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Turkey considers Russian Su-57, Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s - Yeni Şafak

keep crying ... Israel wants to destroy good relationship between Turkey and Russia

ERDOGAN and PUTIN are not stupid to fight each others
Putin fights, Erdogan surrenders. Putin bombs Turkish villages and Erdogan give him 2.5 billions.

Thats how it works.

and Erdogan did not give $2,5 billion to Putin
Erdogan bought game changer S400 Air Defense System ... thanks to Putin
S-400 never protected anything. Israel bombed targets right near S-400. After Turkey bought S-400 even Assad started bombing Turks because he knows they wont do anything.

btw the US backed Pkk/Ypg terrorists killed tens of thousands of innocent people in Turkey
so what ?
PKK was created by Assad with help of Russia. The amount of Erdogan brainwash is amazing.

only in your dreams .....
We gave a good lesson to Assad's joke Army when they attacked
Turkish Army is in Idlib with 12 observation posts
You did NOTHING. They shelled and surrounded ur posts, everyone laugh at u.

in 2013 Turkey had bigger GDP Nominal than Romania+Hungary+Poland combined
Even Romania has higher GDP per capita than Turkey.
Putin fights, Erdogan surrenders. Putin bombs Turkish villages and Erdogan give him 2.5 billions.

Thats how it works

Erdogan fights and the US-Israel lost in Syria .... where is your so-called Syrian Kurdistan ? dream on

Turkish Army took Afrin , Jarablus , Tel Abyad , Rasulayn , Dabıq , Azez , Rail , Al Bab from the US-Israel

Thats how it works.

S-400 never protected anything. Israel bombed targets right near S-400. After Turkey bought S-400 even Assad started bombing Turks because he knows they wont do anything.

S400 can protect many things

Russia doest use S400s against Israel ... because of NETANYAHU visited 9 times Moscow to beg PUTIN to allow Israel for attacking Iranian targets in Syria

I remind you , even outdated S200 turned Israeli F-16 into crap of metal

PKK was created by Assad with help of Russia. The amount of Erdogan brainwash is amazing.

and since 1991 the US and Israel use Pkk/Ypg terrorists in Turkey , Iraq and Syria for Zionist plans

btw the US deploys 30.000 of truckloads of weapons to Pkk/Ypg terrorists in Syria to fight against Turkey

today the US , Israel and France are the biggest supporters of Pkk/Ypg terrorists

You did NOTHING. They shelled and surrounded ur posts, everyone laugh at u.

Nobody can touch 12 Turkish observation posts in Idlib ... keep dreaming

Even Romania has higher GDP per capita than Turkey.

who cares about useless Romania ?

Qatar has higher GDP per capita than the US ...... Panama has higher GDP per capita than China .... so what ?
Erdogan fights and the US-Israel lost in Syria .... where is your so-called Syrian Kurdistan ? dream on

Turkish Army took Afrin , Jarablus , Tel Abyad , Rasulayn , Dabıq , Azez , Rail , Al Bab from the US-Israel

Thats how it works.
You remind me Nasrallah. He tells his followers than he fights Israel by slaughtering Muslims in Aleppo.
Similarly Erdogan fights US and Israel in Jarablus. :rofl:

Also you have short memory like aquarium fish. Erdogan was vowing to take Manbij and entire north Syria. And what he got instead? Tiny piece of desert without Kurds and any resources.

S400 can protect many things
Yet but could not protect a shyt. Same as S-300 supplied to Assadists (these S-300 are no different from S-400).

Russia doest use S400s against Israel ... because of NETANYAHU visited 9 times Moscow to beg PUTIN to allow Israel for attacking Iranian targets in Syria
Israel always said that we will attack no matter what. We contact Russia mainly for Russian own safety because they can shot down their own planes like it happened already.

