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Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Israelis think they own and run the world but its not. they will learn soon Turkey will teach them and evantually put you in your places... dont start with military might u know i know world knows that your military consists of little sissy boys and girls you cannot fight against a military nation 23 million soldiers to waste in time of war. We Turks are willing to die for our country. Insane, crazy, kamikaze minded warriors against sissy israeli soldiers.. :D only advantege you have is your nukes.. I think if war starts Israel will use Nukes as they will be quikly overran by the us. But our Army special operations are so good.. maybe before invasion they can secure all those nuke tipped missiles!! Nothing is impossible for the Turks!! Or maybe we can land on Gaza we did the same to Cyprus remember we showed USA the finger then and did it!! It is a possibility!! Dont mess with us jews we dont care about your money nor your friends!!

---------- Post added at 12:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

Israel did something to Turks that even the Russians wouldnt dare to do.. now this little naughty boy will be punished They started this they made their moves now its our turn lets see where will it bring us
Israelis think they own and run the world but its not. they will learn soon Turkey will teach them and evantually put you in your places... dont start with military might u know i know world knows that your military consists of little sissy boys and girls you cannot fight against a military nation 23 million soldiers to waste in time of war. We Turks are willing to die for our country. Insane, crazy, kamikaze minded warriors against sissy israeli soldiers.. :D only advantege you have is your nukes.. I think if war starts Israel will use Nukes as they will be quikly overran by the us. But our Maroon Berets are so good.. maybe before invasion they can secure all those nuke tipped missiles!! Nothing is impossible for the Turks!! Or maybe we can land on Gaza we did the same to Cyprus remember we showed USA the finger then and did it!! It is a possibility!! Dont mess with us jews we dont care about your money nor your friends!!

---------- Post added at 12:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

Israel did something to Turks that even the Russians wouldnt dare to do.. They started this they made their moves now its our turn lets see where will it bring us.

Wow :lol: I had no idea, we stand no chance against the likes of you.
Wow :lol: I had no idea, we stand no chance against the likes of you.

Your country are a joke!! what chance are you talking about? i dont even look at the Israeli politicians and the other ones talking, The power who are letting you talk are important for us. Thanks to USA, German, France, UK you can talk!! from now on even with their support you wouldt be able to breath because Turkey will be agressive against you! War is no joke i dont support it, but as a Turk i know my people and country, you will not get away with it simple as that.. I am just trying to make clear whats going on and what maybe will happen in future. Not for warmongoring. Israelis must understand that they are a normal nation like any other, you are not special. You must respect and obey international law. You are not above the law somebody will teach you this.
Israelis think they own and run the world but its not. they will learn soon Turkey will teach them and evantually put you in your places... dont start with military might u know i know world knows that your military consists of little sissy boys and girls you cannot fight against a military nation 23 million soldiers to waste in time of war. We Turks are willing to die for our country. Insane, crazy, kamikaze minded warriors against sissy israeli soldiers.. :D only advantege you have is your nukes.. I think if war starts Israel will use Nukes as they will be quikly overran by the us. But our Maroon Berets are so good.. maybe before invasion they can secure all those nuke tipped missiles!! Nothing is impossible for the Turks!! Or maybe we can land on Gaza we did the same to Cyprus remember we showed USA the finger then and did it!! It is a possibility!! Dont mess with us jews we dont care about your money nor your friends!!

---------- Post added at 12:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 AM ----------

Israel did something to Turks that even the Russians wouldnt dare to do.. They started this they made their moves now its our turn lets see where will it bring us.

You do realize that Israel defeated large Arab armies on many occasions? You do realize that Israel withstood wars with numerous countries simultaneously and that much of the equipment the Israelis used were inferior to what the Arabs had? The Israelis fought against combined Arab armies that outnumbered their own, I would hardly called them sissy boys. In the past Israel's enemies not only had better equipment but bigger armies. Today Israeli equipment is superior to its enemies, more important is that the Israeli armed forces are nothing to sneeze about in terms of size. Israel was able to defeat its enemies because of superior training and superior tactics. There are only a few countries that can match the professionalism of the Israeli military. Being 'Insane', 'crazy', or 'kamikaze' like won't do you any good.
"Wow I had no idea, we stand no chance against the likes of you."

