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Turkey names latest airport after Salahuddin al Ayyubi RA

AKP's abuse of power has to stop. We can't have the ruling body turning the country around their own needs. In the end they don't give a phuck about Turkey, all the good they ever do is to win the elections and keep their power. It can't go on like this, you know it can't.

Their attacks on private sector companies such as Koç proves that they'll hinder with everyone's business that don't agree with them and that's going to scare away the investors.

We've already begun seeing effects of that.
Omfg how can a person be so stupid and ignorant??
What do you mean? Give me an example
I could hang around people who agree with me all the time. Nobody would benefit from that.
I want to give something to the people around me. Because without enlightenment, no amount of economic power is going to matter.

Arabs have money, you could get rich by starting a little shop in saudi arabia. But there are some things money can't buy. That's why they'll always be a footnote in history. I don't want to be a footnote in history.

We have no stable system with akp. We have corrupted system.
I couldn't have put it better myself
I'm actually getting a headache now.. It's quite late.. Should we discuss this in about 10 hours? :D
Well, this is perfect statement that provides you know nothing about Turkiye.
I can't believe how stupid some Turks are. They can't even see that AKP brought Turkey to this point with PKK/Kurds. It was MHP who warned Erdogan on their foreign policy and that it would lead to this. Best we can hope for is AKP-MHP coalition. MHP is an anchor to keep AKP at bay but couple of AKPians need to go to prison for that. AKP won't get enough votes anyhow. They need to accept MHP conditions which means couple of AKPians will face the music ... aka the LAW.

Agencies | 07 Shabaan 1436/27 May 2015

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday opened a new airport in a restive eastern province dogged by a Kurdish separatist insurgency, naming the facility for a celebrated Muslim resistance leader of Kurdish origin.

Erdogan inaugurated the airport in Yuksekova in Hakkari province, close to the border with Iran and Iraq, alongside Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in a joint appearance ahead of June 7 elections.

They announced the airport would be named after Salahuddin al Ayyubi to remember the 12th century founder of the Ayyubid dynasty who led Muslim resistance against Christian crusaders in the Middle East who sought to control Jerusalem.

Salahuddin was also the liberator of Masjid al Aqsa.

Of Kurdish origin, he is known simply as Saladin and in Arabic as Salah ad-Din.

“We are naming this airport Salahuddin al Ayyubi to send a message of solidarity and brotherhood and to say that Jerusalem belongs to Kurds, Turks, Arabs and Muslims forever.”

Erdogan also showed a copy of the Quran, in Kurdish language translation during a ceremony in Hakkari, Turkey, on Tuesday.

Hakkari province was for years one of the centers of the decades-long separatist insurgency of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), with almost daily attacks on the security forces.

The opening of an airport at that time by Turkey’s top leadership would have been inconceivable.

“Hakkari is walking to the future with the airport,” said Erdogan, complaining that the opening had been pushed back by two years because of PKK-linked violence in the region.
The airport is the second to be opened by Davutoglu and Erdogan within days after they inaugurated Turkey’s first artificial island airport on the Black Sea last week.

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) touts the implementation of large infrastructure projects as one of its major achievements during its almost 13-year rule of Turkey.

However in the June 7 legislative elections, the party faces a far stiffer challenge than in previous years and Erdogan has notably stepped up his campaign appearances in a bid to boost the party.
Turkey names latest airport after Salahuddin al Ayyubi RA | Cii Broadcasting

Great gesture
You'd be surprised with how smarter I am than you.

You see I am actually capable of putting a few sentences together and making a point
Something you seem to be struggling with
Ha hahahahahahhahahahaha... :D
If I cal you stupid then it's not because i can't say something but it's because your actually stupid lol.
On this website, we have explained over and over how corrupt AKP was.
Some of the things they've even accepted themselves and put forth some bullshit excuses.
Başbakan, Son Yayınlanan 2 Ses Kaydını Doğruladı

it amazes me how some people are still incapable of connecting the dots here.
It's a defence forum. These people have put the armed forces 10 years back (ex air force commander's words also mine)
some of us were bound to notice right?

