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Turkey freezes all ties with France

France is not our neighbor, and look at your own neighbours instead of sticking your nose in Turkeys policies.

France is a racist country, pure and simple. France should look at its own crimes committed against its North African Muslim citizens in the 70's and 80's. We standby our Turkish Brothers. Forty million people died in Europe during World War 1 and few Thousands of armenians died during the march and it had nothing to do with Ottoman empire. Those were unstable and difficult times as the World War was impacting Turkey negatively. France should stop rewritting history to suit to its liking.

This is all about a desperate Sarkozy vying for Armenian vote because his political party is losing support and will not be reelected. The French people should not be fooled by the antics of a desperate politician taking his last political gasps.
LOL I too know some Chinis in my school and they don't whine like you internet lot..Most of them have not even heard of Pakistan or the supposed greater than himalayas stuff ......Does that tell something. ?

That is interesting, because I teach at one of New York Universities and the Chinese students in my University know plenty about Pakistan.
Have you lost your mind, Indian? :lol:

It is France that is messing around with Turkey.

Perhaps you just give some work to the famed 110 IQ chine.

France has created a law that is applicable to only French citizens not for Turkish citizens and also it does not call on the Turkish Government to do anything.

Its simply, if a French denies that the Turks did a genocide he would be fined just like how a French who parked his car in a no-parking zone will be fined.

It's purely an internal matter of France and Turkey does not have any locus standi on it.

That is interesting, because I teach at one of New York Universities and the Chinese students in my University know plenty about Pakistan.

Well that's interesting too.

---------- Post added at 09:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

OH yeah? Then why do I see my country's name in their constitution? We are not overreacting. We are showing the world that it's not easy to mess with our country's reputation by licking Armenian balls. "Oh look. us, the French show so much passion to recognize this so-called genocide, so this makes us good people" It's a show really. The French are showing off to the world and completely ignore their atrocities in the past. I assume you don't find anything wrong with that??? I know you don't since you seem a little bit narrow minded and do not get passed the fact that we are a Muslim country and good allies with Pakistan. Bye bye now.

Have you finished your emotional outburst ?

The difference between French atrocities and Turkish is that the French do not deny they did some unpleasant things, the manner in which the Turks deny that a genocide ever happened with a straight face.

Bye,bye for now.
Perhaps you just give some work to the famed 110 IQ chine.

And you're giving some work to the famed Indian IQ of 79. :azn:

This issue has nothing whatsoever to do with France. It is an issue between Turkey and Armenia.

Have you finished your emotional outburst ?

The difference between French atrocities and Turkish is that the French do not deny they did some unpleasant things, the manner in which the Turks deny that a genocide ever happened with a straight face.

Bye,bye for now.

Now you are accusing the Turkish members here of having an outburst?

It was Indians who started this thread to bash Turkey, and as if that was not enough, you continue to flame them even up to page 4 of this thread. Really a typical Indian.
I would like to see the "well done Turkey" when they speak about Uighurs.

LOL I too know some Chinis in my school and they don't whine like you internet lot..Most of them have not even heard of Pakistan or the supposed greater than himalayas stuff ......Does that tell something. ?

The resident Chin tragedy queen doesn't know what she is talking about. ;)
Perhaps you just give some work to the famed 110 IQ chine.

France has created a law that is applicable to only French citizens not for Turkish citizens and also it does not call on the Turkish Government to do anything.

Its simply, if a French denies that the Turks did a genocide he would be fined just like how a French who parked his car in a no-parking zone will be fined.

It's purely an internal matter of France and Turkey does not have any locus standi on it.

Well that's interesting too.

---------- Post added at 09:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

Have you finished your emotional outburst ?

The difference between French atrocities and Turkish is that the French do not deny they did some unpleasant things, the manner in which the Turks deny that a genocide ever happened with a straight face.

Bye,bye for now.

Okay so the way they deny their atrocies is better than the way we deny ours? WTF does that even mean? What difference does it make if they are on the softer side? They still DENY IT!!! Just FYI, the holocaust and Algerian genocides hhappened in front of everyone's eyes whereas the Armenian Genocide.. cough..cough happened and who was watching exactly? Where's the proof? If you're gonna accuse a country for a serious crime like this solely on the basis of Armenian claims, YOU BETTER COME UP WITH SOME SOLID PROOF!!! You believing in Armenian Genocide happened does not make it a reality. It is your own fanstasy.
Abu, don't be an idiot please. I have nothing against Armenians nor do I have anything against Azaris. Iranian azaris and Armenians are also living in peace. The soviet Azaris, which are less then the number of azaris living in Iran, have a beef with the nation of Armenia. wtf does that have to do with me? Are you saying I should start bad mouthing Armenians, because the Soviet republic of azarbaijan has a problem with Armenia? wtf is wrong with you?

dont be selective in your approach, dadash

Iran has cultural ties to Armenia through history, I understand that. But you shouldnt start berating Turkiye because of their justified OUTRAGE over this ridiculous law passed in France -- one which goes against the very same freedom of speech which they claim to stand by.

is there a law in France that makes denial of genocide of Muslims in Algeria, Kosovo, Albania and other places illegal?

