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Turkey considers Russian Su-57, Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s - Yeni Şafak

Unfortunately these are matters of state not for individuals. Such sales can boost relation between turkey and china. I doubt china would pass up such a valuable opportunity to increase its sphere of influence.
Why would China be so stupid to be used as a bargaining chip of Turkey?
Why would China be so stupid to be used as a bargaining chip of Turkey?

I don't understand the question, China would not be the bargaining chip, China would set aside differences for the purpose to add Turkey into Chinese sphere of influence. Turkey would be reliant on China for vital parts and trade and banking and BRI... that is if China wants this.
I don't understand the question, China would not be the bargaining chip, China would set aside differences for the purpose to add Turkey into Chinese sphere of influence. Turkey would be reliant on China for vital parts and trade and banking and BRI... that is if China wants this.
Turkey just wants China to be a bargaining chip now.

And Turkey just wants F-35 and S-400 at the same time.
Why would China be so stupid to be used as a bargaining chip of Turkey?

Affairs of state don't run on emotions. Never in the past china had any issues with moral values as long as they got influence and billions in return and that wont change in case of turkey as well.
Turkey is a secular Muslim country tho its more of ethnic larping thing tbh with the Uyghurs even Atheist Turks who drink Raki support the Uyghurs point is China has problems with Pan Turkists who happen to be ethnic nationalists who dislike Russians Chinese,and Iranians
Modern Turkey started out as a secular state but I am not sure how secular it is today. I believe Islamist sentiments (e.g., the belief that all Muslim minority groups should seek political independence and form their own Sharia-centric state) motivates the Turks in addition to pan-Turkism. After all, pan-Turkism is a joke -- Turks aren't even the same race as Mongoloid countries of Central Asia or Xinjiang -- while Islamism is an actual movement with significant adherents.
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Personally, I would first go with Russia, Russia would be helped by a friendly Turkey.
Affairs of state don't run on emotions. Never in the past china had any issues with moral values as long as they got influence and billions in return and that wont change in case of turkey as well.
Nothing about emotions.
Turkey just does that all the time.
Affairs of state don't run on emotions. Never in the past china had any issues with moral values as long as they got influence and billions in return and that wont change in case of turkey as well.
I think you underestimate the importance of principles in Chinese government decision making. Pragmatism doesn't bring you influence. Sticking to your principles does.
Modern Turkey started out as a secular state but I am not sure how secular it is today. I believe Islamist sentiments (e.g., the belief that all Muslim minority groups should seek political independence and form their own Sharia-centric state) motivates the Turks in addition to pan-Turkism. After all, pan-Turkism is a joke -- Turks aren't even the same race as Mongoloid countries of Central Asia or Xinjiang -- while Islamism is an actual movement with significant adherents.

pan-Turkism is the biggest joke of the century. The Western Europeans are the Turks and the people in Turkey are non-Turks.

You don't believe. Just read this.


Three individuals saw Europe populated with hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of people and conquered and genocided the natives. The three individuals were blood cousins of the Bahkir Turks. So the Western Europeans are of the seedline of Bashkir Turks's ancestors.

The Anatolians are Caucasians & are not Turks, but simply a conquered people who were not genocided, not genocided because the Seljuks were Muslims, so did not behave like the Turks that took over Western Europe.

Western Europe is the land of the Turks. Turkey is NOT.

The story of the Western European Turks (Celts and Slavs):


To clarify even further, just because the Yuan Mongol Dynasty killed millions of Chinese, mercilessly, and horrifically rape and slaughtered and left a genetic footprint in China, does not make China all of a sudden Mongolia. The people of Turkey think because the Turks conquered Turkey, they are no longer linked with ancestors, but linked with those that raped and killed and did horrible things to the natives.

Turkey is stuck in a Stokholm syndrome, but this is why I like the AKP, Erdogan is a native Georgian, even though Turkish society bullied the president into clarifying that he is not a Georgian, when that is what Erdogan is. Erdogan has 10-50x more Geogian, Roman and Armenian blood that Turkish, yet this pan-Turkish nonsense continues. And nobody can question it, like they are all unable to question Ataturk. If they question Ataturk, the become - Persona non grata.
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I personally would like Jimmy Carter as dictator of USA for life.
I like Jimmy Carter. A great man. I also think the world would do well to roll back some of the 1969 sexual revolution ideology. However, I still detest Islamism (militant Islam) because they are a bunch of intolerant nutjobs. Just like Evangelical Christians.
LOL.. US should target Turkey as the only rival militarily, not China and Russia, China should buy weapons from Turkey but not the otherway around, since Turkey is far ahead of China.

Perhaps you are weak in understanding. I merely mentioned that Turkish military technology is ahead of Chinese .
pan-Turkism is the biggest joke of the century. The Western Europeans are the Turks and the people in Turkey are non-Turks.

You don't believe. Just read this.


Three individuals saw Europe populated with hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of people and conquered and genocided the natives. The three individuals were blood cousins of the Bahkir Turks. So the Western Europeans are of the seedline of Bashkir Turks's ancestors.

The Anatolians are Caucasians & are not Turks, but simply a conquered people who were not genocided, not genocided because the Seljuks were Muslims, so did not behave like the Turks that took over Western Europe.