I remind you , even outdated S200 turned Israeli F-16 into crap of metal
U can destroy F-22 with a club. Frustrated Russians and Assadists decided to show force and fired at plane deep inside Israeli territory when it was not expecting attack. And what they achieved? - Since then Israel started targeting Assad SAMs destroying dozens, including brand new Pantsirs and Buks.

and since 1991 the US and Israel use Pkk/Ypg terrorists in Turkey , Iraq and Syria for Zionist plans

btw the US deploys 30.000 of truckloads of weapons to Pkk/Ypg terrorists in Syria to fight against Turkey

today the US , Israel and France are the biggest supporters of Pkk/Ypg terrorists
Not a single attack came from YPG, on the other hand Putin armed Kurds with Strela so they could shot down Turkish helicopters.

Nobody can touch 12 Turkish observation posts in Idlib ... keep dreaming
3 observation posts are already surrounded by Assadists. Why did they bother tp put them if they could not do a shyt?

who cares about useless Romania ?
Useless Romania has higher growth and higher GNP per capita than great Erdogania.

Qatar has higher GDP per capita than the US ...... Panama has higher GDP per capita than China .... so what ?
So they live better.
You remind me Nasrallah. He tells his followers than he fights Israel by slaughtering Muslims in Aleppo.
Similarly Erdogan fights US and Israel in Jarablus.

We dont care about terrorist Nasrallah or terrorist Israel

the US and Israel tried to create a terror corridor in N.Syria .... but 3 Turkish Military Operations kicked the US-Israel plan in N.Syria

Also you have short memory like aquarium fish. Erdogan was vowing to take Manbij and entire north Syria. And what he got instead? Tiny piece of desert without Kurds and any resources.

I am saying Turkish Army took Afrin , Jarablus , Tel Abyad , Rasulayn , Dabıq , Azez , Rail , Al Bab from the US-Israel

We dont care any resources ... Turkish Army wants to clean Turkey-Syria borderline from all terrorist groups

thieves the US and Israel you keep invading Raqqa , Dayrez zor , etc to steal resources
its Syria's problem , not ours

Yet but could not protect a shyt. Same as S-300 supplied to Assadists (these S-300 are no different from S-400)

go and attack on Russian military bases in Syria , then you will learn about capabilities of S400

Israeli F-16 was honored by outdated S200

btw if S400 is useless , then Israeli air defense systems are full of useless

Not a single attack came from YPG, on the other hand Putin armed Kurds with Strela so they could shot down Turkish helicopters.

YPG attacked more than 700 times to Turkey from Syria and tens of innocent people including childeren died

btw YPG = PKK who killed tens of thousands of innocent people in Turkey

are you joke or what ? the US deploys 30.000 of truckloads of weapons to Pkk/Ypg terrorists in Syria to kill Turkish people

3 observation posts are already surrounded by Assadists. Why did they bother tp put them if they could not do a shyt?

so what ? Nobody can touch 12 Turkish observation posts in Idlib

Useless Romania has higher growth and higher GNP per capita than great Erdogania.

you are joke
useless Panama has higher GNP per capita than China ... so what ?

great Erdogania has bigger GDP than Greece+Israel+Egypt combined ( even Turkey lost $1 trillion to fight terrorism since 1985 )

great Erdogania has $2,2 trillion of GDP PPP which is bigger than Romania+Hungary+Polland combined

great Erdogania has better cities , hospitals , airports , buildings , stadiums , highways , high speed railways , etc than Romania+Hungary+Polland+Greece+Israel+Egypt combined

great Erdogania has better defense industry than Romania+Hungary+Polland+Greece+Bulgaria+all Balkans+S.Arabia+Jordan+Syria+Iraq+Libya+Algeria+Tunis+Moracco+the Uae+Egypt combined
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We dont care about terrorist Nasrallah or terrorist Israel

the US and Israel tried to create a terror corridor in N.Syria .... but 3 Turkish Military Operations kicked the US-Israel plan in N.Syria
You dont care about Nasrallah but you are parroting his argumentation:

Nasrallah defeats Israel in Aleppo and you defeat Israel in Jarablus. LOL

I am saying Turkish Army took Afrin , Jarablus , Tel Abyad , Rasulayn , Dabıq , Azez , Rail , Al Bab from the US-Israel
LOL, again silly Nssrallah argumentation.

