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Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan

Erdogan is a retarded islamist and a BIG shame for the Turkish nation

Was EU boot licking pride for the nation :cuckoo: Mustafa Kemal made to Turkish a copycat nation as 'The camel desiring to have horns lost even his ears'
One must say that Erdogan has a short term memory. Need I remind him about Gezi, Lice, Roboski? He wanted an investagion in what is going on in Egypt? He has not even investigated which army commander killed 36 Kurds in Roboski two years ago. This goes to all Middle Eastern people; Do not trust one word of this man. He is a pragmatist and he will change his mind every few months. Wait and see.

Lice ??? Lice is handled very well, ask anyone what happens to terrorists sympatizer, trying to infiltrate a military base with molotovs and home made explosives.

What is Roboski by the way it is Uludere when you open the map you see Uludere not RObo....
Turkey is setting itself up to be a great power,

I dont deny Turkish liberals have a place in turkish society but it must be balanced with the place of Turkish conservatives.

The muslims world for all of its troubles is a big big BIGG place with a massive market and massive resources, a state like Turkey which has alot of respect could make massive inroads and help both its own economy and the economy of the country they are dealing with

Only the kemalists like the Egyptian uber liberals can screw this up
Only the kemalists like the Egyptian uber liberals can screw this up

I love how Islamist try to bash on Kemalists and Ataturk.

You all talk about how big Turkey had become and should lead the Islamic World.....Turkey exists because of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Turkey prospers because we walked the way he showed us. Turkey's power come from it's foundation which laid by Ataturk, not from Islamist Erdogan.
Erdogan's statement is unfortunate. Crying "wolf" without evidence always works to Israel's advantage.

We KNOW who financed the Tamarod facade for the military coup: it was Mubarak loyalists, Saudi money and US money.

Why should Israel dirty it's hands when all these other people are doing the job anyway?
"a jew met an egyptian 2 years ago" - sounds like a beginning of some joke.

Actually it IS a joke. :omghaha:

Erdogan is humiliating himself in the eyes of sensible people. He did exact same thing in "Gezi Protests", he said protestors drank alcohol in the mosque, later on they showed a beer can lying in the floor...And that photo was taken the day after while the mosque was empty...
In Syria Assad blames Israel for supporting Islamists.
In Turkey Erdogan blames Israel for supporting military.

Every time Muslim leader is in trouble Israel is always behind it. :devil:
Syria and İran were our friends??

Explain please.

This figure smells quiet like BS to me.

No it's not. Egypt lost as much as $83 bn since 2011 and it will lose more if things stayed loose. That's the point, someone had to do sth to put things on order.
Trust me he'll have more friends than ever, people power ultimately rules. 99.9% of the muslim world concurs with him, the paid sheikhs, kings, boot lickers are not wanted as friends.

It says a lot about Muslim mentality

pfft, he's made more friends than he's lost. If anything, he's isolating Israel and spreading Turkey's influence.
Turkey is losing its ally in Egypt - and quickly losing influence in the Mideast

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan managed to rile the Brotherhood when, shortly after the revolution, he suggested they adopt the Turkish model in which a religious head of state presides over a secular state. Turkey, the members of the Brotherhood said, is not a useful model for Egypt. But after Morsi was deposed, and especially since the army’s massacre of demonstrators, Erdogan has spearheaded protests against the military coup, demanding that Morsi be returned to power.

On Tuesday it seemed that Erdogan’s anger over the loss of the most friendly Egyptian regime to Turkey in a decade had driven him crazy. He resorted to Protocols of the Elders of Zion-esque nonsense to try to sully the name of the Egyptian army, declaring that the coup is the result of a conspiracy between the Egyptian military and Israel, citing “proof” from a “Jewish intellectual” (Bernard-Henri Levy) from two years ago. He was thus revealed as a prisoner of concepts typical of anti-Semitic thinkers who laid the groundwork for the despicable idea that Jews control everything and run the world.

Erdogan burns with anger every time it is hinted that he is anti-Semitic, and he quickly presents proof from Turkey’s long history that it helped the Jews. He stresses that his government is doing everything to protect the Jewish community in Turkey. This time, though, it seems he will have trouble persuading even his own supporters that he only meant the political aspect of the conspiracy.

Such statements certainly do not help the Muslim Brotherhood, but Erdogan - whose declarations have already created a deep rift between Egypt and Turkey - seems to think Turkey no longer has anything to lose.

The outcome is that Turkey’s leader, the man who wants to influence the Middle East, is taking Turkey out of the circle of decision makers in the region.

Turkey just lost Egypt, the most populous Arab nation.

Not the smartest move by the mouthy Erdogan.

What a Turkey :omghaha:
I have to admit that was a good joke. :lol:

I'd say the likely Egyptian rulers will be more favourable to Israel now than Turkey, even if it is behind closed doors.

Jordan will have seen what its neighbour Syria is capable of. Israel will seem like a much better neighbour.

Even the BBC which is very anti-Israel posted an article about new middle east relationships forming with Israel increasingly being seen as a positive influence.

Suck it up :lol:
Now Israel lost to Turkey as friend :sarcastic:

Increasingly cooperating with the GCC behind closed doors. Teaming up against Iran.

Egypt's new rulers (if it's an ex-general or something) will be even more favourable to Israel.

I stopped believing Turkey was a friend as soon as Erdogan was elected. We all knew the Islamist would slowly turn Turkey into a pariah.

The crackdown on protesters and the mouthy nature of his politics has lost Turkey a lot of friends and credibility.

Trust me, go back just a few years and Turkey was held up as a model for the whole region.

No one now speaks of Turkey as a model for anyone.
Increasingly cooperating with the GCC behind closed doors. Teaming up against Iran.

Egypt's new rulers (if it's an ex-general or something) will be even more favourable to Israel.

I stopped believing Turkey was a friend as soon as Erdogan was elected. We all knew the Islamist would slowly turn Turkey into a pariah.

The crackdown on protesters and the mouthy nature of his politics has lost Turkey a lot of friends and credibility.

Trust me, go back just a few years and Turkey was held up as a model for the whole region.

No one now speaks of Turkey as a model for anyone.

Blue bold part of your post proves that Erdogan is not big mouthed but he is well informed & visionary Muslim leader :P It means Israel was really on back of Egytian military coup :hitwall:

Infact any sane Muslim leader won't like to become a friend of Israel ............

Erdogan has capability to lead Muslim world against zionism ... He don't need to Israel to making friend & other hypocrites like EU & USA ... Whole Muslim world will be backing to him ... I am talking about peoples not so-called Muslim leaders .........

Few years back EU boot licker leaders were ruling on Turkey ... Now Son of the nation is leading to Turkey

Turkey is becoming model for us ....................
Blue bold part of your post proves that Erdogan is not big mouthed but he is well informed & visionary Muslim leader :P It means Israel was really on back of Egytian military coup :hitwall:

Infact any sane Muslim leader won't like to become a friend of Israel ............

Yes, me posting an opinion on the internet is proof that Erdogan is right.

Go back to your cave.
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