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Turkey is 'making NATO very uncomfortable'

Turkey should leave from NATO already. Turkish people also hate NATO
All NATO countries are helping the PKK terrorist. NATO does not want our favor. Making us all hostility.
Sly and hypocritical countries
They can never be trusted.
I hope we get rid of the trouble of NATO
I hope to get out of NATO. Or they kick us inşallah

Truth be told turkey needs NATO a lot . for defence/deterrent against Russia, arms and high tech transfer(even the Chinese are getting some of their naval engines from western/European companies), F-35 stealth fighter has a major Turkey input/cooperation as well where several parts will be outsourced to Turkey, many of your military projects are in partnership with western firms etc. So turkey benefits from its cooperation with NATO and the west. Your leaders know better than you civilians, reason they will never get out of NATO and reason they have been pleading/insisting to join our E.U(they know Turkey's future lies with a forward looking advanced west than with a backward religious infected ummah middle east), though some of our officials are concerned to let Turkey in due to threat Islamic terrorism poses to Europe giving Turkey shares porous borders with terrorism affected/instable countries like Syria, Iraq and other middle eastern countries eetc. So we have to wait and see, maybe with time the E.U will allow Turkey join when things have improved. :)
Truth be told turkey needs NATO a lot . for defence/deterrent against Russia, arms and high tech transfer(even the Chinese are getting some of their naval engines from western/European companies), F-35 stealth fighter has a major Turkey input/cooperation as well where several parts will be outsourced to Turkey, many of your military projects are in partnership with western firms etc. So turkey benefits from its cooperation with NATO and the west. Your leaders know better than you civilians, reason they will never get out of NATO and reason they have been pleading/insisting to join our E.U(they know Turkey's future lies with a forward looking advanced west than with a backward religious infected ummah middle east), though some of our officials are concerned to let Turkey in due to threat Islamic terrorism poses to Europe giving Turkey shares porous borders with terrorism affected/instable countries like Syria, Iraq and other middle eastern countries eetc. So we have to wait and see, maybe with time the E.U will allow Turkey join when things have improved. :)
Lol, mike...you can be reasonable if you want. I agree with most of the parts in your post but...

though some of our officials are concerned to let Turkey in due to threat Islamic terrorism poses to Europe giving Turkey shares porous borders with terrorism affected/instable countries like Syria, Iraq and other middle eastern countries eetc.

You are aware that most of the daesh fighters come from Europe by blending in with the 40 Million tourists that comes to visit Turkey annually.

maybe with time the E.U will allow Turkey join when things have improved.
Germany-France alliance will never let Turkey to join EU.

You know UK+Italy backs up Turkey's membership.... what if UK+Italy+Turkey dethrones Germany+France ?
Lol, mike...you can be reasonable if you want. I agree with most of the parts in your post but...


You are aware that most of the daesh fighters come from Europe by blending in with the 40 Million tourists that comes to visit Turkey annually.

Germany-France alliance will never let Turkey to join EU.

You know UK+Italy backs up Turkey's membership.... what if UK+Italy+Turkey dethrones Germany+France ?

Nope not most of daesh fighters comes from Europe, very few do, its just that the few who do are extremely publisized by our media 24hours non stop. So that give people the impression most of them come from Europe. Those that join daesh in Europe are mostly some very few naive youths with islamic/muslim background , ooled so they are easily desolutioned/fooled by Isis propaganda of fighting for Muslims against infidels. Lool majority of daesh fighters come from middle east.

Germany and France might not want turkey to join, but that's now, that's why I said in future, since we never know what might happen tomorrow, situation changes, just like interests. So tomorrow Germany and France might come to realise having turkey in E.U is beneficial to them as well. ;)I'm always reasonable/honest, no time for bias., afterall we are all civilians, not politicians, we can't change anything other than observing and analysing. So why not be honest? We gain nothing fro wishing others bad. Politicians do not common civilians. ;)
Nope not most of daesh fighters comes from Europe, very few do, its just that the few who do are extremely publisized by our media 24hours non stop. So that give people the impression most of them come from Europe. Those that join daesh in Europe are mostly some very few naive youths with islamic/muslim background , ooled so they are easily desolutioned/fooled by Isis propaganda of fighting for Muslims against infidels. Lool majority of daesh fighters come from middle east.

:D Looks like you have been possessed by an angel. I will share some statics in the honor of this day. :)

Statics from 2014.

- 1300 People Deported
- 12800 People denied access from entering Turkey. (Turkey urges more cooperation for it's European counterparts in this issue)
- 333 Kilometers of ditch has been established
- 60 Kilometers of embankment has been established
- 160 Kilometers of wired fence has been established
- 13 Kilometers of wall has been established
- 267 Kilometers of border line has been enlightened, and established surveillance systems.
- In 2013 54000 People has been caught while trying to pass border with illegal ways.
- In 2014 71000 People has been caught while trying to pass border with illegal ways.
- In 2013 78 Million liters of oil has been caught while being smuggled to Turkey
- In 2014 79 Million liters of oil has been caught while being smuggled to Turkey
- In 2 years 350 kilometers of illegal oil pipelines has been destroyed.

But i'm still saying that unless we can apprehend these Jihadist while entering Turkey, they will continue to pass the border and join extremists.