Again aqarium fish memory. Pro Armerican Kurds are in Kobani, Qamishly and Hasaka. Erdogan wanted to take these areas, but Trump said: hey clown dont dare to touch my Kurds and Erdogan obeyed.

Even Assadists are laughing at your outposts and bombing them openly.

go and attack on Russian military bases in Syria , then you will learn about capabilities of S400
We attack Russian allies and they cant do a shyt. S-300PMU2 is no different from S-400.

btw if S400 is useless , then Israeli air defense systems are full of useless

are you joke or what ? the US deploys 30.000 of truckloads of weapons to Pkk/Ypg terrorists in Syria to kill Turkish people
Yet Turkish tanks and helicopters were destroyed with Russian weapons.

Its funny how Putin is pissing at you and u say its rain.

so what ? Nobody can touch 12 Turkish observation posts in Idlib
First of all Assadists shelled them. Secondly, they totally failed in their mission.

you are joke
useless Panama has higher GNP per capita than China ... so what ?
So average Panama citizen lives better than Chinese.
You dont care about Nasrallah but you are parroting his argumentation:

Nasrallah defeats Israel in Aleppo and you defeat Israel in Jarablus. LOL

LOL, again silly Nssrallah argumentation.

Again aqarium fish memory. Pro Armerican Kurds are in Kobani, Qamishly and Hasaka. Erdogan wanted to take these areas, but Trump said: hey clown dont dare to touch my Kurds and Erdogan obeyed.

Even Assadists are laughing at your outposts and bombing them openly.

We attack Russian allies and they cant do a shyt. S-300PMU2 is no different from S-400.

Yet Turkish tanks and helicopters were destroyed with Russian weapons.

Its funny how Putin is pissing at you and u say its rain.

First of all Assadists shelled them. Secondly, they totally failed in their mission.

So average Panama citizen lives better than Chinese.

It's hilarious because before Turkey bought the S-400 you had Turkish members talking about how it is easy to neutralize it,jam it whatever,but then under Turkish hands it is a "super and formidable" weapon nobody can counter.
You dont care about Nasrallah but you are parroting his argumentation:

Nasrallah defeats Israel in Aleppo and you defeat Israel in Jarablus. LOL

Turkey backed FSA fought also Iran backed terrorist groups in Syria including Aleppo

that means We fought against all terrorists ( Hezbollah , Israel , Pkk/Ypg , ISIS ) in Syria

Again aqarium fish memory. Pro Armerican Kurds are in Kobani, Qamishly and Hasaka. Erdogan wanted to take these areas, but Trump said: hey clown dont dare to touch my Kurds and Erdogan obeyed.

You have aqarium fish memory

Turkish Army took Afrin , Jarablus , Tel Abyad , Rasulayn , Dabıq , Azez , Rail , Al Bab in 3 years with 3 military operation

always there will be more Turkish military operation possiblity in Syria ...
3 years ago American/Israeli clowns dreamed about terror corridor ... where is your ROJAVA ? loser clowns

very funny where were clown TRUMP and NETENYAHU when Turkish Army kicked your ugly smelly kurdish terrorists in Afrin ,Tel Abyad and Rasulayn ?

clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP begged PUTIN to stop the Turkish Army in Kobani , Hasaka and Qamıshly

clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP lost Tel Abyad and Rasulayn to Turkey
clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP lost Kobani , Hasaka and Qamıshly to Russia and Syrian Regime

and now clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP use terrorist kurds as toilet paper in Raqqa and Dayrez zor

We attack Russian allies and they cant do a shyt. S-300PMU2 is no different from S-400.

Russia doesnt care about a few Israeli attacks in Syria
I am saying again go and attack on Russian military bases in Syria , then you will learn about capabilities of S400

Yet Turkish tanks and helicopters were destroyed with Russian weapons.

