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:) Tunisia the most great Arab nation :)

Tell them plz, since when Saudis or Arabs kill UN health envoys? Hijack and slaughter children in the name of blasphemy? They have a disgusting culture of blood, and blame it on us just to make themselves look better, how pathetic...

Really ? Where was this disgusting culture of blood only 2-3 decades ago ? It isn't a part of us !

All of this BS started when our Government allowed foreign funded religious seminaries to open up in Pakistan ! The Lashkar-e-Toiba that butchers Shias comes wholly & solely from them Ahl-e-Hadith religious seminaries which are funded by Arabs with their Salafi/Wahabi Islamic propagation. The TTP too comes from the same religious seminaries.
Really ? Where was this disgusting culture of blood only 2-3 decades ago ? It isn't a part of us !

All of this BS started when our Government allowed foreign funded religious seminaries to open up in Pakistan ! The Lashkar-e-Toiba that butchers Shias comes wholly & solely from them Ahl-e-Hadith religious seminaries which are funded by Arabs with their Salafi/Wahabi Islamic propagation. The TTP too comes from the same religious seminaries.

Zia-ul-Haq finished Pakistan
Yeah I'm sure Ayman al Zwahiri was a Pakistani...heck I bet hes from my own hometown ! And there are Pakistanis in the Arab Maghrib, in Somalia, in Sudan, in Iraq or even in Yemen that are killed in drone strikes ! :tup:

The TTP is nothing more than canon fodder born out of the same religious seminaries that are run courtesy of Saudi Arabia just as the Tehreek-i-Jafria & others are nothing more than the same funded & supported by the Ayatollahs of Iran. The entire top cadre of the Al-Qaeeda is Arab & if you had been following news closely you'd know the amount of foreign fighters killed or captured by the Pakistan Army & the Tribal Militias in our Tribal Areas just off Afghanistan.

That's what I was talking about, exporting terrorism... Iraq, Somalia, Arab Maghrib and Yemen were under occupation many times in history but never knew terrorism, it was known after they returned from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Saudi Influence:

"A polio vaccine is another alleged plot to spread infertility among Muslims. Not only is this a common belief but due to ignorance, poor reasoning and mock jurisprudence, some “religious” Pakistanis kill other Pakistanis, who are not even less religious than they are, just because they are involved in the campaigns of UNICEF and the country’s health authorities."

Ḥashshāshīn;3851397 said:
No, Arabs just use chemical weapons on their own citizens and butcher them up.

That's why Arabs are against them...
Ḥashshāshīn;3851401 said:
Zia-ul-Haq finished Pakistan

Yes...yes he did & I will never ever absolve him or us for how gullible & stupid we were for allowing all & sundry to come into Pakistan during the Afghan Jihad era ! But what angers me greatly is how the Arabs, the Americans & all who were on this side of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War aren't even willing to consider the possibility of them being responsible for the mess you find the world in.
Really ? Where was this disgusting culture of blood only 2-3 decades ago ? It isn't a part of us !

All of this BS started when our Government allowed foreign funded religious seminaries to open up in Pakistan ! The Lashkar-e-Toiba that butchers Shias comes wholly & solely from them Ahl-e-Hadith religious seminaries which are funded by Arabs with their Salafi/Wahabi Islamic propagation. The TTP too comes from the same religious seminaries.

Too bad, 1,5 million Shias live in KSA and never heard of suicide bombings in their Husainiat.
That's what I was talking about, exporting terrorism... Iraq, Somalia, Arab Maghrib and Yemen were under occupation many times in history but never knew terrorism, it was known after they returned from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Saudi Influence:

"A polio vaccine is another alleged plot to spread infertility among Muslims. Not only is this a common belief but due to ignorance, poor reasoning and mock jurisprudence, some “religious” Pakistanis kill other Pakistanis, who are not even less religious than they are, just because they are involved in the campaigns of UNICEF and the country’s health authorities."

When the hell did they come back from Pakistan ? They were Arabs being taught in their religious institutions about a perverted regressive version of Islam trying to bring purity back to the Islamic World wherever the found an opportunity.
That's why Arabs are against them...

You're not Arab then?

Too bad, 1,5 million Shias live in KSA and never heard of suicide bombings in their Husainiat.

Neither did a few million Sunnis in Iran but that is because you've got Mullahs running the country not fighting an insurgency against the Army ! You can see how they've reacted or have had their proxies to react in their neighborhood whether in Iraq, Syria or in Pakistan where they & their dogma is averse to that of most Pakistanis & most in the Army.
When the hell did they come back from Pakistan ? They were Arabs being taught in their religious institutions about a perverted regressive version of Islam trying to bring purity back to the Islamic World wherever the found an opportunity.

Even on a personal level, people who fail in sth tend to blame it on others as a desperate try of self-defense. We could argue about this for days, but in reality Saudis are advancing while you are getting worse. Many of you people tend more than others to blame others for your own flaws, it's like a culture of conspiracy theories. As I said, unless you get realistic you will never move forward because you don't even admit that you have a problem but rather insisting it's in the others. It's up to you afterall.
Even on a personal level, people who fail in sth tend to blame it on others as a desperate try of self-defense. We could argue about this for days, but in reality Saudis are advancing while you are getting worse. Many of you people tend more than others to blame others for your own flaws, it's like a culture of conspiracy theories. As I said, unless you get realistic you will never move forward because you don't even admit that you have a problem but rather insisting it's in the others. It's up to you afterall.

