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Turkey considers Russian Su-57, Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s - Yeni Şafak

In my view, China should absolutely not deal with Islamist countries. We should only deal with moderate or secular Muslim countries. The Islamists are common enemies of US, Russia and China. I don't subscribe to so-called "pragmatism". I believe in principles.

In that case China must immediately cease CPEC and related activities in Pakistan.
China would definitely not export FC-31 to Turkey.
Isnt Turkey developing its own 5th gen fighter?

In that case China must immediately cease CPEC and related activities in Pakistan.
No thanks :-)
We will keep the cpec and fc31 deal thankyou very much :-)

Turkey just learned the same way we did that US is NOT a reliable partner
They have their interests once you step on them they flip faster than a burger patty in in McDonalds
No thanks :-)
We will keep the cpec and fc31 deal thankyou very much :-)

Turkey just learned the same way we did that US is NOT a reliable partner
They have their interests once you step on them they flip faster than a burger patty in in McDonalds

Your post does not make any sense whatsoever, please consider my post in relation to the post which I was quoting and it will become apparent.
J-31 will be the most suitable, like for like replacement of F-35. The plane may not be at F-35 level yet but we might be saying this only because we do not know much about J-31. The Chinese advancement in military and defense equipment have been mind boggling over past decade or two.
In my view, China should absolutely not deal with Islamist countries. We should only deal with moderate or secular Muslim countries. The Islamists are common enemies of US, Russia and China. I don't subscribe to so-called "pragmatism". I believe in principles.

I am amazed(not much) to see you commenting on Turkey so blindly!
Did you ever tried to search how MUCH Pakistan and Turkey attached..?
Don't you know that Pakistan is an Islamic state...?

I am in doubt that you from China?

In the end China is just born for Pakistan as compared to Turkey.

"We like china and Love Turkey" get the difference!!!
That Turkey goes for Chinese or Russian fighters is very very very unlikely.

I hope we close the small gap with few Eurofighters and develope HürJet to Gripen or Mirage-2000 level.
Following the official invitation of Lieutenant General Ding Laihang, Commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, Turkish Air Force Commander Gen. Hasan Kucukakyuz and his accompanying delegation went to China.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Defense, the two commanders held bilateral talks during a visit to China between 17 and 21 June 2019. Gen. Kucukakyuz also met with the National Defense Minister of the People's Republic of China Gen. Wei Fenghe.

While ANADOLU KARTALI ( one of NATO's largest air training activities ) is taking place in the 3rd Main Jet Base Station / Konya with the participation of the US and other allied countries, Turkish Air Force commander's visit to China is a remarkable timing.


There is nothing to say about the title and what is writtens. Turkey has not aircraft demand from China. Most of what's written here is nonsense. Other than , some posts which have unrelated to the topic and the expression of the ignorance of some forum members, are good humor.
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Because the writers and followers of Pan Turkism like Nihal Atsiz, Riza Nur and others identified 3 historical enemies which is Iran, China and Russia. Riza Nur mainly focused on Russia has he believed Russia was the eternal enemy of Turkey forever.

But Nihal Atsiz took it even further by declaring all non turks as enemies of the Turks. Basically us vs them world view.

Irony is Germany and Japan were actually sympathetic to Pan Turkism and Pan Turanism especially Japan. Japan even used Pan Turanism for its political purposes since the Japanese believes they had ancestors in Central Asia and the Far East they believed its their destiny to unite Asia under Japanese rule.

Japanese even worked with Young Turk exiles to establish a state in China namely East Turkistan or Xinjiang with an Ottoman Prince ruling.

In ww1 Pan-Islamism and Pan Turkism it was hoped that the Muslims and the Turkic peoples would revolt and join the Ottoman Empire this was backed by Germany who even sent agents to ferment support to the Ottomans and the Central Powers. Germany even did its best court Muslims under British, French and Russian rule to revolt and declare independance.

You could say Pan Islamism and Pan Turkism were one of the factors for the Ottoman Empire to join WW1. Ottomans even hoped to take the Caucasus and then link up with Central Asia.