Its funny how Putin is pissing at you and u say its rain.

the US bought Russian weapons from Balkan countries and gave them to Pkk/Ypg terrorists

and never forget that Turkey backed FSA destroyed many Russian Tanks , Helicopters in Syria

First of all Assadists shelled them. Secondly, they totally failed in their mission.

I am saying again Nobody can touch 12 Turkish observation posts in Idlib
if anybody has balls , try it

So average Panama citizen lives better than Chinese.

but China will be global power , not useless Panama

Ignorant Israeli guy says that S400 is shyt
Liar French guy says that Turkish members said S400 super and formidable weapon nobody can counter ... in reality no any Turkish member said this

a guy from Turkey with inferior complex says no no we are different , we are anti Erdogan , we are secular educated guys , dont call everyone as Turkish members

ignorant guys, even outdated S200 turned Israeli F-16 into crap of metal .... S400 can turn F-15s , F-16s , Rafales , Eurofighters , etc into crap of metal

if anybody says S400 is shyt , He is ignorant and know nothing about military

Russia allow Israel to attack Iranian targets in Syria
and ignorant guys says S400 wont work ... what a joke

if S400 is shyt , then SAMP-T , DAVID SLING and PATRIOT are full of shyt

French-Italian SAMP-T 120km
Israeli DAVID SLING 150km
American PATRIOT 160km
Russian S400 400km
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Turkey backed FSA fought also Iran backed terrorist groups in Syria including Aleppo

that means We fought against all terrorists ( Hezbollah , Israel , Pkk/Ypg , ISIS ) in Syria

You have aqarium fish memory

Turkish Army took Afrin , Jarablus , Tel Abyad , Rasulayn , Dabıq , Azez , Rail , Al Bab in 3 years with 3 military operation

always there will be more Turkish military operation possiblity in Syria ...
3 years ago American/Israeli clowns dreamed about terror corridor ... where is your ROJAVA ? loser clowns

very funny where were clown TRUMP and NETENYAHU when Turkish Army kicked your ugly smelly kurdish terrorists in Afrin ,Tel Abyad and Rasulayn ?

clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP begged PUTIN to stop the Turkish Army in Kobani , Hasaka and Qamıshly

clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP lost Tel Abyad and Rasulayn to Turkey
clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP lost Kobani , Hasaka and Qamıshly to Russia and Syrian Regime

and now clown NETANYAHU and TRUMP use terrorist kurds as toilet paper in Raqqa and Dayrez zor

Russia doesnt care about a few Israeli attacks in Syria
I am saying again go and attack on Russian military bases in Syria , then you will learn about capabilities of S400

the US bought Russian weapons from Balkan countries and gave them to Pkk/Ypg terrorists

and never forget that Turkey backed FSA destroyed many Russian Tanks , Helicopters in Syria

I am saying again Nobody can touch 12 Turkish observation posts in Idlib
if anybody has balls , try it

but China will be global power , not useless Panama

Ignorant Israeli guy says that S400 is shyt
Liar French guy says that Turkish members said S400 super and formidable weapon nobody can counter ... in reality no any Turkish member said this

a guy from Turkey with inferior complex says no no we are different , we are anti Erdogan , we are secular educated guys , dont call everyone as Turkish members

ignorant guys, even outdated S200 turned Israeli F-16 into crap of metal .... S400 can turn F-15s , F-16s , Rafales , Eurofighters , etc into crap of metal

if anybody says S400 is shyt , He is ignorant and know nothing about military

Russia allow Israel to attack Iranian targets in Syria
and ignorant guys says S400 wont work ... what a joke

Lets sum it again.

* Russia with Assad created PKK and killed tens of thousands Turks.
* Russia burned down Turkish villages in Syria together with its inabitants.
* Russia armed Kurds with MANPADS and ATGMs whci destroyed Turkish helicopters and tanks.
* Russia broke all cease fire agreements signed with Erdogan, making him look like a fool and weak clown.

