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Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

Let it go...they made a comment inadvertently and then apologized.

International relation are based on pragmatism and not emotionalism.

Turkey has no apparent reason(or gain) in offending India and vice versa.

Turkey and India share favorable ties..both countries are rising fast both economically and geopolitically..Both are predominant powerhouses in their own respective regions..way things are going for both countries.. Turk would want Indians as their friends in future geopolitical scenarios, as I am sure Indians would want the same.

self delete.

The video explains a lot... look at the faces of others.. nobody is interested..EpiC.

Pakistan Ambassador to Turkey at Kashmir Solidarity Day seminar on 7 February 2011 at Ankara, Turkey
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Economy speaks for itself,

Turkey was no exception either... by back tracking from their Original Stance, either they shouldn't have stated it earlier or should have stuck to their earlier statement.
India should raise the issue of Kurdish people's human rights and its genocide.
The Saudis are doing the right treatment to Indians as well! 3 Million of them will be out by the end of next year!

what was this? any credible source?

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 PM ----------

An oven-roasted turkey....I will eat it up on Chirstman day this year..
Even khomeini prayed for the Kashmiris n their freedom.. so i think its u who better follow ur own advice!

india voted against iran... not kashmiris or Pakistanis:lol:

You know i value the stuff that comes out of my a$$ more than khomeni.
anyway i was saying that comment before because turkey is just causing problems, before you know it they will make bases in kashmir.
I dont see why we should be perturbed by this news....

Turkey can raise any issue in the UN...they just need to remember that alienating one of the fastest growing countries with a mammoth military and political clout has its consequences...

If Turkey's current "Islamic" leaders want to go this route....fair enough....they just need to know that the world isnt blind to their acts of genocide either...
At the end of the day....losing a friend will hurt them more than the benefit of pleasing Pakistan..
We still hold the state and the level of so called rejection and violence is less than what you see in Karachi, KP and other frontier areas of Pakistan.. About AFSPA, which give extra powers to Armed forces.. well that exists in Pakistan for the whole country, where Army can pretty much do anything, everywhere..

do i need to make a bigger fool out of you by discussing what the draconian AFSPA entails?

and its effect on Kashmiris? The anger and even further anti-hindustan sentiment it has helped espouse?

to compare ANYWHERE in Pakistan to occupied Kashmir would be rubbish.....during COIN ops in Swat during Rahe Rast campaign, curfews were imposed. They have been lifted since then and in fact the local economy is picking up there.....whereas in Kashmir, the people have continually stated that they will never be a part of india; they do not call themselves indians. They are Kashmiris; that's their first identity

extremism and what not... If that doesnt matter to you then why would a comment from Turkey for which they also tendered an apology, will make any difference on the ground for India..

a quick google search brings up nothing about a Turkish apology --except indian sources which are 'peddling' these claims.

no Turkish source (I even reviewed Turkish language ones, not just the English dailys) and they make no mention of any Turkish apology to hindstan
The Saudis are doing the right treatment to Indians as well! 3 Million of them will be out by the end of next year!

You mean selling us oil?

We arent complaining....
whatever they say or apologize,it does not matter.

if india needs to butcher any body to save integrity ,we will do it.Cry anywhere...
Looks like too much garlic n vegie curry has made u mad.

well...not sure if Garlic can make me mad....but sounds you got some symptoms of mad cow disease...lol
You know i value the stuff that comes out of my a$$ more than khomeni.
anyway i was saying that comment before because turkey is just causing problems, before you know it they will make bases in kashmir.

R u mad bro? they dnt have any benefit of kashmir...n when IOK will be free it will be part of our country inshallah ... so dnt worry... just condemn the indian occupation.

---------- Post added at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

well...not sure if Garlic can make me mad....but sounds you got some symptoms of mad cow disease...lol

Thts blasphemy.. holy cow...hahaha.

go cry now.
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