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Turkey considers Russian Su-57, Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s - Yeni Şafak

and what makes the F16 superior to Su-35 ?
* F-16 achieved dozens air to air victories. Su-35 - none.
* F-16 has excellent air to ground capabilities, proven in tens of thousands strikes. Su-35 air to ground capabilities are extremely limited (no targeting pods).
* F-16 achieved dozens air to air victories. Su-35 - none.
* F-16 has excellent air to ground capabilities, proven in tens of thousands strikes. Su-35 air to ground capabilities are extremely limited (no targeting pods).

These are weak arguments tho,SU35 is air superiority fighter while f16 is multirole and just because the f16 was in the past successful it doesn't mean that it will be successful in the near future. It remains to be seen how things will turn out between the US and Turkey and based on these developments Turkey will move forward with acquiring non-western jets.
These are weak arguments tho,SU35 is air superiority fighter while f16 is multirole and just because the f16 was in the past successful it doesn't mean that it will be successful in the near future. It remains to be seen how things will turn out between the US and Turkey and based on these developments Turkey will move forward with acquiring non-western jets.
1) These are good arguments.
2) Su-35 is multirole fighter according to Sukhoi official site.
3) F-16 is very successful combat proven 4 gen fighter. Su-35 is 4th gen fighter not proven in combat.
4) Big loss for Turkish air force. Instead 5 gen fighters u will get unproved 4th gen.
1) These are good arguments.
2) Su-35 is multirole fighter according to Sukhoi official site.
3) F-16 is very successful combat proven 4 gen fighter. Su-35 is 4th gen fighter not proven in combat.
4) Big loss for Turkish air force. Instead 5 gen fighters u will get unproved 4th gen.
I didn't know we are getting Su-35.

No 4th Gen.
No Russian aircraft.
No US/EURO aircraft.

1) These are good arguments.
2) Su-35 is multirole fighter according to Sukhoi official site.
3) F-16 is very successful combat proven 4 gen fighter. Su-35 is 4th gen fighter not proven in combat.
4) Big loss for Turkish air force. Instead 5 gen fighters u will get unproved 4th gen.

You think Israel would purchase F-35 without total control of it? One of the reason why Turkey doesn't want them.
Yeni Şafak and Aydınlık are doing their best to bring the Turkish people closer to China and Russia. Ironically, these two newspapers are actually, representing two different ends ideologically.


No 4th Gen.
No Russian aircraft.
No US/EURO aircraft.

The only way
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You think Israel would purchase F-35 without total control of it? One of the reason why Turkey doesn't want them
To be honest Turkey wants them. Else they would have voluntarily withdrawn from the program altogether and ask for compensation or their money back. the fact that they are still negotiating with the U.S shows they want these jets.
Yeni Şafak and Aydınlık are doing their best to bring the Turkish people closer to China and Russia. Ironically, these two newspapers are actually, representing two different ends ideologically.

The only way

The problem is that MMU can come too late... If you take into account current "Geopolitical dynamic"...
So having something "more capable" in the coming years is a "sane" move as a stop gap.
Turkey’s security bureaucracy already has alternative plans in case the United States halts the delivery of the F-35 jets over Ankara’s decision to buy S-400 missile systems and has been considering Russian Su-57 or Chinese J-31 stealth fighters as possible options, pro-government Yeni Şafak daily said on Sunday.

As a last move of Washington’s increased pressure on Ankara to cancel the S-400 deal with Moscow, the Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan sent a letter to Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar on Thursday detailing how Turkey’s participation in the F-35 program will be all but suspended as of July 31, unless Turkey withdraws from its planned purchase of Russian defence systems.

In April, the United States froze a joint F-35 manufacturing program with Turkey, which produces 6-7 percent of the parts for the fighter jets, while there is a bipartisan support in U.S. Congress to halt the delivery of 100 F-35 jets Turkey plans to buy from the United States, in case Ankara goes ahead with S-400 acquisition plans.

CNBC reported last month that Washington had told Ankara to decide by early June to either cancel its acquisition of Russia’s S-400 missile systems and buy U.S.-made Patriots or risk expulsion from an advanced U.S. fighter jet program, U.S. sanctions and possible blowback from NATO.

