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Turkey is 'making NATO very uncomfortable'

Yeah,right,so not one proof....just your feeling about "mindset".If they really had that mindset they wouldn't wipe out Christianity.Face it,the only religious bigots in here is you and the other poster and you're trying to justifyi it by b;laming the other side to.Except that you have no proof to pin it on the other side while you're transparent as glass.

I did not say it is Christianity ruling EU. They just use Christian sentiment for their own policies.

On what basis do you accuse me of being bigot?
I did not say it is Christianity ruling EU. They just use Christian sentiment for their own policies.

No.Maybe some of the population thinks that way but that's not a majority.Turkey is not in the EU because it will upset the curent power balance in the organisation.Turkey is not in the EU because the admission of Romania and Bulgaria were a disaster and still widely unpopular with Western citizens.Now admit a 76 million country with Romania's GDP per capita and they'll nail you to a door in Europe.I could go and on from freedom of press to large borders with a volatile ME.
No.Maybe some of the population thinks that way but that's not a majority.Turkey is not in the EU because it will upset the curent power balance in the organisation.Turkey is not in the EU because the admission of Romania and Bulgaria were a disaster and still widely unpopular with Western citizens.Now admit a 76 million country with Romania's GDP per capita and they'll nail you to a door in Europe.I could go and on from freedom of press to large borders with a volatile ME.

Jews always used Christians against Muslims. That being said, you can find tons of reasons why Turkey is not in EU.
Please kick us out ASAP, I would be very grateful.

I always said it; Turkey is strong enough to have its own regional power and influence. If at all, you could offer the Middle East a strong third alternative to Arabs and Iran as their leader. Also, as a third country outside the commitments of NATO, you could be a powerful, neutral country which would allow others to instill more trust and business relation value in Turkey as a country, on the grounds of Switzerland system of not involving in any organization.

NATO is just bogging you down.

Not related, but by the analysis done by the one whom you responded to, half of NATO is useless considering that only UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Poland are anything close to meaningful powers.
No.Maybe some of the population thinks that way but that's not a majority.Turkey is not in the EU because it will upset the curent power balance in the organisation.Turkey is not in the EU because the admission of Romania and Bulgaria were a disaster and still widely unpopular with Western citizens.Now admit a 76 million country with Romania's GDP per capita and they'll nail you to a door in Europe.I could go and on from freedom of press to large borders with a volatile ME.

Turkey is also a powerful economy and one of the strongest militaries in the region. Not to mention, it is one of the most sane minded and rational transcontinental countries of that region with no previous bias.
Turkey is also a powerful economy and one of the strongest militaries in the region. Not to mention, it is one of the most sane minded and rational transcontinental countries of that region with no previous bias.

Shut up with the Russian boot licking.If Turkey exits NATO the Russian pressure on it will increase tenfolds,it's part of Russian imperial policy to control the straits .
Only way Turkey can leave NATO is if Turkey has a robust nuclear weapon and missile capability that is able to create an effective deterrence against the Russians.

Turkey is right now Russia's only hope as an alternate pathway to their energy distribution system in that region. Putin and Erdogan are meeting more number of times for deals than anyone in Europe. Why will Russia target Turks?

In fact, if Turkey moves out of NATO, Russia will have no reason whatsoever to target Turks. They are pissed off only because of the missile shield which is a NATO plan.

Shut up with the Russian boot licking.If Turkey exits NATO the Russian pressure on it will increase tenfolds,it's part of Russian imperial policy to control the straits .

:lol: You need to hold your pants up, vampire.

Where did I even mention about Russia?

You just cited some reasons not to have Turkey in NATO. Now you're opposing your own view with concern why they'd leave.

Make up your mind.
I always said it; Turkey is strong enough to have its own regional power and influence. If at all, you could offer the Middle East a strong third alternative to Arabs and Iran as their leader. Also, as a third country outside the commitments of NATO, you could be a powerful, neutral country which would allow others to instill more trust and business relation value in Turkey as a country, on the grounds of Switzerland system of not involving in any organization.

NATO is just bogging you down.

Not related, but by the analysis done by the one whom you responded to, half of NATO is useless considering that only UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Poland are anything close to meaningful powers.

You need to hold your pants up, vampire.

Where did I even mention about Russia?

You just cited some reasons not to have Turkey in NATO. Now you're opposing your own view with concern why they'd leave.