In return Erdogan gave Russia 2.5 billion $ for useless systems and as result lost F-35.

Erdogan wanted to capture Kobane, Qamishli, Hasaka. Instead got little piece of desert.

if S400 is shyt , then SAMP-T , DAVID SLING and PATRIOT are full of shyt

French-Italian SAMP-T 120km
Israeli DAVID SLING 150km
American PATRIOT 160km
Russian S400 400km
I'll tell you a secret. What really matters is ALTITUDE.

S-400 max altitude is 30 km.
Israeli Hetz-3 and US THAAD altitude is 150-200 km.
* Russia with Assad created PKK and killed tens of thousands Turks.

PKK was created in Turkey by kurds themselves, received support from the soviets in the beginning and from the 90´s heavily from the US and West. The western support was much more dangerous then the russian this is a fact tho with the dynamics changing western support for this group becomes irrelevant. They are hardly active in Turkey while their higher ranks are at most live exercises for turkish drone operators.

* Russia burned down Turkish villages in Syria together with its inabitants.

Thats true, on the other hand turkey was responsible for the killing of dozens and more of russian soldier in Syria trough FSA support.

* Russia armed Kurds with MANPADS and ATGMs whci destroyed Turkish helicopters and tanks.

That was years ago when Turkey did the same shit to Russia, remember 2015 and 16. These were bad times.
* Russia broke all cease fire agreements signed with Erdogan, making him look like a fool and weak clown.

There isnt much we can do about their onslaught in Idlib, its a lost case and the agreement is not a cease fire agreement but an agreement to keep the refugees there, we are aware that assad has placed these people in green buses and deported them from other parts of Syria to idlib just to encircle them and smash them there. The Refugees need to be settled now in Northern Syria they wont be allowed inside Turkey, its all about refugees

In return Erdogan gave Russia 2.5 billion $ for useless systems and as result lost F-35.
Erdogan wanted to capture Kobane, Qamishli, Hasaka. Instead got little piece of desert.

Thats bullshit Turkey bought the S400 because the refusal of the patriot system, even right now there is a weapon embargo in place on Turkey for annihilating the Kurds in northern Syria. Erdogan could have captured kobane,qamishli and hasaka but he didnt want to escalate further which in my opinion was wrong. He should have gone all in shock and awe style.

All in all dynamics are changing and that to the favour of Turkey :D
Su-35 is no better than F-16 which Turkey already has.

Erdogan destroyed Turkish air force for an icecream.
Not a fan of Erdogan but F-35 sale would have been blocked regardless of S-400, the Israeli lobby is just too powerful currently.
So getting S-400, even if its just show the middle finger, was absolutely worth it. :)
In return Erdogan gave Russia 2.5 billion $ for useless systems and as result lost F-35.

American control F-35 is useless , not S400
without American permission Turkish F-35s even can not take off

Thanks to evangelist-zionist American Senate and PENTAGON who saved Turkish Airforce from useless F-35s

Turkey should buy more 4 batteries S400 Air Defense Systems for $2,5 billion
and to spend $7,5 billion for developing the TF-X national 5th gen Fighter Jet until 2030 , instead of buying 100 useless F-35s for $10 billion until 2030

Russia can not attack on NATO member Turkey
230 F-16s are enough for Iranian Airforce

Greece,France,Israel and Egypt vs TURKEY in the Eastern Mediterranean

S400 can turn Fighter Jets into crap of metal over the Eastern Mediterranean .... so Turkey and Russia may new S400 deal in 2020

btw the US backed FETO tried to destroy ERDOGAN and Turkey in 2016 failed coup attempt

S400 deal with Russia and to start military operation in Syria was very good response to the US

Erdogan wanted to capture Kobane, Qamishli, Hasaka. Instead got little piece of desert.

without Afrin , Al Bab , Jarablus , Rasulayn and Tel Abyad your terror corridor dream is dead


btw Afrin , Azaz , Al Bab , Jarablus , Rasulayn and Tel Abyad are not desert

keep enjoying in piece of desert ( Raqqa , Hasaka and Deir az-Zur )

I'll tell you a secret. What really matters is ALTITUDE.

