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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Actually the 1967 War was a pre-emptive strike by Israel, but Israelis justify that the Arabs were gathering troops on the border and were prepping to attack.
And then the 1956 Suez Canal War saw Israel participating in it along side the Europeans.I don't know much about the latter, was Israel provoked to do so in the 1956 war?
Interestingly they both had to do something with waterways rather than land.

You don't know much about 1967 war either.

Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. —Sun Tzu
can you please elaborate?The pre-emptive strikes were a result of Egypt closing the Straits of Tiran?
I mean, why did 5 Muslim countries invaded Israel the very day it was created? It occupied only fraction of land back then.

Blame the British.They should have involved both of them in some sort of an agreement.Or did they want to?Correct me again if I am wrong, my knowledge is very limited with that trouble region.
LoL First see what he is saying, you just declare him a traitor. Everyone here knows about the international water; He just said you can't fight with Israel due to there superior technology and he is not taking the side of Israel. You are one here who talking with immature and emotional misadventure idea.

This is what ovarel has said and that answers your post:

"He wants to play the smart-a$$ role while kissing Israeli butt. Nothing new. "
Here, i`d also offer you a cookie but...

While brother Erdo backtracks, Islamists in Arab lands, and Indian sub-continent mourn to miss yet another opportunity to see war on Israel.

See how soon they will denounce Erdo as a USA lackey who could not keep the promise to support Palestinians.

Hope Erdo remains within his wits for now.

I think the "escorting" services has been temporarily suspended.
Going against the grain would be a tough, inefficient, unsatisfying way to reach excellence. The moral of the story is losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep.

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