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Turkey concerned over Xinjiang incidents

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You guys hate USA and Israel but support China whats the difference? I understand the goverment of Pakistan needs China to survive in their dangerous region but how can you support it by heart even the people side with China on this!! remember brothers if we as ''muslims'' dont support eachother the others always will be stronger then us and humiliate us they will be cruel to us because we dont give a damn about eachothers. Understand that today its the Uygurs who knows tommorrow it will be the Pakistanis maybe by USA or others, God forbid if such thing happend i am sure Turks will stand by Pakistan. We will always stand by our muslim brothers and sisters no matter what!! Pakistanis shame on you i never ever want to hear again from you Muslim Pakistan "ummah'' muslim unity brotherhood etc.. You guys proved to me that you are a joke!!

What a hypocrite. :lol: You guys allied with both America and Israel.

America started the war in Iraq, and the war in Afghanistan. Israel started the war in Lebanon, and the war in Gaza. All in just ten years, from 2001-2010.

They are killing more of your brothers than anyone else, yet they are your best friends.
Let's get back to the thread's topic which is about bringing before justice the criminals involved in Xinxiang incidents.. Now if China know they were Uighurs terrorists/separatists then they can very well come with proofs otherwise it's a simple case of high handedness where they want to suppress any voice against the atrocities committed on the people of land...

We heard someone say this last Time I remember Chechens.
To hell with your SCO, Turkiye should cut all diplomatic, trade and millitary ties with Pakistan!! RAPTORRX you think we dependent on you people funnyguy. We have enough friends in the world.. Strong ties with bloodbrother countries like Japan, South-Korea who the hell u think u dealing with we have strong connections with almost every country on earth. To hell with your APSCO funnyguy.

Lets calm down now and breath for a second.

It's grossly naive to think every Pakistani is the same, just as it is grossly naive to think every Chinese is the same...

and it is equally naive to think all Uighurs are terrorists as some of your countrymen claims..
Even Palestines want Turkey's supports but Turkey went to buy more from Israel weapons. Ironic!

Unfortunately many Palestines died everyday, Turkish didn't want to help them but interfere on China's internal matters.

Palestine is very near to Turkey than Pakistan borders. :cry:
no offense but i warmly remind u ur brother have a yellow face, r u sure u will treat these people as ur brother in ur country???

i wouldnt be sure about that:devil:

Allah (SWT) is the God of the entire world and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is a messenger for the whole of mankind. Islam unites the entire human race under one banner without any kind of discrimination.

Wherever our brothers and sister are feeling discrimination, it is our duty to stand by them in there time of need.

All Muslims from Moroco to Indonesia are our brothers and we will always be there for them wherever there is injustice.
You guys hate USA and Israel but support China whats the difference? I understand the goverment of Pakistan needs China to survive in their dangerous region but how can you support it by heart even the people side with China on this!! remember brothers if we as ''muslims'' dont support eachother the others always will be stronger then us and humiliate us they will be cruel to us because we dont give a damn about eachothers. Understand that today its the Uygurs who knows tommorrow it will be the Pakistanis maybe by USA or others, God forbid if such thing happend i am sure Turks will stand by Pakistan. We will always stand by our muslim brothers and sisters no matter what!! Pakistanis shame on you i never ever want to hear again from you Muslim Pakistan "ummah'' muslim unity brotherhood etc.. You guys proved to me that you are a joke!!

Lets calm down now Do you really want another chechnya in china, I met a Russian Man who lived in Grozny for 40 years best friends with his Chechen neighbors when the first chechen war came they told him to leave because he was a Russian. the uighur Terrorists want all of Xinjiang.
We heard someone say this last Time I remember Chechens.

Don't obfuscate the discussion, Please.. Do you even know what you are talking about? What ever comment you have made on this thread made no real sense at all..
I was joking about the no-fly zone, but I see you took it seriously. "Luckily the real Pakistani people", the real Pakistani people consider Turkiye to be a brother country, strategic ally, and respect Turkiye's political stance on many issues. The real Pakistani people also consider China to be a strategic ally. Don't tell me about real Pakistanis, I know Pakistanis better than you, I know the culture, languages, habits/tendencies, strengths, weaknesses, ideologies, country, etc so don't tell me about "real" Pakistanis.

Adding to your comments, Pakistan will not be a Uighur terrorist training camp, since that is not in Pakistan national interest.
you guys are all acting like damned fools.....

take a break, go outdoors and go for a jog or somethin
Warms my Heart Thank you Brother Inshallah Muslim Unity and Brotherhood is needed but we also need other Allies like China and Russia as well. Turkey should Leave NATO and join the SCO.

Then take the responsibilities, if China is your allie you as Muslim Pakistan are responsible for your muslim brothers safety there atleast you can tell China that you aint happy the situation. We also need allies.. Why should we leave NATO when we as muslims representing the interest of muslims worldwide. We are the voice of muslims within NATO, if we werent in NATO, maybe they would be much more agressive towards muslim countries!!
Then take the responsibilities, if China is your allie you as Muslim Pakistan are responsible for your muslim brothers safety there atleast you can tell China that you aint happy the situation. We also need allies.. Why should we leave NATO when we as muslims representing the interest of muslims worldwide. We are the voice of muslims within NATO, if we werent in NATO, maybe they would be much more agressive towards muslim countries!!
We interact with Chinese but we don't have to do that publically.In fact during last crisis Pakistan played a great role in calming down Turkey.Regardless, you people act like bunch of puss!es in front of Israel ( a very small country) and you want Pakistan to disturb its only strategic ally and not to mention neighbor.You buy Israeli weapons - the same country which bombs Palestinians regularly so give us a lecture on Muslim brotherhood (No such thing exists) Every country works for its own national interests.
You guys hate USA and Israel but support China whats the difference? I understand the goverment of Pakistan needs China to survive in their dangerous region but how can you support it by heart even the people side with China on this!! remember brothers if we as ''muslims'' dont support eachother the others always will be stronger then us and humiliate us they will be cruel to us because we dont give a damn about eachothers. Understand that today its the Uygurs who knows tommorrow it will be the Pakistanis maybe by USA or others, God forbid if such thing happend i am sure Turks will stand by Pakistan. We will always stand by our muslim brothers and sisters no matter what!! Pakistanis shame on you i never ever want to hear again from you Muslim Pakistan "ummah'' muslim unity brotherhood etc.. You guys proved to me that you are a joke!!

Don't let a few Internet Pakistanis who don't have a damn clue about policy making, details of complicated geopolitical issues, etc form your opinion of all Pakistanis. As you can see one of them at least resides in China, rather than looking at the issue rationally the spoon just blindly puts on his Red Star hat and marches as is.

My position on Xinjiang is a position of rational policy, principal, logical, and humanitarian, unlike others who have a position of a spoon. Kind of like Pakistan Ambassador to US Hussein Haqqani is a spoon...
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