2006 Israel-Hezbollah War should have given you a good idea of where you stand. You are only good at killing innocent Palestinian civilians. Your downfall has started, but you can remain oblivious as long as you want.
Sorry, you like to rationalize it by saying without the US, Israel would be destroyed but i`d suggest you study on IDF military might and come back later. Study the 67 war and the wars before and after, learn to be unbiased and come back and tell me there is a military that can stand up to the IDF in the middle east.

sure, but do you think turkish military is arab?
israel wont face what it faced in 67 or october war. and you cant deny that israel is what it is today because of the US

---------- Post added at 05:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 AM ----------

you got the balls go and attack them anericans also supported you but what happend

americans also supported saddam and osama, what's ur point
"Wow I had no idea, we stand no chance against the likes of you."

2006 Israel-Hezbollah War should have given you a good idea of where you stand. You are only good at killing innocent Palestinian civilians. Your downfall has started, but you can remain oblivious as long as you want.

even unskilled hezbollah managed to send a missile on the hangar of Israel's most advanced naval ship. . . Lolz
You do realize that Israel defeated large Arab armies on many occasions? You do realize that Israel withstood wars with numerous countries simultaneously and that much of the equipment the Israelis used were inferior to what the Arabs had?

This kind of garbage is propagated to psych Israel's opponents into defeatism. Modern wars are not fought by numbers only. Technology is the key. One man with a machine can is better than 100 sword-carrying men standing in front of him; that' just a quick analogy.

Anyway, beating Bedouin armies or 3rd world potentate was easy. But Turkey is different. I still say that in a one-to-one Turkey will eventually prevail. Turkey has more will to take casualties, more land to absorb hits, and is a ferocious fighter with a long, deep, proud history--and is also technologically not that bad either.

Anyway, I keep repeating about the groundbreaking study by Mearsheimer and Walt called 'The Israel Lobby'. Here is an excerpt from that.

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby: the Israel Lobby · LRB 23 March 2006

Israel is often portrayed as David confronted by Goliath, but the converse is closer to the truth. Contrary to popular belief, the Zionists had larger, better equipped and better led forces during the 1947-49 War of Independence, and the Israel Defence Forces won quick and easy victories against Egypt in 1956 and against Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967 – all of this before large-scale US aid began flowing.
You do realize that Israel defeated large Arab armies on many occasions? You do realize that Israel withstood wars with numerous countries simultaneously and that much of the equipment the Israelis used were inferior to what the Arabs had? The Israelis fought against combined Arab armies that outnumbered their own, I would hardly called them sissy boys. In the past Israel's enemies not only had better equipment but bigger armies. Today Israeli equipment is superior to its enemies, more important is that the Israeli armed forces are nothing to sneeze about in terms of size. Israel was able to defeat its enemies because of superior training and superior tactics. There are only a few countries that can match the professionalism of the Israeli military. Being 'Insane', 'crazy', or 'kamikaze' like won't do you any good.

israel won because of air superiority, something the arabs lacked. air superiority probably plays the biggest role to win a war
What a shamefull comment i nver would expect this from a Russian! Listen we dont even affraid of Russia who the hell is Israel? Scaring off some Arabs doenst mean anything for us.. the point is we (Turks) are not like those others. Remember our leader Erdogan (Born soldier) warned Israelis and the world that nobody should make the mistake to compare Turkiye to any other country! we are totally different Military is part of our culture it is in our genes we are a military nation we Turks can even fight you Russian and Israelis combined with Greece and all others really no big deal no problem at all its an honour for us even if we die all.. Read some history about our wars in the past, Russia never dared to attack Turks alone. Always made deals with UK, French from the west, you came from east combined you make chance. alone you lost all wars. Today not much changed, If you wanna test the battlefield is there.. Also Turkey-Russia,Greece, Cyprus we almost had war in the 90s for those Cyprus S-300 your navy would come to fight us? why did they abort the mission? Did we ever stepped back? did we ever fear to fight? About professionalism CIA worldfactbook stated Turkish military most disciplined in the world only after JAPANSE DEFENCE FORCE
You think were some Indians or Arabs or something? WE ARE TURKS!! The people who can be compared with us are JAPANESE and KOREANS only!!
Well, you are right. But the question is still: Before any hostility begins if Pakistan equips Turkey with nukes will that be 'an act of war'? BTW, Pakistan is unfortunately making nukes at such a brisk rate that giving away a few is not a huge deal. No 'selling' is needed, especially to a country which Pakistanis consider their brothers. Not that selling/giving changes the fact that it is illegal to do.

Pakistan giving it's nukes to Turkey is just a dream. "Abba hazoor" won't allow it ;)
your going to far mate, turkey can probably fight greece and israel combined, but russia? no chance in hell
besides why will russia start war with a NATO country
You think were some Indians or Arabs or something? WE ARE TURKS!! The people who can be compared with us are JAPANESE and KOREANS only!!

You need to go a little slow on self aggrandizement, dude! At least don't insult others.
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