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Turkey Demands Syrian Army Exit Rebel Areas, Threatens Force

Oct 15, 2017
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Turkey's president threatened Wednesday to use force against Syrian government forces if they don't pull back to an earlier cease-fire line in northern Syria by the end of the month.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan's remarks to members of his ruling party followed rare direct clashes Monday between Turkish and Syrian troops inside Syria, which killed several Turkish and Syrian personnel.

Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces have been advancing deeper into the northwestern province of Idlib, the country's last rebel stronghold, since December. Turkey — a strong backer of some of the rebels — has a dozen military observation posts in Idlib province, which borders Turkey.

"If the (Assad) regime does not retreat to areas behind the observations posts, Turkey will be forced to take matters into its own hands," Erdogan said. He said two of the Turkish observation posts are now behind Syrian lines.

The observation posts were set up as part of an agreement reached in 2018 with Russia — a main supporter of Assad — to monitor a cease-fire that has since collapsed.

Erdogan said he told Russian President Vladimir Putin that the Syrian forces must retreat during a late-night phone call on Tuesday.

"This is a new era in Syria. Nothing can remain the same where the Turkish soldier's blood has been shed," he said, in reference to Monday's deadly clashes.

“If our soldiers' safety cannot be ensured in Idlib, no one can deny our right to ensure it ourselves,” he said.

Shelling by Syrian government forces killed seven Turkish soldiers and their civilian translator, while the Turkish retaliation killed at least 13 Syrian troops.

Erdogan also called for the withdrawal of Syrian Kurdish forces from regions near Turkey's border. He threatened to resume a Turkish military offensive that was launched into northern Syria last year against Kurdish militias there.

Turkey regards the U.S.-allied Kurdish forces as terrorists because of their links to Kurdish insurgents across the border in Turkey. But the Kurdish-led forces inside Syria had also partnered with the U.S. as a valuable ally against the Islamic State group.
Russia, Iran and Syria will soon gang up on Turkey...and US and NATO wont come and save Turkey, since this isnt a NATO mission, but an offensive, aggressive, neo-colonial push by Turkey into Syria.

Regarding this regional expansion, Turkey is just copying Iran, but using different methods to achieve same goals..smh.
Russia, Iran and Syria will soon gang up on Turkey...and US and NATO wont come and save Turkey, since this isnt a NATO mission, but an offensive, aggressive, neo-colonial push by Turkey into Syria.

Regarding this regional expansion, Turkey is just copying Iran, but using different methods to achieve same goals..smh.

I wonder do you think before u write, oh well another person added to the ignore list.
I wonder do you think before u write, oh well another person added to the ignore list.
I wonder do you think before u comment, oh well another person added to the ignore list.
turkey telling Syrian troops not to move inside Syrian territory.... and "pull back"??? to where??? deeper Syrian territory..? LOL

I wonder if turks realize how absurd and laughable some of their positions are.

3 options remain for the illegal armed terrorists in idlib.. 1. go back to their masters in turkey. 2. Surrender. 3. Die.

no other option exists.. at best turkey might beg Russia and Iran to postpone the slaughter just to allow turkey to save some face temporarily. the end result will not change..

your regime change project in Syria has failed. You threw everything you had at it with you ex.best buddies the wahabi arabs and the west, and failed.

the west and the arabs gave up, its time for turkey to do the same.
These people are on Syrian soil and are telling Syrians not to move on their own soil. You could not make this up! When Turks remove their army from Kurdish controlled part of Turkey, then they can ask the Syrian army to move away from "rebel" (terrorist) held areas in Syria.

I wonder do you think before u write, oh well another person added to the ignore list.

How about you counter what he said rather than just mock him? It's easy to just mock a person and their comment, but the hard work is trying to debunk their claims using facts and logic. So go ahead.
@Philosopher. i asked him that question because if he thought about it before he wrote about it, he would realize how stupid he sounds and also why should i use facts and logic when he is clearly not using it. Oh well, u go into the ignore list is well i guess, too much of an ego for me to deal with.
Russia, Iran and Syria will soon gang up on Turkey...and US and NATO wont come and save Turkey, since this isnt a NATO mission, but an offensive, aggressive, neo-colonial push by Turkey into Syria.

