

In Australia.

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ----------

This is the unbreakable brotherhood between the two nations.

This is Pak-Turk brotherhood indians.
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refresh ur history mate...have u ever heard of kashmiri pandits buddy????before partition there was a huge population of kashmiri pandits in kashmir valley..but after partition those people left kashmir and settled elsewhere in india...

Kashmiri Pandits: Why we never fled Kashmir - Kashmir: The forgotten conflict - Al Jazeera English

On the one hand, he says, the community did experience intimidation and violence, which culminated in four massacres in the past 20 years. But, on the other, he says, there was no genocide or mass murder as suggested by Pandit communities based outside Kashmir.

"Over the past 20 years, we estimate that 650 Pandits were killed in the valley," Tickoo says, adding: "The figures of 3,000 to 4,000 killings [as suggested by some Pandit organisations] is propaganda, which we reject."


He says that during the 1990s, when militancy was at its peak, it was common for the army to take out their frustrations when soldiers were killed on the civilian population, irrespective of religion. As a community, Kashmiri Pandits were not spared the indiscriminate crackdowns and violence meted out to Kashmiri Muslims.


But it was not easy, says Maharaj Krishan Pandita, who is in his sixties.

Two of the government telecommunications officer's cousins were killed in the violence and his brother was shot (but survived) during the 1997 massacre in Sangrampora. He says he witnessed the direct intervention of the state through forced removals under the guise of a 'security threat'.


while enumerable pakistanis entered indian side of kashmir....

cross-border movement of Azad Kashmiris to and from the LoC is a natural phenomenon......however the indian propaganda machine claims that they are terrorists --when in fact many of them are just normal people going to visit their families

who are claiming now to let kashmir be independent..so as far as i can see its ur fellow countrymen who are supporting this propaganda in the valley..it may be that many original kashmiris would also be in favour..but the larger side of the picture is that u have to also consider those native to kashmir while deciding about the fate of kashmir..

you claim Kashmiris to be of your own (false); and then you apply different rules on them. Until hindustan applies AFSPA on all indians, your argument (if you ever had one) is invalid

try again
don't teach me history. You are new on this forum boy. Your arguments are illogical. In that case there are some properties in india which belongs to my family so why don't you hand them over to me... :drag:
So keep away this nonsense: "pundits used to live there". :blah: :blah:
those areas are not disputed and majority..in fact 90 percent and more of those who are native to those places in india would want to remain in india..but this is not the case with kashmir...
and some indian's wanted india to have close relationship with turkey....

:rofl: at those indians
and some indian's wanted india to have close relationship with turkey....

:rolf: at those indians
^ as long as Indo-Turk trade favors India. Why complain, let them placate the Pakistanis while we mint money :tup:
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