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Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

whatever they say or apologize,it does not matter.

if india needs to butcher any body to save integrity ,we will do it.Cry anywhere...

we saw your saffron sissies massacre 3,000 innocent Muslims in Gujrat; massacre Christians in Orissa; massacre Muslim residents (and non-Muslims) in Kashmir....

you claim that Pakistan is a country where life is not respected; but we see a larger case of that in hindustan and we especially see it as occupied Kashmir continues to be in the group of an outside aggressor, a.k.a. your ''mighty'' occupation army (a.k.a. sissies)

we take your ''threat'' about butchering seriously, not with a pinch of salt.....now if only you'd stop crying every time freedom fighters strike back ;)

Thts blasphemy.. holy cow...hahaha.

we saw your saffron sissies massacre 3,000 innocent Muslims in Gujrat; massacre Christians in Orissa; massacre Muslim residents (and non-Muslims) in Kashmir....

you claim that Pakistan is a country where life is not respected; but we see a larger case of that in hindustan and we especially see it as occupied Kashmir continues to be in the group of an outside aggressor, a.k.a. your ''mighty'' occupation army (a.k.a. sissies)

we take your ''threat'' about butchering seriously, not with a pinch of salt.....now if only you'd stop crying every time freedom fighters strike back ;)


we saw your saffron sissies massacre 3,000 innocent Muslims in Gujrat; massacre Christians in Orissa; massacre Muslim residents (and non-Muslims) in Kashmir....

prove the figure of 3000 muslims in gujarat

you claim that Pakistan is a country where life is not respected; but we see a larger case of that in hindustan and we especially see it as occupied Kashmir continues to be in the group of an outside aggressor, a.k.a. your ''mighty'' occupation army (a.k.a. sissies)

yes pakistan is a country where life is not respected..you can look at karachi..countless were down and throats were cut ..i have videos too.;)
we will kill all those who are against our integrity..we have got a country even after so much unsimiliarity and we cant afford to loose it.so deal with it..

we take your ''threat'' about butchering seriously, not with a pinch of salt.....now if only you'd stop crying every time freedom fighters strike back

same goes to you.dont cry every time if we strike whether from east or west;)
lets see how much 180million pakistanis deal with 1.2 billion indians:lol:

u can take an Indian out of India .. but u can't take India out of an Indian

and kashmir is part of india ..try to live with it otherwise keep crying.
we saw your saffron sissies massacre 3,000 innocent Muslims in Gujrat; massacre Christians in Orissa; massacre Muslim residents (and non-Muslims) in Kashmir....

you claim that Pakistan is a country where life is not respected; but we see a larger case of that in hindustan and we especially see it as occupied Kashmir continues to be in the group of an outside aggressor, a.k.a. your ''mighty'' occupation army (a.k.a. sissies)

we take your ''threat'' about butchering seriously, not with a pinch of salt.....now if only you'd stop crying every time freedom fighters strike back ;)


My fellow Indians....

Do we yet again need to remind this fellow that 90000 Pakistani soldiers rolled over and licked the boots of our armed forces aka. "sissies"?

This seems like one of those 40 year old butthurts....

PS: Councelling recommended...
Thts blasphemy.. holy cow...hahaha.
go cry now

well..I am not an Hindu by religion..and for your kind information...india is not a country of one failth or religion...now understand what did u say..

find yourself a room to cry now....lol
Since, They apologised. It's fine. Soon more source will come. If they will do some misadventure, Kurdistan will come in picture. BTW, they also raised issue of Xinjiang, China sometime back. At least, They apologised about this mistake.

As far as Kashmir, 64 years and not an inch was compromised from our part. If anyone has power and Guts, Come and Take and see what will happen. :tup:

Call whatever you want, Kashmir was/is/will be integral part of India at any cost. :taz:
R u mad bro? they dnt have any benefit of kashmir...********n when IOK will be free it will be part of our country******** inshallah ... so dnt worry... just condemn the indian occupation.

---------- Post added at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

Thts blasphemy.. holy cow...hahaha.

baba bol bachhan waley :rolf:
So is exactly the story of kasmir? i dont really know about it.

lol you been on this forum since so many days buddy, and you haven't read about the main reason for us two countries fight like dogs and cats. you must be kidding yourself :D ?
Why don't Pakistan attacks India to take back Kashmir if they want so eagerly ?? This will give us golden opportunity to take back P.0.K. :smokin:
So is exactly the story of kasmir? i dont really know about it.

Kashmir is an Indian state, some part of it is occupied by Pakistan since 1947 which we have strong claim and we will take back sooner or later. Read more about Kashmir history for last 3,000 years (time when Persian civilisation was also there in rich form. :)
even Gaddafi raised Kashmir issue at the floor of UN only a few years ago & earned huge kudos from all & sundry... poor guy got floored himself.. but the status quo still remains!! not worth giving the mileage to these kinda statements!!
Seems the guys just got out of mind after reading the apology news..

As always

step 1: Blame the Indian media.
Step 2: point out that western , eastern , antartican media have not posted.
step 3: Friendship, brotherhood chest thumping.
Step 4: Turkey GDP.
Step 5: Indian poverty.
Step6: mods close the thread.
Step 7: Indians go pink.


Right, as if you guys don't do any of the above, as a matter of fact we learned all of these qualities from you bharatis.

bharati hypocrites.
Kashmir is an Indian state, some part of it is occupied by Pakistan since 1947 which we have strong claim and we will take back sooner or later. Read more about Kashmir history for last 3,000 years (time when Persian civilisation was also there in rich form. :)

abu zolfiqar........you happy now? read your message
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