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Turkey and Qatar to Take Joint Military Action against Syria

not exactly, Iranians show they have support of China and Russia only when they find to be attacked by whole US+EU including Arab nations also. but not even a single time, we found Saudi Arabia to have as much pride/respect that they may call for an open war only on themselves. :disagree: SA doent dare to make even a single statement without permission of US/West, while Iran in a truly independent country in Gulf who wish for help from Russia and China only when they come in the position to be attacked by whole West+Arabs


man u need to learn politics , look to iran now and tell me for what this help them BLA BLA BLA , gallery of the collapse of the economy and soon will be the disappearance of the name of Iran from the political world and is then North Korea
. .

the politics in this time is smart not stupid like some politics around of us
. .

by the way , in this time nothing name Soviet Union , and thanx to USA
. . for that change ur flag dude
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