Make up your mind

Do i need you to mention Russia by name when you're a known Russian boot licker in this forum ? Let my guess,you're just an Indian who wishes Turkey all the best in the world.
Turkey shouldn't be in the kriffing EU anyway, a special partnership is the best solution. I don't want an old technocrat in Brussels telling my country what it can't or can do.
Yeah,right,so not one proof....just your feeling about "mindset".If they really had that mindset they wouldn't wipe out Christianity.Face it,the only religious bigots in here is you and the other poster and you're trying to justifyi it by blaming the other side to.Except that you have no proof to pin it on the other side while you're transparent as glass.

I can give you 10 reasons why Turkey is not in the EU,religion is not one of them.
let me explain you why??
lets take consideration of Armenian Azerbaijan conflict!
Armenia has nothing to offer EU, its in RUssian side, has bad economy and so on..
But, Germany refuse to sell any weapon, even not engine to Azerbaijan..
because of that , Azerbaijani government didnt give billions of dollars project to German companies.. and set many rules against them.. i can write you more, its just an example..
Even Russia sold 4 billions of dollars army technology to Azerbaijan. and by not doing this, they also knew that Azerbaijan will either aim to Russia or to Turkey eventually to receive army technologies...
now mr European, explain this policy to me..:triniti:
They don't realize that without Turkey NATO is just US + France.

Turkey is 'making NATO very uncomfortable' - Yahoo Finance

Turkey's push to carve out an independent foreign policy and purchase arms from countries outside of NATO is raising concerns among members of the defensive military alliance, Emre Peker reports for the Wall Street Journal.

“Turkey is recasting itself as a nonaligned country in its rhetoric, which is making NATO very uncomfortable,” a Western official in Brussels told the WSJ.

Ankara's decision to purchase missile-defense technology from China, as opposed to from NATO member states, is the most visible break between Turkey and the rest of the NATO bloc. Turkey chose to purchase from Beijing due to a matter of lower costs and a willingness from China to provide a more technology transfers than Western defense contractors.

There are concerns within NATO that the Chinese missile shield would not be able to be integrated into NATO's overall defensive shield. Western military planners are also concerned that a military deal with a Chinese company could open NATO's door to espionage, especially given that the company is on the US proliferation list.

If the missile-defense deal were an isolated incident, NATO concern over Turkey's actions would likely be significantly muted. However, the arms deal is just the latest move in a string of decisions by Ankara that has left its Western allies uncomfortable.

told the WSJ.

Turkey's relationship with the West, and especially the US, has been primarily strained by divergent views of the Syrian civil war. Until mid-2014, Ankara maintained an open transit policy which allowed the easy smuggling of supplies and fighters into Syria against the Assad regime.

This relaxing of border controls contributed to a sense of lawlessness along Turkey's border and facilitated the rise of ISIS and al Qaeda's Jabhat al Nusra franchise.

ongoing discussions to allow US drones to operate out of Incirlik air base close to the border with Syria. Turkey and the US have also begun to cooperate on attempts to train moderate Syrian rebels.

Turkey has also become increasingly connected to terrorist organizations and financing. The Financial Action Task Force, a terror finance regulatory body, almost blacklisted Ankara for being out of compliance with its international obligations for seven years in 2014. This is in addition to Turkey's growing role as a top sponsor of Hamas.

$300 million in annual aid flowed from Turkey to Hamas. Additionally, one of Hamas' top leaders, Salah Al Arouri, has found shelter in Turkey. Arouri was responsible for the planned murder of three Israeli teens in June 2014.

Turkey is also still stuck in a corruption scandal that includes the exchanging gold for oil with sanctioned Iran. And a gas deal with Russia that helped Russian President Vladimir Putin keep leverage on Europe.

This coalescence of factors has led to a steadily growing sense that NATO and Turkey may find themselves at cross purposes. Additionally, NATO is overwhelmingly unpopular within Turkish society as a whole. A Pew opinion poll from July 2014 found that 53% of Turks held a very unfavorable view of the alliance, with an additional 17% holding a somewhat unfavorable view.
Turkey should buy arms from where ever they can get them
"Crimea as scared to Russia as Temple Mount to Islam or Judaism." - Vladimir Putin

Russians finally got Crimea back, so now they can easily project and station as many nuclear submarines they want in Sevastopol, a warm-water port that never freezes over, a strategic benefit Russians as a people can't deny.

The Russian president's push to secure the military outpost he leases from Ukraine could bring the entire region under Russian control.
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