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Turkey freezes all ties with France

You are calling Iran traitor for having relation with Armenia. But you guys have relation with Israel. Then should we call you traitor??? nope.
Unlike Iran, Turkey does not claim to be an Islamic state.

France is a top islamophobic country
Muslims in France live much better than in Muslim countries themselves.
such as?

And stop bringing Iran into this. wtf is your problem? Armenian are our brothers and have been for 2500 years. We were one country and one people until religion started dividing us thousands of years ago. Since then, we have remained friends and allies for much of the time. We respect each other. What's the matter with that?

Why are you making it an Islam vs Christianity thing you retarded ape?

Isn't Iran an Islamic Rep? Why are you barking Israel or support Hamas/Hezbollah? I just wanted to show your double dealing nothing more. Mollas are supporting 1.5 m Armenian vs 100m Turks but it's not a clever move i think.
You are calling Iran traitor for having relation with Armenia. But you guys have relation with Israel. Then should we call you traitor??? nope. Most of the muslims believe turkey... Idune was trying to make the point - neither house of Saud nor shiites is trustworthy. So turkey shouldnt take any side and act more intelligently. Anyway, on topic- good job erdogan. France is a top islamophobic country and this idiot Sarkozy should be taught some lesson....

Iran is supporting Armenia against Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan Turks are mostly Shia Muslims and this is the problem. Armenian borders closed between Azerbaijan and Turkey but they thank to Iran for taking breath. After Georgian Russian conflict, Russia uses Iran border for military supply.
Turkey'd had good relations with israel but for our benefits not against a muslim country.
Isn't Iran an Islamic Rep? Why are you barking Israel or support Hamas/Hezbollah? I just wanted to show your double dealing nothing more. Mollas are supporting 1.5 m Armenian vs 100m Turks but it's not a clever move i think.
Mollas can support whoever the **** they want. Just like you guys are supporting the enemies of the region (the US for example). You're ******* insane. Barking about Iran, when the thread has nothing to do with Iran, and when your own country is supporting the likes of the US. Armenia might be a Christian country, but they are an ally and a friend. This isn't the playground in front of your house where you tell your buddy to choose between you or the guy you hate. Get a ******* clue; Iran and Armenia where one country and were only seperated after our religions changed. For thousands of years we have shared many things. In Iran we have millions of Azaris and hundreds of thousands of Armenians living in peace. It's only Soviet Azarbaijan that has a problem with Armenia, not us. Sort your **** out and leave us out of it.
Unlike Iran, Turkey does not claim to be an Islamic state.

Muslims in France live much better than in Muslim countries themselves.
On religious freedoms? I highly doubt so. On economic conditions? Maybe.
Foreign Ministry: Israel's recognition of Armenian genocide could threaten Turkey ties

Published 11:58 26.12.11

Knesset holds first discussion on possible recognition of Turkey's Armenian genocide; Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin says Israel has an ethical commitment to recognize other nations' genocides.

The Foreign Ministry warned that Israel's possible recognition of the Armenian genocide, which was discussed in a Knesset committee on Monday, could lead to the serious deterioration of Israel's ties with Turkey.

A Knesset committee discussed on Monday the possibility of setting a memorial day for the Armenian genocide by the Turkish people nearly 100 years ago, marking a first in Israeli history.

Several MKs expressed support for the move, saying that Israel, as a nation of the Jewish people who have experienced genocide, cannot ignore genocides in other countries.

However, the recognition of the Armenian genocide has long been a sensitive diplomatic issue due to the implications it has on Israel's relationship with Turkey, which denies it.

"This subject, given the current atmosphere, could deteriorate our ties with Turkey," A Foreign Ministry representative said during the discussion. "Our relationship with Turkey is very fragile and sensitive right now, and we cannot cross the line – we must approach the subject intelligently. Such a decision could have very serious strategic consequences. "

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin (Likud) said that the discussion did not arise because of the weakening ties between Israel and Turkey, maintaining that as a nation and a country, Israel cannot allow the denial of a disaster.

"We stand before all the world's countries with the highest and most ethical demand, saying that Holocaust denial is something human kind cannot agree with," Rivlin said, stressing that Israel must recognize other countries' genocides.

"For many years, Israel's government has refused to recognize the genocide for cynical, strategic and economic, reasons, connected to its ties with Turkey," said MK Zahava Gal-On (Meretz), who has sponsored the call for recognizing the Armenian genocide.

"Now, given the state of relations between the countries, I can't rule out the possibility that the Foreign Ministry is exploiting affairs and trying to goad Turkey."

Gal-On added that "our moral obligation transcends such cynical calculations, and I hope that the Knesset committee will reach a decision in favor of recognizing the genocide, in the Knesset's first public hearing on the matter. The education committee is the right place for examining the topic, which is omitted from school curricula."

National Union MK Ariyeh Eldad, one of the initiators of the discussion, said that "in the past, we were always told that we cannot discuss this subject because of our good relationship with Turkey. Now we are told we cannot discuss this because of our bad relationship with Turkey. We cannot erase a chapter in history. We cannot ignore this subject because of our interests."