What the fvck am I reading here? some of the most bullshit non sequitur answers I've ever read
I don't have time for this vile and despicable trash @Ottoman_cocuğu
I'm literally too old for this shit
I'm ignoring you from here on out so you can masturbate on your own time and not mine
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Iranians great contribution was literature. We learned good poems for them nothing more. We are still speaking Turkish or sect is not shia, it's Sunni hanafi. They were one of our many subjects.

Again saying, he was one of the gear of a great war machine, nothing more.
You had promised to be better towards Iranians even though not one single Iranian has posted anything here before me. :D

I don't know why this thread is brought up, but it has started an unnecessary piss contest it seems. Turks (Seljuks to be precise) were nomadic people with no heritage or renown culture, no settled civilizations before (nothing wrong in it, that's the nature of Nomads), they were great warriors and were great at wars, but that's it. Except war and military, everything else about in Seljuk empire was Persian/Persianized, from official language of the country, to science and literature contributions, courts, architecture and many other things. Even their capitals are all within today's borders of modern Iran (except Merv which is just few kilometers away from Iran's border in Turkmenistan) which all were old cities with prominent civilization/history behind them.

I personally don't feel any shame in the fact that Seljuks were originally Turks, it doesn't matter for me, they were also humans just like us. Actually I'm proud, because of what they became, how they became civilized and how they adopted and contributed to Iranian culture, it's not something you see regularly in history, to see invaders become conquered by culture, language, heritage and history of the place they invade. What matters is, what they did, what they became and what remained of them, their heritage, their culture. Empires come and go, all of them without any exception.Or maybe unlike modern people, they didn't gave a shit about the whole "Turk/Persian" thing and chose what they saw best for them. Achaemenids and Sassanids were also great warriors, but just like any other empire, they were doomed to go because of corruption, internal dissatisfaction and many other factors. they ruled modern Turkey and an area larger than Ottoman or Seljuk empires, but all of them are gone. No empire is eternal, be it Seljuks, Sassanids, Seljuks or Romans.

Another thing, I don't consider 'conquering' only a military matter. Sometimes, the invaders are 'conquered' by the culture and heritage of the place they occupy. No one denies that Turks were great warriors and conquered many areas, but the whole 'we ruled you more' argument is beyond stupid and belongs to elementary school children.

Now were are all of those empires? All are gone, even the great Turkish empires are gone, what remains is the people, we are here, you are here.

Btw, although I find it pretty stupid to argue over something like this, but yes, Turks were also 'defeated' or conquered militarily in various wars, not only by Persians, but also by Russians, British or Europeans and Safavids.

First Perso-Turkic War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Perso-Turkic War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But so what?

None of it matters now to fight over. Look at U.S, they barely have 300 years of history and look where they are now. One of the problems with we Middle Easterners is that we are too stuck in the past, no one is going to give prizes to us over a war that happened 1000 years ago, no one is going to advance our country now because of how great we were thousands of years ago.

History is a good thing to learn from, but not to waste your time over it with a dick measuring contest. All of those empires are gone now, no matter how powerful they were, because that's how it works.

PS: Sorry for the long post, but some explanations or clarifications was needed I think. We should literally get over it, or maybe I just take it too seriously, because when I see how our people see each other when they meet in real world, I understand none of them gives a shit about these stuff and this happens only on internet.
If AKP goes. All turkish development Projects will also go.

western powers hate Turkey to be developed. They want to Keep us backward like in CHP times. If you vote CHP. Than all big Projects of Turkey will be stoped from CHP.

They say everything AKP did was corruption and they will stop all Projects and investigate. That means all done work in the last 13 years will be dumbed into the garbage can.

bye bye turkish defence industry. CHP likes to buy from ISRAEL...

Make sure you vote from Germany to AKP :)

As far as I know mhp demanded 3 things.

1 stopping acilim policy.
2 bringing thieves to the court
3 stopping manipulation of Erdogan.

Those 3 demands freaked out akp. Then erdogan refused a coalition with mhp.

What is acilim policy? What does that mean?

Are we able to export RTE ?
What a shitty brins that believe erdogan is a real muslim.
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