Western Europe is the land of the Turks. Turkey is NOT.

The story of the Western European Turks (Celts and Slavs):


To clarify even further, just because the Yuan Mongol Dynasty killed millions of Chinese, mercilessly, and horrifically rape and slaughtered and left a genetic footprint in China, does not make China all of a sudden Mongolia. The people of Turkey think because the Turks conquered Turkey, they are no longer linked with ancestors, but linked with those that raped and killed and did horrible things to the natives.

Turkey is stuck in a Stokholm syndrome, but this this why I like the AKP, Erdogan is a native Georgian, even though Turkish society bullied the president into clarifying that he is not a Georgian, when that is what Erdogan is. Erdogan has 10-50x more Geogian, Roman and Armenian blood that Turkish, yet this pan-Turkish nonsense continues. And nobody can question it, like they are all unable to question Ataturk. If they question Ataturk, the become - Persona non grata.
It is true that the actual Turkic admixture is around 10 percent in present day Turkey. But that doesn't mean it is automatically caucasian. In fact the largest Haplogroup in Turkey is J2(middle eastern/north African) and then there is a whole constellation of different haplogroups rightfully suggesting the land to be a historical crossroads... and during Ottoman times a lot of Eastern Europeans actually came to Anatolia. So, though Turkey with it's name does glorify its recent past but either rightly or wrongly that glory came to Anatolia via Ottoman Turks.
pan-Turkism is the biggest joke of the century. The Western Europeans are the Turks and the people in Turkey are non-Turks.

You don't believe. Just read this.


Three individuals saw Europe populated with hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of people and conquered and genocided the natives. The three individuals were blood cousins of the Bahkir Turks. So the Western Europeans are of the seedline of Bashkir Turks's ancestors.

The Anatolians are Caucasians & are not Turks, but simply a conquered people who were not genocided, not genocided because the Seljuks were Muslims, so did not behave like the Turks that took over Western Europe.

Western Europe is the land of the Turks. Turkey is NOT.

The story of the Western European Turks (Celts and Slavs):


To clarify even further, just because the Yuan Mongol Dynasty killed millions of Chinese, mercilessly, and horrifically rape and slaughtered and left a genetic footprint in China, does not make China all of a sudden Mongolia. The people of Turkey think because the Turks conquered Turkey, they are no longer linked with ancestors, but linked with those that raped and killed and did horrible things to the natives.

Turkey is stuck in a Stokholm syndrome, but this is why I like the AKP, Erdogan is a native Georgian, even though Turkish society bullied the president into clarifying that he is not a Georgian, when that is what Erdogan is. Erdogan has 10-50x more Geogian, Roman and Armenian blood that Turkish, yet this pan-Turkish nonsense continues. And nobody can question it, like they are all unable to question Ataturk. If they question Ataturk, the become - Persona non grata.

How the hell do Western Europeans count as Turks when they dont even speak a Turkic language???

Closest to the Turkic peoples in Europe is Hungary, Finland and Estonia due to the Uralic and Altaic link despite it being discredited. Its a fact that the ancestors of Hungarians and Finns come from Central Asia.

Celts, Slavs and Germanics are all part of the Indo European language group.

You mean pan Turkism and Pan Turanism?? They are not the only Pan ideology to be a failure a lot pan like ideologies have always failed due to not taking account of culture, religion, langauges and the diverse peoples that live in certain lands or regions.

Pan Turkism, Pan Slavic, Pan Germanic and many other Pan ideologies have all been born in the 1800s due to nationalism and scientific racism along with the attempt to spread influence and unite their peoples it also caused many wars like Ww1 and Ww2.

These 1800s ideologies have mostly failed and created disappointment to many who believed in it.

It is true that the actual Turkic admixture is around 10 percent in present day Turkey. But that doesn't mean it is automatically caucasian. In fact the largest Haplogroup in Turkey is J2(middle eastern/north African) and then there is a whole constellation of different haplogroups rightfully suggesting the land to be a historical crossroads... and during Ottoman times a lot of Eastern Europeans actually came to Anatolia. So, though Turkey with it's name does glorify its recent past but either rightly or wrongly that glory came to Anatolia via Ottoman Turks.

Language and culture make the people as they are today. Turks of Turkey are Turks simple as that.

Iraqi Turkmens and Syrian Turkmens look more Arab than Central or Far Eastern. But they are Turkic. Balkan Turks look more European than Asian they are Turks.

Pan Turkism failed to take into account that the Turkic peoples are not a unified race.

If the Turks of Turkey believed they are Turkic I do believe they have the right. Most Spaniards have Celto-Iberian origins but most see the Romans as their ancestors due to their language and culture. Todays French ancestors are most likely celts but they chose and see Latin as their culture due to romanisation of France. France was founded by Germanic Kings but still the country did not become germanised due to the locals strong links with Rome and Roman culture.

Central Asian blood may be small in Turkey but it is actually there, a lot Turks who live in Turkey can trace a Central Asian ancestor. You are forgetting the millions of Nogai and Crimean Tatars that lived in Turkey for centuries.
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