Kadima MK Otniel Schneller was the only one who expressed outright opposition to an official recognition by Israel of the Armenian genocide.

"We cannot disconnect the discussion from the fact that we must rehabilitate our ties with Turkey – it's an existential necessity," he said. "We need to fit in the Middle East even if it is difficult."

Up to now, proposals for recognizing the Armenian genocide have been considered by closed sessions of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. That committee rejected the proposals a number of times.

Recognition of the Armenian genocide is a sensitive diplomatic issue. Last week, the lower house of France's parliament approved a bill that bans denial of the genocide, which occurred 96 years ago. The law imposes a one-year jail sentence and a 45,000-euro fine.

This step triggered a diplomatic crisis between France and Turkey. Ankara recalled its ambassador, canceled diplomatic, economic and military exchanges with France, and banned the landing of French military planes at its airports and the docking of French ships at its harbors.

Foreign Ministry: Israel's recognition of Armenian genocide could threaten Turkey ties - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
I don't think Israel will recognize Armenian Genocide. Not because of the ties they have with Turkey, we can't reduce the ties from the point it is now. But because of the ties they have with Azerbaijan. While Iran has the capability to reach Israel via Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel wouldn't want to lose her most beloved ally in the region against Iran. Although Heydar Aliyev told the world they wouldn't join or support an operation against Iran, Israelis will definitely want to keep their realtions with Azerbaijan in a good level becuase of the tens of millions of Azerbaijan Turks living in Iran.

Here is an interesting idea: Israel might pump Pan-Turkism in the region in order to destabilize Iran. (just kidding)
Muslims in France live much better than in Muslim countries themselves.

Prove it, prove to me, YOU FAKER, EVEN one ISlamic state thats treats its mulsim harshly or are you gonna live up to the " JEWISH STEROTYPE OF BEING A LIAR AND A CHEAT ! " just how Nazism accused Jews in WW2- Learn history. Beside its understandable to why you falsefy yourself in that manner as its part of your propaganda - for Muslims on this forum to hate jews.....IT AINT WORKING MISTER.

Oh Iran treats its jew far better than ISrael. How ? Iran is not the one to attack ISrael unlike ISrael wants to genocide Iranian jews in Iran. Nor did it genocide other Jewish comminity in Palistine.


Its a good thing you're living up to NAzism expectations.


lol by a jew aswell he even knows
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Mollas can support whoever the **** they want. Just like you guys are supporting the enemies of the region (the US for example). You're ******* insane. Barking about Iran, when the thread has nothing to do with Iran, and when your own country is supporting the likes of the US. Armenia might be a Christian country, but they are an ally and a friend. This isn't the playground in front of your house where you tell your buddy to choose between you or the guy you hate. Get a ******* clue; Iran and Armenia where one country and were only seperated after our religions changed. For thousands of years we have shared many things. In Iran we have millions of Azaris and hundreds of thousands of Armenians living in peace. It's only Soviet Azarbaijan that has a problem with Armenia, not us. Sort your **** out and leave us out of it.
I just put a photo which has taken same day. If Iran Turks awaken against your *****ness, you won't bark as they are supporters of Imperialists be sure one kick which is come from Turkey will impact on your face. while your ******* ancestors were swearing to caliphs, our ancestors were fighting against crusaders so shut the **** up.
When did Turkey supported Usa against a muslim country? Are you barking for radar station moron? iran's whole history is full of collaborations with christians after issue happened your petrol reserves you suddenly reminded that you are muslims.
I just put a photo which has taken same day. If Iran Turks awaken against your *****ness, you won't bark as they are supporters of Imperialists be sure one kick which is come from Turkey will impact on your face. while your ******* ancestors were swearing to caliphs, our ancestors were fighting against crusaders so shut the **** up.
When did Turkey supported Usa against a muslim country? Are you barking for radar station moron? iran's whole history is full of collaborations with christians after issue happened your petrol reserves you suddenly reminded that you are muslims.

i totaly agree , iran , syria etc these countries look like they are protecting islam and really proper muslims in history they colaborate with christian but when the gun is pointed at them they change outfits , i aint even going to talk about arabs they will sell their mums for money they're just backstabbers and they will sell their country , honour , religion for money
Mollas can support whoever the **** they want. Just like you guys are supporting the enemies of the region (the US for example). You're ******* insane. Barking about Iran, when the thread has nothing to do with Iran, and when your own country is supporting the likes of the US. Armenia might be a Christian country, but they are an ally and a friend. This isn't the playground in front of your house where you tell your buddy to choose between you or the guy you hate. Get a ******* clue; Iran and Armenia where one country and were only seperated after our religions changed. For thousands of years we have shared many things. In Iran we have millions of Azaris and hundreds of thousands of Armenians living in peace. It's only Soviet Azarbaijan that has a problem with Armenia, not us. Sort your **** out and leave us out of it.

i still like iranians they are clever people im serious my maths teacher was iranian , and i no many clever ones but some are just jelous of other muslim countries developments i still like iranians and whats with this persians they wernt even muslim . look at these fukin animal soldiers

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