Regarding this regional expansion, Turkey is just copying Iran, but using different methods to achieve same goals..smh.

Plus Arab League.
@Philosopher. i asked him that question because if he thought about it before he wrote about it, he would realize how stupid he sounds and also why should i use facts and logic when he is clearly not using it. Oh well, u go into the ignore list is well i guess, too much of an ego for me to deal with.

Basically whenever you can't engage someone and counter their claims, you put them on your ignore list? This is a case of thinking one is hidden just by covering ones eyes. You don't make people and their statement disappear by ignoring them. Learn to engage and counter.
Ummm, so Turkish soldiers are inside Syria, fighting with Syrian soldiers and Erdogan wants Syrian soldiers to pull back.

What am I missing ??

When millions of Syrians come to your border and you spend tens of billions to feed them and provide them normal human condition for living and when on your southern border you have a civil war that threatens your country’s security then you can come and give your opinion. Turkey has the right to defend its interests in Syria because it is directly impacted by what happens on its southern border.

Russia, Iran and Syria will soon gang up on Turkey...and US and NATO wont come and save Turkey, since this isnt a NATO mission, but an offensive, aggressive, neo-colonial push by Turkey into Syria.

Regarding this regional expansion, Turkey is just copying Iran, but using different methods to achieve same goals..smh.

That for sure will happen. Assad who can’t even wipe his nose without foreign help will crush Turkey.
Iran that is absolutely isolated will happily attack one of the few neighbors it is having normal-ish relationship with (and which is a small gateway for them through the sanctions and to the foreign markets).
Russia that built some economic and strategic relations with Turkey in the last years will gladly crush it without even taking NATO into consideration.

Real world is not a computer game my Persian friend under American flags.
Russia, Iran and Syria will soon gang up on Turkey...and US and NATO wont come and save Turkey, since this isnt a NATO mission, but an offensive, aggressive, neo-colonial push by Turkey into Syria.

Regarding this regional expansion, Turkey is just copying Iran, but using different methods to achieve same goals..smh.

When millions of Syrians come to your border and you spend tens of billions to feed them and provide them normal human condition for living and when on your southern border you have a civil war that threatens your country’s security then you can come and give your opinion. Turkey has the right to defend its interests in Syria because it is directly impacted by what happens on its southern border.

That for sure will happen. Assad who can’t even wipe his nose without foreign help will crush Turkey.
Iran that is absolutely isolated will happily attack one of the few neighbors it is having normal-ish relationship with (and which is a small gateway for them through the sanctions and to the foreign markets).
Russia that built some economic and strategic relations with Turkey in the last years will gladly crush it without even taking NATO into consideration.

Real world is not a computer game my Persian friend under American flags.
why you guys must bring Iran in anything . for thousands time we are not part of Idlib operation , its Syria+Russia operation .
now if you want to talk about Aleppo then its something else
These people are on Syrian soil and are telling Syrians not to move on their own soil. You could not make this up! When Turks remove their army from Kurdish controlled part of Turkey, then they can ask the Syrian army to move away from "rebel" (terrorist) held areas in Syria.

How about you counter what he said rather than just mock him? It's easy to just mock a person and their comment, but the hard work is trying to debunk their claims using facts and logic. So go ahead.

Lolz didnt u just do the same in earlier thread asking me to go fight instead of doing hard work and replying with facts and logic???

About ur comment, u seem to know nothing about the ceasefire and agreements recently agreed. Ur logic of syria belonging to asad army is also naive. There was a public uprising against him and he used lethal force against ordinary syrians, killing many and giving rise to a civil war. He had lost all territory untill russians came n helped him kills hundreds of thousands of more syrians. I would like to see ur hypocrisy on yemen, iraq and lebanon as well.
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