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Turkey considers Russian Su-57, Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s - Yeni Şafak

It is true that the actual Turkic admixture is around 10 percent in present day Turkey. But that doesn't mean it is automatically caucasian. In fact the largest Haplogroup in Turkey is J2(middle eastern/north African) and then there is a whole constellation of different haplogroups rightfully suggesting the land to be a historical crossroads... and during Ottoman times a lot of Eastern Europeans actually came to Anatolia. So, though Turkey with it's name does glorify its recent past but either rightly or wrongly that glory came to Anatolia via Ottoman Turks.

Haplgroups G,I,J,L,T are all Caucasus Mts. people. The Caucasus Avars are J1. Azeri are highly J. Chechens are J2. Those 5 Haplogroups are Caucasians. Even the Maykop showed to be those 5 haplogroups. It is likely the Arabs came from the Caucasus.

I was born J2 (the same family marco cluster as Rothschild), and I am Greek-Italian/Roman. That is the movement settlers from The Caucasus going West into Southern Italy. Not all went that far, many stayed in Turkey.

To be R1b is to be turkic. R1 is proto-turkic. Bashkirs are something like 70% R1 and East Turkic looking, with the women being majority European non-Turkic (mtDNA N family), but looking Turkic. The yamnaya invaders were relatives of the Bashkir, to the detriment of the 'white' nationalist skinheads who hate Turks (who thus hate themselves)

Turkey is nearly identical to other Caucasians, like Greek and Persians, Azeris and Crimean Tatars. Also in looks too. The 90% majority of people in Turkey are not in any way related to the anything Pan-Turkic, yet are trying to stir up trouble for them???

If your tribe is Caucasian, do you care that your great grandmother had 1/4 Omani dna. Would you identify with Omanis if you were of a Georgian tribe/seedline and only had 10% of the reviewed admixture. DNA is smashing the false beliefs of many people, Turks are one of these groups.

All this Pan-Turkism nonsense will keep Turkey from getting the J-31s.
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Sorry I called you weak of understanding. You are actually clueless . Do Some research on line And educate yourself .
You can start a poll and see how many people believe your absurd idea that Turkey's military technology is far ahead of China, you are the one who need to educate yourself.
In my view, China should absolutely not deal with Islamist countries. We should only deal with moderate or secular Muslim countries. The Islamists are common enemies of US, Russia and China. I don't subscribe to so-called "pragmatism". I believe in principles.
Chairman Mao knew what principles you Chinese had. That's why you have such draconian laws with execution trucks that kill and harvest organs from prisoners. So spare us the BS and go have some noodle soup
Your USA daddy are making technology war with china
pappet idiot is still talking nonsence

What language are you speaking...... I mean seriously what the heck did you just say???

No, what you say is the absolute truth of course, what's your name again?

Now my name will give you information you are looking for ?
Turkey is a secular Muslim country tho its more of ethnic larping thing tbh with the Uyghurs even Atheist Turks who drink Raki support the Uyghurs point is China has problems with Pan Turkists who happen to be ethnic nationalists who dislike Russians Chinese,and Iranians

Because the writers and followers of Pan Turkism like Nihal Atsiz, Riza Nur and others identified 3 historical enemies which is Iran, China and Russia. Riza Nur mainly focused on Russia has he believed Russia was the eternal enemy of Turkey forever.

But Nihal Atsiz took it even further by declaring all non turks as enemies of the Turks. Basically us vs them world view.

Irony is Germany and Japan were actually sympathetic to Pan Turkism and Pan Turanism especially Japan. Japan even used Pan Turanism for its political purposes since the Japanese believes they had ancestors in Central Asia and the Far East they believed its their destiny to unite Asia under Japanese rule.

Japanese even worked with Young Turk exiles to establish a state in China namely East Turkistan or Xinjiang with an Ottoman Prince ruling.

In ww1 Pan-Islamism and Pan Turkism it was hoped that the Muslims and the Turkic peoples would revolt and join the Ottoman Empire this was backed by Germany who even sent agents to ferment support to the Ottomans and the Central Powers. Germany even did its best court Muslims under British, French and Russian rule to revolt and declare independance.

You could say Pan Islamism and Pan Turkism were one of the factors for the Ottoman Empire to join WW1. Ottomans even hoped to take the Caucasus and then link up with Central Asia.

Only Enver Pasha is the one who took it serious to the point where he died fighting alongside the Basmachi in the region of Turkestan.

You should look this stuff up. Pan Turkism and Pan Turanism that was followed by many Turks in the Ottoman Empire especially army officers and intellectuals was seen as a way to revive the ailing empire.
Because the writers and followers of Pan Turkism like Nihal Atsiz, Riza Nur and others identified 3 historical enemies which is Iran, China and Russia. Riza Nur mainly focused on Russia has he believed Russia was the eternal enemy of Turkey forever.

But Nihal Atsiz took it even further by declaring all non turks as enemies of the Turks. Basically us vs them world view.

Irony is Germany and Japan were actually sympathetic to Pan Turkism and Pan Turanism especially Japan. Japan even used Pan Turanism for its political purposes since the Japanese believes they had ancestors in Central Asia and the Far East they believed its their destiny to unite Asia under Japanese rule.

Japanese even worked with Young Turk exiles to establish a state in China namely East Turkistan or Xinjiang with an Ottoman Prince ruling.

In ww1 Pan-Islamism and Pan Turkism it was hoped that the Muslims and the Turkic peoples would revolt and join the Ottoman Empire this was backed by Germany who even sent agents to ferment support to the Ottomans and the Central Powers. Germany even did its best court Muslims under British, French and Russian rule to revolt and declare independance.

You could say Pan Islamism and Pan Turkism were one of the factors for the Ottoman Empire to join WW1. Ottomans even hoped to take the Caucasus and then link up with Central Asia.

Only Enver Pasha is the one who took it serious to the point where he died fighting alongside the Basmachi in the region of Turkestan.

You should look this stuff up. Pan Turkism and Pan Turanism that was followed by many Turks in the Ottoman Empire especially army officers and intellectuals was seen as a way to revive the ailing empire.

I dont want to know the details, your dream is not healthy.
I dont want to know the details, your dream is not healthy.

No pan nationalist concept is healthy to be honest they are all relics of the late 1800s backed with scientific racism.

But also as a way to grab land and spread influence. Pan nationalist concepts were nothing more than ideologies of the geopolitical arena.

Russia went into ww1 with a Pan Slavism cause.
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No pan nationalist concept is healthy to be honest they are all relics of the late 1800s backed with scientific racism.

But also as a way to grab land and spread influence. Pan nationalist concepts were nothing more than ideologies of the geopolitical arena.

Russia went into ww1 with a Pan Slavism cause.

Turkish should come back to reality, there are lots of trouble, you are more clear than me.
Turkish should come back to reality, there are lots of trouble, you are more clear than me.

Turkey does not follow a Pan Turkist or a Pan Turanist foreign policy.

So dont worry the Turks are not going to march into Beijing and Declare a Holy TURAN EMPIRE.
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