Only Enver Pasha is the one who took it serious to the point where he died fighting alongside the Basmachi in the region of Turkestan.

You should look this stuff up. Pan Turkism and Pan Turanism that was followed by many Turks in the Ottoman Empire especially army officers and intellectuals was seen as a way to revive the ailing empire.
History is history. Chinese like me can understand the Turks sentiment. But rational thinking is the only way to revival.
Nationalism is only good when the elites find way to control over it. Otherwise it usually lead to disaster.

It usually takes 200 years to build a great empire, it will only take 1 or 2 generation to destroy it.
History is history. Chinese like me can understand the Turks sentiment. But rational thinking is the only way to revival.
Nationalism is only good when the elites find way to control over it. Otherwise it usually lead to disaster.

It usually takes 200 years to build a great empire, it will only take 1 or 2 generation to destroy it.

I agree to be honest. Nationalism has its good and bad sides.
I agree to be honest. Nationalism has its good and bad sides.
In the old days, the elites can manipulate the media much easier, and use propaganda tools to control the enthusiasm of mass.

Nowadays, it's harder and harder, it's like wire-walking. The nationalism and Pan ideology of Yankees backfired the America empire badly. America empire could not avoid Afghanistan War, but they should have chance to control the damage. The pride and ignorance of Yankees blinded themselves.

Imo, Turkey has long way to go to revive Ottoman Empire glory on international arena. It must be dealt with very carefully, and patiently.

Many people think China is weak, those people don't understand the long term strategy of China, and too many people obsessed with tactic instead of strategy.
We all struggle to be strong and avoid being bullied by others. This is nationalism spirit without any mask. We should all understand this first. I think to suggest like flight falcon said that Turkey is far ahead of China's military industry it is absolutely a joke.

China in the 1970s already had a decent industry starting to establish. Even hydrogen bomb is starting to come out and neutron bomb. This is not average science and technology. China has been very poor in 20th century. Had many wars and civil war, Mao's bad policies even made us go backwards for many years maybe some decades but the science and learning was only disrupted but not totally lost. People think when China was poor and backward in early 20 century, we had nothing this is not true. China for history was always quite rich but had huge population. Only in last century there were a lot of mess and even in poor condition under that mess, we still preserve wealth and our abilities. People will say bullshit and whatever but fine we cannot convince you because some people already want to think one way without finding truth. It's not too important.

If someone want to believe China's technology for military is lower than Turkey, go ahead. Your politicians and educated people in those areas know. That's enough. Of course Turkey has respectable military industry and abilities too. Turkish have strong science and technology experts as well. I know Turkey has many ability most country cannot even touch.
We all struggle to be strong and avoid being bullied by others. This is nationalism spirit without any mask. We should all understand this first. I think to suggest like flight falcon said that Turkey is far ahead of China's military industry it is absolutely a joke.

China in the 1970s already had a decent industry starting to establish. Even hydrogen bomb is starting to come out and neutron bomb. This is not average science and technology. China has been very poor in 20th century. Had many wars and civil war, Mao's bad policies even made us go backwards for many years maybe some decades but the science and learning was only disrupted but not totally lost. People think when China was poor and backward in early 20 century, we had nothing this is not true. China for history was always quite rich but had huge population. Only in last century there were a lot of mess and even in poor condition under that mess, we still preserve wealth and our abilities. People will say bullshit and whatever but fine we cannot convince you because some people already want to think one way without finding truth. It's not too important.

If someone want to believe China's technology for military is lower than Turkey, go ahead. Your politicians and educated people in those areas know. That's enough. Of course Turkey has respectable military industry and abilities too. Turkish have strong science and technology experts as well. I know Turkey has many ability most country cannot even touch.

Without big enough stable economy, without full category education, research, industry system, it's impossible for Turkey to establish self-reliable military industry.
Without big enough stable economy, without full category education, research, industry system, it's impossible for Turkey to establish self-reliable military industry.

Then I have bad news for you. Number of ongoing military projets ≃ 650
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