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Turkey considers Russian Su-57, Chinese J-31 jets to replace F-35s - Yeni Şafak

Shapur Zol Aktaf

Feb 10, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Turkey’s security bureaucracy already has alternative plans in case the United States halts the delivery of the F-35 jets over Ankara’s decision to buy S-400 missile systems and has been considering Russian Su-57 or Chinese J-31 stealth fighters as possible options, pro-government Yeni Şafak daily said on Sunday.

As a last move of Washington’s increased pressure on Ankara to cancel the S-400 deal with Moscow, the Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan sent a letter to Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar on Thursday detailing how Turkey’s participation in the F-35 program will be all but suspended as of July 31, unless Turkey withdraws from its planned purchase of Russian defence systems.

In April, the United States froze a joint F-35 manufacturing program with Turkey, which produces 6-7 percent of the parts for the fighter jets, while there is a bipartisan support in U.S. Congress to halt the delivery of 100 F-35 jets Turkey plans to buy from the United States, in case Ankara goes ahead with S-400 acquisition plans.

CNBC reported last month that Washington had told Ankara to decide by early June to either cancel its acquisition of Russia’s S-400 missile systems and buy U.S.-made Patriots or risk expulsion from an advanced U.S. fighter jet program, U.S. sanctions and possible blowback from NATO.

According to Yeni Şafak, the Pentagon made its last move by sending the letter on Thursday, a day before the end of the deadline set for June 7.

Ankara prioritises S-400s over F-35 fighter jets as the missile systems are seen as an urgent need due to regional tensions, the daily said.

“The B, C, D plans are ready in case the F-35 project goes to the dump after S-400 purchase,” Yeni Şafak said. Turkey will sustain its air force by increasing the maintenance of existing aircrafts, while it will escalate efforts to produce its own jets, according to the pro-government newspaper.

“To sit at the table with Russia for the accusation of military aircraft is among the options. The security bureaucracy is also exploring Chinese J-31s, along with Russian Su-57s,” it said, adding that those options were also more cost-effective compared to F35s.

“Ankara already thinks that even if F-35s are delivered, they will create serious security risks for Turkey as they are directly commanded by the United States. Therefore, nobody regrets ‘losing’ F-35s,” the daily said.

Mehmet Barlas, a columnist of the pro-government daily Sabah, on Sunday also suggested immediately ordering Russian jets, without waiting for U.S. sanctions that can be imposed under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick said in an article they penned for The Drive automotive website last month that Moscow had stated it had been ready to work with Turkey on the export and production of their Su-57 advanced fighter jet to fill the void of the U.S.-produced F-35s.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said in April that Turkey could buy aircrafts elsewhere, when asked about Ankara’s possible expulsion from the F-35 programme.

“There are (Russian) Su-34, Su-57 and others. I will absolutely meet my needs from somewhere until I can produce it myself,” Çavuşoğlu said.

“Ankara already thinks that even if F-35s are delivered, they will create serious security risks for Turkey as they are directly commanded by the United States. Therefore, nobody regrets ‘losing’ F-35s,” the daily said.

As MMM-E said so many times.

A war against Washington backed Kurds - F-35s are useless and waste of money
A war against Washington backed Greeks - F-35s are useless and waste of money
A war against Washington backed Israhell to defend Palestine - F-35s are useless and waste of money

F-35s are made for slaves and puppets, like India.

Turkey wants the unlocked version of the F-35s, not even Washington gets the unlocked version, as there is non.
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I can only imagine what Western MSM will say if Turkey was serious in getting either the SU-57 or J-31. IMO, it would make sense if Turkey acquired the Su-57.
This is all nonsense. Americans can provide Turkey with planes that Chinese and especially Russians can dream of matching. With these planes comes unrivalled technology access. Turkey companies are making three hundred components. Losing on these jets will cause massive financial and job losses.
S400 is no where close technologically as what the West can provide. I believe Turkish government will not be insane to loose access to western technology and destroy its defence industry for shit hole Russian technology. We can also say good bye to ATAK helicopters as well in case Aradgon continues with this stupidity.
For every 90 million USD Turkey spends on F-35s, they get one HAL-9000

