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Turkey ‘disappointed’ with Japan for not accepting Turkish workers

Just imagine the reaction of Chinese social media if it is Chinese Gov. that is complaining about Japan for not importing Chinese laborers.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs just does what it needs to do. Nothing more.
Actually this is the result of foreign ministry not doing what it needs to do, but lets leave it a side we wont agree anyways.
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What will happen to the following program for Indians.

Japan to Indian techies rescue: Country wants to recruit 2 lakh IT professionals

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Not gonna happen, Japan will never allow those many Indians in Japan, Indian cultures are worlds apart from Japan's.

And that's a huge brain drain at the expense of India, Why Indian talents don't want to work and contribute to their own country?
Japan is not a large country and this can't take too many Immigrants they barely have room to build new homes

Japan - Turkey relations might have been better in past but I don't know too much info on such item only a Turkish person can explain
Turkey ‘disappointed’ with Japan for not accepting Turkish workers
January 31 2019 17:50:00

Turkey is “disappointed” over being among the countries whose workers would not be accepted by Japan under a new visa system, the Turkish Foreign Ministry has said.

“It has caused disappointment that Turkey is among the countries whose workers would not be accepted by Japan,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hami Aksoy said in a written statement on Jan. 31.

“This situation does not reflect the spirit of rooted strategic partnership and amicable relations our countries have,” Aksoy added. “We believe that this decision will be revised and corrected as soon as possible,” he said.

He also stated that Turkey’s discomfort regarding this has been expressed to Japan’s ambassador to Ankara.

Japan’s parliament had passed a controversial draft bill in November 2018 for plans of attracting over 300,000 foreign workers over the course of the next five years.

The bill aims to meet the labor demands of the markets, which is currently having troubles due to the rapidly shrinking and aging labor force of Japan.

It intends to attract “semi-skilled workers” in a number of industries from construction to tourism.

The new visa system will create two residence status types for foreign workers.

While the first group’s visa would be renewable up to five years, workers in this group will not be allowed to bring their families into Japan.

The foreign workers’ visa, in the second group, would be renewable indefinitely and they will be permitted to bring their elementary families.

Another condition laid down in the bill is foreign workers getting paid as much as their Japanese peers, in order to prevent foreigners getting paid more than the actual citizens.

The Japanese government is expected to seek bilateral agreements on foreign workers with several Asian countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar and China.

Japan’s new visa system will come into effect in April of this year.

I think it's all cultural issue. They are more comfortable with the people of 8 nation " ethically " .
What will happen to the following program for Indians.

Japan to Indian techies rescue: Country wants to recruit 2 lakh IT professionals

Read more at:
Its very CLEAR, Japan Don't Want Indians.
Fake friendship is to sell more technology and arms to the Indians.

Anyway Indian IT professionals are Mediocre, and Japan much prefer Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese talents.
Aren't they both American NATO friend??????

What America is doing, He has no more control on his own bases outside the country !!!!
Its very CLEAR, Japan Don't Want Indians.
Fake friendship is to sell more technology and arms to the Indians.

Anyway Indian IT professionals are Mediocre, and Japan much prefer Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese talents.

I used to think other Pakistani members said this out of spite only. Then I had the misfortune of working with Infosys. Now I know why people say it.

Tbh though, my experience with Infosys was that the staff aren't too bad technically, but the culture of the management is terrible and encourages unprofessional behaviour and low levels of quality in the work. They don't give thier people the time to do things properly. The management and work culture is atrocious.
There are much better semi skilled workers from other East Asian and Southeast Asin countries.
Turkish need not apply.
cheap you mean...
You are right.
But still JAPAN Don't Want TURKS.

Singapore is in South East Asia. 2017 GDP per capita $57,722
Turkey 2017 GDP per capita $10,512
You are right.
But still JAPAN Don't Want TURKS.

Singapore is in South East Asia. 2017 GDP per capita $57,722
Turkey 2017 GDP per capita $10,512
You are right.
But still JAPAN Don't Want TURKS.

Singapore is in South East Asia. 2017 GDP per capita $57,722
Turkey 2017 GDP per capita $10,512

singapore max 5 million people, now lets divide singapoors bruto capital iwth 85 million people what will left of that money? Still cheap labor.... We don't count Singapore as a country, Istanbul habitant is 15 million and bet ther GDP will be 3 times more:-).

The thing is you have that much GDP why are the people going to Japan:(? I didn't mentioned a name but guy is butt hurted.
I used to think other Pakistani members said this out of spite only. Then I had the misfortune of working with Infosys. Now I know why people say it.

Tbh though, my experience with Infosys was that the staff aren't too bad technically, but the culture of the management is terrible and encourages unprofessional behaviour and low levels of quality in the work. They don't give thier people the time to do things properly. The management and work culture is atrocious.
Pakistani members are not so bad like the Indians.
Indians are also saying the same things about the LOW QUALITY OF INDIAN ENGINEERS.

Vivek Raissankar is Indian founder of HackerRank.
Top 10 countries with the best computer programmers
  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. Poland
  4. Switzerland
  5. Hungary
  6. Japan
  7. Taiwan
  8. France
  9. Czech Republic
  10. Italy
India is NOT EVEN in TOP 30.

India is 31 in ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
India is 11 in TopCoder even though India have 521 members vs Russia(106) Japan(213) China(138).

singapore max 5 million people, now lets divide singapoors bruto capital iwth 85 million people what will left of that money? Still cheap labor.... We don't count Singapore as a country, Istanbul habitant is 15 million and bet ther GDP will be 3 times more:-).

The thing is you have that much GDP why are the people going to Japan:(? I didn't mentioned a name but guy is butt hurted.
Thing is we go places to work as per our interest and leisure.
For example, we have many Singaporeans going to Taiwan and China to work in their entertainment industry which are more developed than ours.

We don't whine or complain if any country don't welcome us.
We are NOT labor exporting country.
So Istanbul GDP per capita is $173,000.
You got the INDIA BRAGGING BUG from here?
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