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Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

Crying indians priceless :mps:

lol.. you need prescription glasses dude.. Its Pakistan that keeps crying Kashmir Kashmir all over the place.. and is getting burnt for last 60 years because of it.. Look up the thread titled MONKEY TRAP and you will get the drift ;)
epic fail

when you post articles, the PDF etiquette is to post the link as well

incidentally, this is basically a re-hash of what has already been posted on 3 other (hindustany) websites

This apology is all over internet now.. its not some sort of sacred thing that no one knows.. so i dont think link is necessary. just google.
hehe lolz it's quite funny to see how desperately pakistanis are begging to other countries for raising kashmir on international forum.

on topic

Who cares.:cool:
Kashmir will always be part of India there is nothing turks or pakistanis can do about it the last man who tried Musharaf got his hands so burnt and humiliated in kargil and now the militants are being wiped out.
ooooopppppppppsssssssss Turkey take good action.........
The trade volume between Turkey and India was $2.3 billon in 2009, and jumped to $4 billion in 2010.

In the last eight months of this year, the trade volume already exceeded the total figure of last year, posting $4.8 billion, an increase of 85 percent compared to the same period last year.

The trade heavily favors India, with $4.2 billion in imports from India to Turkey and $533 million in exports to India from Turkey in the January-August period.

Indian vice president says time to bring Turkey, India closer

We should continue this good relationship.
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