Germany and France might not want turkey to join, but that's now, that's why I said in future, since we never know what might happen tomorrow, situation changes, just like interests. So tomorrow Germany and France might come to realise having turkey in E.U is beneficial to them as well. ;)I'm always reasonable/honest, no time for bias., afterall we are all civilians, not politicians, we can't change anything other than observing and analysing. So why not be honest? We gain nothing fro wishing others bad. Politicians do not common civilians. ;)
IMO, there is no way they will risk losing their hegemony over Europe by doing a silly mistake by letting Turkey in. We all accepted this as a fact.
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national interest 1st, everything eals is bullshit. good going our turkis brother..........:enjoy:
Not another one of these threads... being pragmatic is the only true way we serve our own interests. And unless Turkey developes a weapon that's evaporate the moon, then forget about leaving NATO.
Not another one of these threads... being pragmatic is the only true way we serve our own interests. And unless Turkey developes a weapon that's evaporate the moon, then forget about leaving NATO.
Finaly someone. :tup:
i expect more anti-turkey articles this week, well funded by armenians and written by money running authors.

Thanks to turkey's indigenous program, the support taken from nato and eu ,collaboration in high budget projects saved "many" EU(countries also nato) company about to bankrupt . Also there is a win -win situation for NATO and turkey , selling some parts brings less profit than selling information and experience.

they cant kick us for 2 reason ;
1) Straits , in 2018 the agreement will be renewed, and its expected to grant Turkey with more authorization on straits. (this info for the lovely people who thinks NATO delivers ship to blacksea by flying)

2) Clearly , turkey's position in the islamic community.

We invaded cyprus, NATO has seen we were right and they just put some sanctions which ended up on their loss. They didnt dare to kick ,or we were about to attack greece, they also didnt kick even they tried to negotiate and calm down,instead of warning in harsh way)

for the people who claims that we support isis , its because of the hardship in the borders they flee, @Sinan published the official data of caught/deported . Its because of french and UK insisted on those borders in 1920s :)
Please guys do not miss the whole forest while looking at the statement (tree) in the article. The play is religious, it is about Armenia as an alibi for Turkish closeness with Muslim nations and China.
Turkey is playing relatively well all its cards and Christian Europe (well, what remains of it, mostly the old enemies who have joined NATO recently) are pushing against their bitter timeless enemy Islam in the still hunting them Image of Turkey..
This is no light statement because the main reason for Turkey's refusal to join the EU is based on religion, since it would have been the only Muslim country in the EU, which was unacceptable to the EU's mother, the church.
So eventhough Europe is irked by Turkish policies it still needs it geopolitically and militarily to counter the Russians.
And in the event of some EU members deciding against Turkey stay within NATO, the US won't accept it...
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Please guys do not miss the hole forest while looking at the statement (tree) in the article. The play is religious, it is about Armenia as an alibi for Turkish closeness with Muslim nations and China.
Turkey is playing relatively well all its cards and Christian Europe (well, what remains of it, mostly the old enemies who have joined NATO recently) are pushing against their bitter timeless enemy Islam in the still hunting them Image of Turkey..
This is no light statement because the main reason for Turkey's refusal to join the EU is based on religion, since it would have been the only Muslim country in the EU, which was unacceptable to the EU's mother, the church.
So eventhough Europe is irked by Turkish policies it still needs it geopolitically and militarily to counter the Russians.
And in the event of some EU members deciding against Turkey stay within NATO, the US won't accept it...

Get lost with your propaganda you religious buffoon.Despite the Vatican's and other Churches pleads the EU Council,Parliament refused to inscribe in the EU Charta any reference to Europe's Christian background.Not only that it is not present but they even refused to make a a mere symbolic statement about the past.They forced the last remaining countries (like mine) who had mandatory religious classes to have them optional.

Do not confuse the EU to the place you come from where every dirty ,illiterate ,religious clown gets to call the shots by scaring the peasant masses with religion.
Get lost with your propaganda you religious buffoon.Despite the Vatican's and other Churches pleads the EU Council,Parliament refused to inscribe in the EU Charta any reference to Europe's Christian background.Not only that it is not present but they even refused to make a a mere symbolic statement about the past.They forced the last remaining countries (like mine) who had mandatory religious classes to have them optional.

Do not confuse the EU to the place you come from where every dirty ,illiterate ,religious clown gets to call the shots by scaring the peasant masses with religion.

You ignorant fool!
You ignorant fool!

No,anyone else who gets to think that the EU has a religious addstrat is a total ignorant and retard and i stand by that.The EU institutions have practically gutted with a bayonette any influence that Christianity might have had within their public institutions and peoples lives.Knowing that ,knowing how they refused any mentioning of Christian values in the EU treaties,how they took out icons out of schools,public institutions and many other things,all against the Church,i am quite offended when every random idiot comes here and rants about the "Church mother of the EU".Piss off and mind your own countries where giant religious rats really run the show.Go complain about that because from those places most of these world's problems come.Don't come here and make up stories.
No,anyone else who gets to think that the EU has a religious addstrat is a total ignorant and retard and i stand by that.The EU institutions have practically gutted with a bayonette any influence that Christianity might have had within their public institutions and peoples lives.Knowing that ,knowing how they refused any mentioning of Christian values in the EU treaties,how they took out icons out of schools,public institutions and many other things,all against the Church,i am quite offended when every random idiot comes here and rants about the "Church mother of the EU".Piss off and mind your own countries where giant religious rats really run the show.Go complain about that because from those places most of these world's problems come.Don't come here and make up stories.

EU policy is to be secular on paper and petty matters but not in the balance of power. Minds of the leading powers are set with long term politics spanning millenia.

If you have objection state your mind....it's childish to insult people, like this.

You should have reacted when he calls people dirty.
EU policy is to be secular on paper and petty matters but not in the balance of power. Minds of the leading powers are set with long term politics spanning millenia.


Yeah,right,so not one proof....just your feeling about "mindset".If they really had that mindset they wouldn't wipe out Christianity.Face it,the only religious bigots in here is you and the other poster and you're trying to justifyi it by blaming the other side to.Except that you have no proof to pin it on the other side while you're transparent as glass.

I can give you 10 reasons why Turkey is not in the EU,religion is not one of them.
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