S-400 max altitude is 30 km.
Israeli Hetz-3 and US THAAD altitude is 150-200 km.

Turkey bought S400 against Fighter Jets and Strategic Bombers
so 30km altitude is enough to destroy all Fighter Jets and Strategic Bombers

120 - 150km SAMP-T , DAVID SLING and PATRIOT Air Defense Systems can not stop Turkish F-16s armed with 250km SOM Cruise Missiles

but S400 Radar can detect F-15 or F-16 from 390 km away and 40N6E Missile has range of 380 km
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Okay, we understand that the F-35 is useless without an American permission to use it.

By that logic what makes the S-400 any safer to use? It’s not like Russians can’t turn it off wherever they want to so that makes it a piece of trash too... like most Russian tech in general.

Instead of wasting so many years to obtain Patriots, or Russian, or Chinese AD systems, if the billions spent on that S-400 trash were instead invested into Turkish developments, we might have had our own Turkish made alternatives by now without creating all these problems too.

It's hilarious because before Turkey bought the S-400 you had Turkish members talking about how it is easy to neutralize it,jam it whatever,but then under Turkish hands it is a "super and formidable" weapon nobody can counter.

Those Turkish members... are just a few trolls that will bark happily to everything their God-Sultan tells. That same guy with the copy- paste posts was praising how strong Turkish AF would be with the F-35s that are arriving soon but a year later he talk what a useless junk it is. If next month the Congress approves the F-35 sales for Turkey and the first jets arrive on Turkish soil you will see him how he chants “TURKIYE STRONK LAAANNN!” again.
Those Turkish members... are just a few trolls that will bark happily to everything their God-Sultan tells. That same guy with the copy- paste posts was praising how strong Turkish AF would be with the F-35s that are arriving soon but a year later he talk what a useless junk it is. If next month the Congress approves the F-35 sales for Turkey and the first jets arrive on Turkish soil you will see him how he chants “TURKIYE STRONK LAAANNN!” again.

all ignorant American finoları with their great inferiority complex are so barking ...
Those TROLLS are in PDF , because of attacking everyone who support Erdogan because of ERDOGAN kicked their pathetic a$$

read ignorant TROLLS ..İts my thread as of 2019


We now know that F-35 is flying computer and without American permission Turkish F-35s even can not take off

thanks to our great Turkish generals and soldiers

Israeli Airforce can use F-35s against Turkey
but Turkish Airforce can not use F-35s against Israel

-- The MDL ( Mission data loads ) has to be loaded into the F-35’s onboard computer before each mission and has to be updated after each mission

-- All F-35s including those from partner countries must update their mission files and ALIS ( Autonomic Logistics Information System ) profiles before and after each flight

Only the US is currently capable of programming the MDL and ALIS for all F-35s

I am saying again

Turkey should buy more 4 batteries S400 Air Defense Systems for $2,5 billion
and to spend $7,5 billion for developing the TF-X national 5th gen Fighter Jet until 2030 , instead of buying 100 useless F-35s for $10 billion until 2030
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all ignorant American finoları with their great inferiority complex are so barking ...
Those TROLLS are in PDF , because of attacking everyone who support Erdogan because of ERDOGAN kicked their pathetic a$$

read ignorant TROLLS ..İts my thread as of 2019


We now know that F-35 is flying computer and without American permission Turkish F-35s even can not take off

thanks to our great Turkish generals and soldiers

Don’t make me look for your copy- paste propaganda on here or on YouTube because I don’t really have time to waste on you and your pointless propaganda videos and blabbering.

The only thing I hope is that at least you make some money from all those stuff you copy-paste all day because if you do that for free I have bad news for you. :D
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