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Turkey, Indonesia close to sealing key U209 submarine deal


Feb 20, 2008
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Indonesia is expected to shake hands with Turkey soon on the production of two submarines, a Turkish Ministry of Defense official has told.

Speaking on condition of anonymity in line with the ministry’s policy, the source said bilateral talks were launched between the two allies when Indonesia made Turkey the offer because of recent notable improvements in the Turkish shipbuilding industry as well as Turkey’s constructive foreign policy approach. Those talks, according to the official, have proven very productive and the deal is very close.

Once the expected deal between the two states is signed, Turkish defense firm Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.. (STM) will partner with German Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (HDW) for the construction of two Type 209 submarines for Indonesian naval forces in the Gölcük shipyard in northwestern Turkey.

The Type 209 diesel-electric attack submarines are also used by Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and can reach a speed of 11 knots (20 kilometers/hour) at the surface and up to 22.5 knots when submerged. They are armed with eight bow 533 millimeter torpedo tubes and 14 torpedoes. They can carry 38 staff onboard.

The official also expressed hope that Turkey could receive more and bigger defense orders from overseas as it continues to improve its production capacity. Presently, Turkey has one defense industry exports office in Washington, D.C., and plans to open three more offices in Belgium and Qatar as well as in either Azerbaijan or Turkmenistan.

Short URL: Turkey, Indonesia close to sealing key U209 submarine deal | TR Defence
turkey defense exports are gradually increase which is crossing the 1billion $ this year
Its a shame while we have the Agosta Subs we have not produced any subs and nor have we sold this to anyone a failiure of epic proportions
from when turkey start selling U series?
turkey produces submarines?

"Turkish defense firm Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.. (STM) will partner with German Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (HDW)"

Probably these subs are gonna be made in Gölcük where Turkish subs were made.
Its a shame while we have the Agosta Subs we have not produced any subs and nor have we sold this to anyone a failiure of epic proportions

Yaar, please hold your horse before jumping to conclusion. Pakistan working with France regarding TOT.

Pakistan Navy Independently doesn't have:

Research and Development (2-4 billions annually)
Lack of resources
Suppliers (too cost)
Avonics Issues
No part availables
More experiments
kick backs problems
corrupt leaders for foreigners profits instead local

As you see, mostly Turkey sharing with NATO partners without sanctions and questions. I believe Pakistan will share experiences with China regarding AIP advanced submarines (Qing Class Submarines, i am sure you follow up). Don't forget Babur missile VLS in testing submarine-phase.

Hope you know Pakistan is building a F22P at home. That's a good step towards a domestic frigate so probably Type 054. ;)
turkey produces submarines?

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