According to Yeni Şafak, the Pentagon made its last move by sending the letter on Thursday, a day before the end of the deadline set for June 7.

Ankara prioritises S-400s over F-35 fighter jets as the missile systems are seen as an urgent need due to regional tensions, the daily said.

“The B, C, D plans are ready in case the F-35 project goes to the dump after S-400 purchase,” Yeni Şafak said. Turkey will sustain its air force by increasing the maintenance of existing aircrafts, while it will escalate efforts to produce its own jets, according to the pro-government newspaper.

“To sit at the table with Russia for the accusation of military aircraft is among the options. The security bureaucracy is also exploring Chinese J-31s, along with Russian Su-57s,” it said, adding that those options were also more cost-effective compared to F35s.

“Ankara already thinks that even if F-35s are delivered, they will create serious security risks for Turkey as they are directly commanded by the United States. Therefore, nobody regrets ‘losing’ F-35s,” the daily said.

Mehmet Barlas, a columnist of the pro-government daily Sabah, on Sunday also suggested immediately ordering Russian jets, without waiting for U.S. sanctions that can be imposed under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick said in an article they penned for The Drive automotive website last month that Moscow had stated it had been ready to work with Turkey on the export and production of their Su-57 advanced fighter jet to fill the void of the U.S.-produced F-35s.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said in April that Turkey could buy aircrafts elsewhere, when asked about Ankara’s possible expulsion from the F-35 programme.

“There are (Russian) Su-34, Su-57 and others. I will absolutely meet my needs from somewhere until I can produce it myself,” Çavuşoğlu said.


HMMM....maybe SU57 i might understand if Turkey is considering that( i don't think they would go for it anyway, its just a negotiation/pressure tactic/strategy), but the J-31? why will they even consider that when the Chinese air force itself has rejected that for the J-20? Maybe if it was the J-20 it will make more sense, but J-31 is no brainer.
I believe there will be now the last meetings between the US and Turkey and either they will give us the F35 or they will sanction us and deal with loosing 2 bases, a turkey which is even more hostile to them + is fielding Russian made S-400 and possibly Su35.
To be honest Turkey wants them. Else they would have voluntarily withdrawn from the program altogether and ask for compensation or their money back. the fact that they are still negotiating with the U.S shows they want these jets.

If we get them in the same package as the Israelis, sure why not.
But that's very unlikely since not even the UK, South Korea or Japan have this benefits.

Negotiations with the US could mean a lot of things... from continue manufacturing components to joining the program again, receiving the ordered fighters or just messing around.
We don't know, but fact is Turkey didn't made anything wrong that justifies removal of the program.

Cancel S-400 or we kick you out of F-35... that is something you can tell your vassals.
The problem is that MMU can come too late... If you take into account current "Geopolitical dynamic"...
So having something "more capable" in the coming years is a "sane" move as a stop gap.

Untill that time we will use F16 and upgrade them with our own modernzation program, should do same with the F4...
Turkey chose the S-400 to hit two birds with one stone I feel. The lack of control over the codes of the avionics made the plane a security threat in terms of it transmitting sensitive date back to the US. Secondly S-400 allows Turkey to target its own aircraft in the event they go rogue. Turkish members feel free to correct me.

Never, we don’t sell to back stabbers

Untill that time we will use F16 and upgrade them with our own modernzation program, should do same with the F4...
If you have modernizations, you would never go for f16 in the first place
I like Jimmy Carter. A great man. I also think the world would do well to roll back some of the 1969 sexual revolution ideology. However, I still detest Islamism (militant Islam) because they are a bunch of intolerant nutjobs. Just like Evangelical Christians.
You really are clueless.
Just like nowadays you guys are running here & there, trying to convince others that USA is spreading propaganda on Chinese Uiyghur issue, similarly the same USA is responsible for giving some fake clowns weapons with beards or buying some illiterate, badly influenced muslims, NAMING THEM AS ISLAMIC MILITANTS while they don’t fucking represent us from any angle.

Unless you don’t research on the open mindedness of pure Islam which was practiced by Prophet Muhammad SA and co, you wouldn’t be able to understand my point bro !!!

Rest, if you disagree with me still, then i am not a doctor for ignorance
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