France isn't in the moral position to be making genocide claims --which they've been doing for purely political reasons. Nor is the US for that matter, and unfortunately some irresponsible members of US Congress are making the same noises --despite the fact that the US also doesnt exactly have a clean track record:

concentration camps for Japs during World War II, and of course the Native American Indians
dont be selective in your approach, dadash

Iran has cultural ties to Armenia through history, I understand that. But you shouldnt start berating Turkiye because of their justified OUTRAGE over this ridiculous law passed in France -- one which goes against the very same freedom of speech which they claim to stand by.

is there a law in France that makes denial of genocide of Muslims in Algeria, Kosovo, Albania and other places illegal?

France isn't in the moral position to be making genocide claims --which they've been doing for purely political reasons. Nor is the US for that matter, and unfortunately some irresponsible members of US Congress are making the same noises --despite the fact that the US also doesnt exactly have a clean track record:

concentration camps for Japs during World War II, and of course the Native American Indians
Abu, what is up with you? When did I even mention the word "Turkey"? I didn't even talk about Turkey or the Armenian genocide issue ONCE in this thread. I don't even care. That Turkish poster said Iran is against Islam because it's a friend of Armenia and I told him to stfu and stop dragging Iran into this. You're butting in without even reading my posts. I couldn't care less about France and Turkey vs Armenia. All I care about is Iran's relationship with Armenia, which I see as healthy, natural and essential for various reasons. All I'm asking is that Iran be left out of this discussion because we have nothing to do with the whole Armenian Genocide issue. The Turkish poster was claiming that Iran is against all muslims worlwide because Ahmadinejad visited Armenia today which is crazy and insane.

next time you wanna butt in, read the posts. Again, I didn't even mention the name of Turkey once before this post, nor did I talk about the issue at hand. I simply responded to that Turkish poster's insane conclusions based on the fact that Iran and Armenia have a relationship.
The purpose of this thread isn't to discuss Iranian bilateral relations with Armenia. It's your nation's existential right to choose allies and foes.

And spare me, no need to show me the tone that you are using. It's Friday, so relax!

نوشیدن دوغ
The purpose of this thread isn't to discuss Iranian bilateral relations with Armenia. It's your nation's existential right to choose allies and foes.

And spare me, no need to show me the tone that you are using. It's Friday, so relax!

نوشیدن دوغ
That is exactly my point Einstein. so why are you making it an issue?
BBC News - Turkey accuses France of genocide in colonial Algeria

The Turkish prime minister has accused France of committing genocide during its colonial occupation of Algeria.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan was speaking after French MPs passed a bill making it a criminal act to deny that Ottoman Turks committed genocide in 1915-16 Armenia.

He accused President Nicolas Sarkozy of using the bill to fan hatred of Muslims and Turks for electoral gain.

He said Mr Sarkozy should "ask his father, who served in the French Legion there" about the Algerian "massacre".

Year in jail

Ankara has already recalled its ambassador to France and frozen political visits and joint military projects over the bill.

And Mr Erdogan has warned he will take further unspecified steps.

"In Algeria from 1945, an estimated 15% of the population was massacred by the French. This is a genocide," he said. "The Algerians were burned en masse in ovens. They were martyred mercilessly."

He added: "The vote in the French parliament has shown how dangerous racism, discrimination and Islamophobia have become in France and Europe."

If passed into law, Thursday's bill would mean anybody who publicly denied the Armenian "genocide" would face a year in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros (£29,000; $58,000).

Mr Sarkozy has hinted the bill has his approval, though his Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, has described it as useless and counter-productive.

There are some 500,000 voters of Armenian descent in France and they are seen as a key source of support for Mr Sarkozy.

Armenians say up to 1.5 million people were killed by the Ottoman Turks in 1915-16.

Ankara says closer to 300,000 people died, and that Turks were also killed as Armenians rose up against the Ottoman Empire when Russian troops invaded eastern Anatolia, now eastern Turkey.

More than 20 countries have formally recognised the killings as genocide.

France invaded Algeria in 1830 and it remained under French rule until independence in 1962.

The number of people killed in the eight-year independence war from 1954-1962 varies widely according to different sources, ranging from 300,000 to more than one million.
As i said before. Turkiye must recognize Algerian genocide right now. And deniers must arrested. This is good an answer to france thought...

I have stopped using french products long time ago. I suggest all Turkish people around the world do not buy french products.

And one more thing, We clearly see that economical problems make france much more racist. This behavior will not help them coz france needs Turkiye more than poor armenia... :)

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