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:) Tunisia the most great Arab nation :)

Tunisian marine corps, are you reminiscing the old Tunisia, before the revolution?
me never i like the new Tunisia because it never changed only in our political freedom we now we have the ability to curse and insult any politician even the president with out fear
me never i like the new Tunisia because it never changed only in our political freedom we now we have the ability to curse and insult any politician even the president with out fear

Well bravo, make sure to fight to keep it

no i like the new Tunisia the free Tunisia

Glad to see you all breath the air of liberty...All is not lost!
LOVE your Arab pride, god bless you...
Some despicable clown posters are trying to diss Tunisians, pathetic people. :rolleyes:

Wish nothing but the best for Tunisia. :tup:

Mamba do your ablutions with bleach...Since you showed your tail, the forum smell feet and ***.
amazing, post more pics of Tunisia and urban development here please and thank you
Mamba do your ablutions with bleach...Since you showed your tail, the forum smell feet and ***.

I wasn't even talking about you but you must have a guilty conscious, clown. I have been here longer than you anyway and have contributed more than you have. Most of your posts make no sense and reek of Islamophobia. You dodged my question the last time, are you Muslim? If not do not talk about ablutions.
I wasn't even talking about you but you must have a guilty conscious, clown. I have been here longer than you anyway and have contributed more than you have. Most of your posts make no sense and reek of Islamophobia. You dodged my question the last time, are you Muslim? If not do not talk about ablutions.

Next time, don't let us guess and make it clear, unless you felt the need to withdraw your remark after your message has passed, and that is a cheap blow..I don't have a phobia of Islam, but I have a real distaste of those born again muslims.
Next time, don't let us guess and make it clear, unless you felt the need to withdraw your remark after your message has passed, and that is a cheap blow..I don't have a phobia of Islam, but I have a real distaste of those born again muslims.

Go to the first page and read through the comments you will get the gist of who I was referring to, I do not need to be clear because if you felt you were not being offensive to Tunisians than it was not meant for you. There is no such thing as born again Muslims and you dodge my question again anyway end it here.
Could not help but mention Ibn Khaldun:

Ibn Khaldun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ibn Khaldūn or Ibn Khaldoun (full name, Arabic: أبو زيد عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن خلدون الحضرمي‎, Abū Zayd ‘Abdu r-Raḥmān bin Muḥammad bin Khaldūn Al-Ḥaḍrami, May 27, 1332 AD/732 AH – March 19, 1406 AD/808 AH) was an Andalusian Muslim historiographer and historian who is often viewed as one of the fathers of modern historiography,[n 1] sociology[n 1] and economics.[1][n 2]
He is best known for his Muqaddimah (known as Prolegomenon in English), which was discovered, evaluated and fully appreciated first by 19th century European scholarship,[2] although it has also had considerable influence on 17th-century Ottoman historians like Ḥajjī Khalīfa and Mustafa Naima who relied on his theories to analyze the growth and decline of the Ottoman Empire.[3] Later in the 19th century, Western scholars recognized him as one of the greatest philosophers to come out of the Muslim world.[4]


Ibn Khaldun's life is relatively well-documented, as he wrote an autobiography (التعريف بابن خلدون ورحلته غربا وشرقا; Al-Taʻrīf bi Ibn-Khaldūn wa Riħlatuhu Għarbān wa Sharqān[5]) in which numerous documents regarding his life are quoted word-for-word. However, the autobiography has little to say about his private life, so little is known about his family background. Generally known as "Ibn Khaldūn" after a remote ancestor, he was born in Tunis in AD 1332 (732 A.H.) into an upper-class Andalusian family, the Banū Khaldūn. His family, which held many high offices in Andalusia, had emigrated to Tunisia after the fall of Seville to Reconquista forces around the middle of the 13th century. Under the Tunisian Hafsid dynasty some of his family held political office; Ibn Khaldūn's father and grandfather however withdrew from political life and joined a mystical order. His brother, Yahya Ibn Khaldun, was also a historian who wrote a book on the Abdalwadid dynasty, and who was assassinated by a rival for being the official historiographer of the court.[6]
In his autobiography, Ibn Khaldun traces his descent back to the time of Muhammad through an Arab tribe from Yemen, specifically Hadhramaut, which came to Spain in the eighth century at the beginning of the Islamic conquest. In his own words: "And our ancestry is from Hadhramaut, from the Arabs of Yemen, via Wa'il ibn Hajar, from the best of the Arabs, well-known and respected." (p. 2429, Al-Waraq's edition). However, the biographer Mohammad Enan questions his claim, suggesting that his family may have been Muladis who pretended to be of Arab origin in order to gain social status.[7] Enan also mentions a well documented past tradition, concerning certain Berber groups, whereby they delusively "aggrandize" themselves with some Arab ancestry. The motive of such an invention was always the desire for political and societal ascendancy. Some speculate this of the Khaldun family; they elaborate that Ibn Khaldun himself was the product of the same Berber ancestry as the native majority of his birthplace. A point congenial to this posits that Ibn Khaldun's unusual written focus on, and admiration for Berbers reveals a deference towards them that is born of a vested interest in preserving them in the realm of conscious history; such is that which the true Arabs of his day would find no enthusiasm for and indeed a vested interest in suppressing. Moreover the special position that he affords Berbers in his work is fully vindicated upon comparing it with his vitriolic attitudes towards the Arab, and his relative disinterest in the state of affairs outside the Maghreb. In contrast, Muhammad Hozien chooses to believe: "The false [Berber] identity would be valid however at the time that Ibn Khaldun's ancestors left Andalusia and moved to Tunisia they did not change their claim to Arab ancestry. Even in the times when Berbers were ruling in Al-Andalus, the reigns of Almoravids and Almohads, the Ibn Khalduns did not reclaim their Berber heritage.".[8] This point ignores the aforementioned phenomenon of adopting an Arab ancestry to garner prestige. He was also an Islamic Pantheist.
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