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This is all nonsense. Americans can provide Turkey with planes that Chinese and especially Russians can dream of matching. With these planes comes unrivalled technology access. Turkey companies are making three hundred components. Losing on these jets will cause massive financial and job losses.
S400 is no where close technologically as what the West can provide. I believe Turkish government will not be insane to loose access to western technology and destroy its defence industry for shit hole Russian technology. We can also say good bye to ATAK helicopters as well in case Aradgon continues with this stupidity.
The only thing worth Chinese take a look is the huge thrust vector engine that can help China Vertical take off jet project. Other than that the avionic and system of export version is worst off than China J-20 or even J-16 radar system that currently deployed by PLAAF.
SU-34s are less than one half the cost of F-35s, and fill similar role of a strike fighter. So picking up a few dozen of those along with SU-57s would be wise.

A large package of S-400s and S-500s made in Turkiye with SU-57s (made in Turkiye), SU-35s and SU34s would be the cost of the F-35s and investment put in.

One dozen of the 4th gen SU-57.
3 dozen of the 5th gen SU-57 with new engines.
3 dozen of the fullbacks
2 dozen SU-35s (or the rest SU-34s, not SU-35s)

several battalions of S-400s and S-500s.

Can go European strike fighter grippen, euro or rafale instead of the SU-35s, since they are the same pricier cost as SU-35s.

China would definitely not export FC-31 to Turkey.

The repair parts and missiles would be made in China, forcing Ankara to be more diplomatic on the issue going on in Western China. And more willing to be full members of the BRI.

Those three issues would be part of any negotiations.
It will be some time for the S-500 to be made available for export. S-400 along with Su-35 and Su-57. No point to go to Europe. Remember what happened with the Russian order of Mistral?
The repair parts and missiles would be made in China, forcing Ankara to be more diplomatic on the issue going on in Western China. And more willing to be full members of the BRI.

Those three issues would be part of any negotiations.
In my view, China should absolutely not deal with Islamist countries. We should only deal with moderate or secular Muslim countries. The Islamists are common enemies of US, Russia and China. I don't subscribe to so-called "pragmatism". I believe in principles.
In my view, China should absolutely not deal with Islamist countries. We should only deal with moderate or secular Muslim countries. The Islamists are common enemies of US, Russia and China. I don't subscribe to so-called "pragmatism". I believe in principles.

Turkey is a secular Muslim country tho its more of ethnic larping thing tbh with the Uyghurs even Atheist Turks who drink Raki support the Uyghurs point is China has problems with Pan Turkists who happen to be ethnic nationalists who dislike Russians Chinese,and Iranians
In my view, China should absolutely not deal with Islamist countries. We should only deal with moderate or secular Muslim countries. The Islamists are common enemies of US, Russia and China. I don't subscribe to so-called "pragmatism". I believe in principles.

The problem with Turkey is the CHP secular party wants Turkey back to being a Washington puppet. They think being a puppet is what Ataturk would want. So the 'freedom from Washington dominance' party is the AKP.

The Russian communists were more traditionalistic than the West, the West is about filthy liberties, communism in Russia arrested punk rockers and other degenerates (strange feminists) to prevent corrosive elements in society. I am a fascist myself, so I like traditional left and right, and don't mind moderate Islamic parties that are simply trying to get rid of bad Western elements. I personally would like Jimmy Carter as dictator of USA for life.
In my view, China should absolutely not deal with Islamist countries. We should only deal with moderate or secular Muslim countries. The Islamists are common enemies of US, Russia and China. I don't subscribe to so-called "pragmatism". I believe in principles.

You obviously are as clueless as Indians are about their missing plane . Islamist? Seriously ? Turkey is as liberal and modern as you can get when it comes to Islamic countries. China doesn’t like Turkey because they are the only one who raise voice against Chinese treatment of Muslims. Buddy what you guys are doing to Muslims will explode on your face like a cannon firing right on you.
By the way Turkey in military technology is far ahead of China. No match at all.

As for S400 and Su planes etc people taking here have no clue about the technology and advancement available in American machine. No time to waste talking To people who think Chinese can match them in any way.
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