Who says we don't admit there is a problem ? How many times have you heard the name of Zia ul Haq used & abused on this forum alone ? And as part of addressing our problem we've already identified where our failings were : Allowing foreign funded Mullahs to run their show in Pakistan thereby destroying our very society ! If someone wants to be a Salafi by God he should go to Saudi Arabia & if someone wants the Iranian styled Shiism...Iran is always next door ! :tup:

And Saudi Arabia is moving forward by piggy backing on Petrodollars - where the rich become richer & the fat...fatter ! Good Luck to them & may God Bless them but they must stop exporting their religious doctrine to our 3rd world countries.
Tell them plz, since when Saudis or Arabs kill UN health envoys? Hijack and slaughter children in the name of blasphemy? They have a disgusting culture of blood, and blame it on us just to make themselves look better, how pathetic...

Tell me since when Afghanis or Pakistanis rammed a plane into a building like Arabs did??? :hitwall:
Who says we don't admit there is a problem ? How many times have you heard the name of Zia ul Haq used & abused on this forum alone ? And as part of addressing our problem we've already identified where our failings were : Allowing foreign funded Mullahs to run their show in Pakistan thereby destroying our very society ! If someone wants to be a Salafi by God he should go to Saudi Arabia & if someone wants the Iranian styled Shiism...Iran is always next door ! :tup:

And Saudi Arabia is moving forward by piggy backing on Petrodollars - where the rich become richer & the fat...fatter ! Good Luck to them & may God Bless them but they must stop exporting their religious doctrine to our 3rd world countries.

Either you are lying or don't know anything, I have never heard a respected and recognized Saudi Siekh calling for what yours are doing. Bin Ladin heading a group of Afghanis and Pakistanis doesn't mean anything. Let me give you an example, after terrorist bombings in Amman in 2004, people went down streets all over the country cursing Qaeda and their supporters, they are refused by the community. But as I see they are embraced by your community, again it's your own culture. There is nothing in Hadiths or Quraan calling for killing innocent civilians regardless of their faith.
Either you are lying or don't know anything, I have never heard a respected and recognized Saudi Siekh calling for what yours are doing. Bin Ladin heading a group of Afghanis and Pakistanis doesn't mean anything. Let me give you an example, after terrorist bombings in Amman in 2004, people went down streets all over the country cursing Qaeda and their supporters, they are refused by the community. But as I see they are embraced by your community, again it's your own culture. There is nothing in Hadiths or Quraan calling for killing innocent civilians regardless of their faith.

You moron Bin Laden is all Arab culture

He was brought up with Saudi Wahabbism which is affecting kids of Afghanistan and Pakistan today

This bombing culture & 72 virgins is brought by Saudi funded Wahhabi madrassah to destabilize Pakistan

Don't worry we will keep killing Arab funded terrorists :sniper:


It's even funnier when u say it's part of our culture when everyone knows terrorism was exported by Saudi to poor nations
You moron Bin Laden is all Arab culture

He was brought up with Saudi Wahabbism which is affecting kids of Afghanistan and Pakistan today

This bombing culture & 72 virgins is brought by Saudi funded Wahhabi madrassah to destabilize Pakistan

Don't worry we will keep killing Arab funded terrorists :sniper:


It's even funnier when u say it's part of our culture when everyone knows terrorism was exported by Saudi to poor nations

Read your own made terrorism in which you missed up your country and exported it:

The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ ṭālibān "students"), alternative spelling Taleban,[7] is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread into Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. However, it gained diplomatic recognition from only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mohammed Omar has been serving as the spiritual leader of the Taliban since 1994.[8]
While in power, it enforced its strict interpretation of Sharia law,[9] and leading Muslims have been highly critical of the Taliban's interpretations of Islamic law.[10] The Taliban were condemned internationally for their brutal treatment of women.[11][12] The majority of their leaders were influenced by Deobandi fundamentalism,[13] and many also strictly follow the social and cultural norm called Pashtunwali.[14]
From 1995-2001, the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence[15] and military[16] are widely alleged by the international community to have provided support to the Taliban. Their connections are possibly through Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, a terrorist group founded by Sami ul Haq.[17] Pakistan has been accused by many international officials of continuing to support the Taliban today, but Pakistan claims to have dropped all support for the group since 9/11
Either you are lying or don't know anything, I have never heard a respected and recognized Saudi Siekh calling for what yours are doing. Bin Ladin heading a group of Afghanis and Pakistanis doesn't mean anything. Let me give you an example, after terrorist bombings in Amman in 2004, people went down streets all over the country cursing Qaeda and their supporters, they are refused by the community. But as I see they are embraced by your community, again it's your own culture. There is nothing in Hadiths or Quraan calling for killing innocent civilians regardless of their faith.

Bin Ladin heading Al-Qaeeda means everything especially with what he brought to the table ! The Saudi Religious seminaries beating 'Jihad...Jihad...Jihad' & 'Bidah...Bidah' & 'Murtad' all the time is what I'm talking about ! What kind of a moron goes on National TV & talks about butchering innocent civilians ?

If it was a part of my culture why the heck did it not manifest itself before 9'11 or before the Afghan Jihad ? Whereas you guys have been sparring it out for centuries in that Shia-Sunni BS !
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