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Turkey ‘disappointed’ with Japan for not accepting Turkish workers

Turkey should export aselrslan engineers because they need someone more smarter and efficient who can beat japenese guy in skill
Because japenese dont need cheap labour they get plenty of them from neighbouring countries.
Not even news here. They can use semi-skilled or unskilled cheap labor from china for daily food... Ministry of Foreign Affairs just does what it needs to do. Nothing more. :coffee:

Our cheap labor makes more money than your white collar workers

If you don’t care, why complain? And officially by government?:rofl:
Nobody have mentioned about chinese, now kiss ther ***...

Bla bla, you have no Industy and you will never beat Turkey. Except China, the rest of the club can give Japan cheap labor i am done with you clowns. Turkey have fighted against superpowers of the time, Russia and England together with 3 more countries in 3 front. So fak off with your history.

Typical filthy foul mouth, from my interaction of you people, you deserved to be banned and now enjoy it
I think japan will only accept workers from east asian countries. Or even south east. No where else.
This situation does not reflect the spirit of rooted strategic partnership

Strategic partnership?

Now that's even funnier than the government-level whining.

Besides, what did they expect Japan to do? Accepting people from places like Turkey that are totally different from Japanese/East Asians in every aspect imaginable?

Normally, it will be from countries neighboring Japan, including Japan's historical-cultural initiator, Mainland China.
I wish my country would also say NO to any kind of Turkish "workers", but eventually one day even our patience will be over...
Kudos to the Japanese!
you should be worried about others nowadays turkish workers are minority to go to german you should think about your friends the bulgarians and romans and others from the east..

one day you will be minority in your country, you can wish as much as you like.. even if your whole throat gets dry from constant wishing it it will happen and 2035 will be the turning point for your kind..

you probably never had the guts to go to a kindergarden if you can find 4 real germans (mom and dad and no wiz, kov, wich, or nz or nova or some other additionals in their names) than consider yourself to be the happy one.. and I am not talking about villages or areas where just german rednecks live..
Cmon, you know best yourself the catastrophic reputation Turks have in Western Europe, this will sooner or later come back to bite you, since right wing parties are on the rise all over Europe...

you probably never had the guts to go to a kindergarden if you can find 4 real germans (mom and dad and no wiz, kov, wich, or nz or nova or some other additionals in their names) than consider yourself to be the happy one.. and I am not talking about villages or areas where just german rednecks live..
Thats exactly the point, you either have schools and kindergardens with 95% Germans or with 95% foreigners, German parents do not send their children to schools in the worst parts of towns, the so called "Türkenviertel".

one day you will be minority in your country, you can wish as much as you like.. even if your whole throat gets dry from constant wishing it it will happen and 2035 will be the turning point for your kind..
For sure... xD One day whole Europe will be Turkish, since you are so successful that you had to flee from Turkey to Europe to do the jobs the locals don't wanna do...:yahoo:

you should be worried about others nowadays turkish workers are minority to go to german you should think about your friends the bulgarians and romans and others from the east..

Migration from Eastern Europe to Germany is unlike from Turkey, a true success story, they send hard working and/or highly qualified people, that either go back home after a couple of years or, if they stay, integrate and become a part of our society. They behave like Germans after one generation, who cares about their family name???
Cmon, you know best yourself the catastrophic reputation Turks have in Western Europe, this will sooner or later come back to bite you, since right wing parties are on the rise all over Europe

my redneck racist friend.. you guys dont even know what a turk is.. yet you brabbling.. you think lebanese and kurds are turks.. everything that has not light hair and skin color is a turk for you.. the reputation is the indication of your own filthy racist behavior.. you should wake up and see the true problem of your country..

Thats exactly the point, you either have schools and kindergardens with 95% Germans or with 95% foreigners, German parents do not send their children to schools in the worst parts of towns, the so called "Türkenviertel".

really? you compleatly live in your paranoic world and didnt get what I wrote.. german parants have no choice, the kindergardens and schools are full of foreigners and soon you will be the foreigner.. keep this in mind when you realize that the turk told you the truth..

For sure... xD One day whole Europe will be Turkish, since you are so successful that you had to flee from Turkey to Europe to do the jobs the locals don't wanna do...:yahoo:

you really live in a pink fantasy world where did I wrote to someone like you that turks will own EU or be the masses of the population..? you really see what yo want to see.. but I wont expect anyting else.. until then enjoy your true sucess story of bulgars, romanian, albanians , arabs, africans and so on... you will see who will inhabit your land and be the masses..

and I am sure you would love my job.. but I am also shure you didnt went to university.. if your locals dont want my job then they are fools.. by the way only one german works in my groub ;)

lets talk for real.. but you know best why rightwing groubs are now socially acceptable.. its because your kin realized what I wrote before.. you destroy your country but you give the wrong guys the fault.. turks are just a few, the majority of your problems are the ones who have many many children and they will outnumber you.. I just welcome this situation let them double and triple their population even today your houses, your cars or your apartments are not safe because of those I have listed.. if it gets too freaky I can go elsewhere with my qualifications..
the reputation is the indication of your own filthy racist behavior..
The reputation of the Turks in Europe is a disaster, you cannot deny that!

you should wake up and see the true problem of your country..
the only problem of my country is mass migration from shithole countries, we could live in absolut paradise, why do we import the problems of other people, I don't get it!

german parants have no choice, the kindergardens and schools are full of foreigners and soon you will be the foreigner..
no, they are not, as I told you before, in schools there is a segregation taking place like in few other places, when it's about their children, parents want the best or nothing, so as soon as there are too many foreigners attending the schools, the locals send their children to other school, that's why we have some schools with more then 90% foreigners, in the parts of towns where you and your people live...

you destroy your country but you give the wrong guys the fault.. turks are just a few, the majority of your problems are the ones who have many many children and they will outnumber you..
Turks are not just a few, Turks are the biggest group of migrants. In 1958 the first Turks came, our government more or less signed what the Japanese now refused, and since that time, Turks had all the chances under the sun in Germany, but in majority, you guys messed it up completely, that's why more and more Germans are wondering, what are those guys doing here, we don't we send them back to where they came from?!?

The next ten years are going to be interesting...:stop:
Dont see how this is an issue. I dont really expect Turks to work in Japan in masse. Japan's problem is more due to the lack of unskilled blue color workers, which they will get plenty from the Eastern and South-Eastern nations. They are already begrudgingly importing workers, so atleast they should be somewhat similar culturaly to Japan in their eyes.

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