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:) Tunisia the most great Arab nation :)

3rd : Islam's fourth holiest city
Kairouan ( important centre for Islamic and Quranic learning )

Kairouan was the Islamic cultural capital of North Africa in the past, but I have never heard of Kairouan being the 4th holiest city of Islam.

The city is of no significance in the Islamic scriptures or in the stories of the Israelite prophets.
Kairouan was the Islamic cultural capital of North Africa in the past, but I have never heard of Kairouan being the 4th holiest city of Islam.

The city is of no significance in the Islamic scriptures or in the stories of the Israelite prophets.

we tunisians consider it holy city
i love open minded muslim people like Tunisians and Algerians. They are tend to away off backward tribal traditions and unneedful hardline of religious. So they have good potential of rapidly development.
other Arab members here will disagree with you like Blackeagle

What he is saying is that Arabs are divided into Arabs by ethnicity and Arabs by Language, and all of them are Arabs. Look, before joining this forum I used to think about Pan-Arabisim as a granted thing, and used to be spontaneous regarding it, so I wasn't a pro Arab to this degree, the same thing goes for GCC and KSA. But after what I encountered here of extreme hatred to Arabs, my eyes were wide opened, I was alarmed. I knew about Westerners disfavoring Arabs but never knew that many non-Arab Muslims share them even more hatred toward us. I have learned allot from this forum actually and I am thankful.
What he is saying is that Arabs are divided into Arabs by ethnicity and Arabs by Language, and all of them are Arabs. Look, before joining this forum I used to think about Pan-Arabisim as a granted thing, and used to be spontaneous regarding it, so I wasn't a pro Arab to this degree, the same thing goes for GCC and KSA. But after what I encountered here of extreme hatred to Arabs, my eyes were wide opened, I was alarmed. I knew about Westerners disfavoring Arabs but never knew that many non-Arab Muslims share them even more hatred toward us. I have learned allot from this forum actually and I am thankful.

Since when did the west love or care about us? the west hates us, they divided the Arabs, and now some Arabs are allies with the west and Israel, which divided the Arabs more... How many times did Syria propose to boycott Israel ? and "Arab" league always refused, and how many times did Syria propose many things to unite Arabs? Even when Libya proposed the Golden Dinar for as a unified currency for Arabs countries they refused and they attacked and destroyed Libya.
As long as as some "Arab" countries are still puppets and under the west's control, Arabs will never unite...
What he is saying is that Arabs are divided into Arabs by ethnicity and Arabs by Language, and all of them are Arabs. Look, before joining this forum I used to think about Pan-Arabisim as a granted thing, and used to be spontaneous regarding it, so I wasn't a pro Arab to this degree, the same thing goes for GCC and KSA. But after what I encountered here of extreme hatred to Arabs, my eyes were wide opened, I was alarmed. I knew about Westerners disfavoring Arabs but never knew that many non-Arab Muslims share them even more hatred toward us. I have learned allot from this forum actually and I am thankful.

Explain this to poor Afghanis and Iraqis who are being bombed to hell!

Pearl Of The Mediterranean
Re-initializing ( Renewing ) the antique city of Sousse







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Explain this to poor Afghanis and Iraqis who are being bombed to hell!

You will never progress until you live in this world and admit your so many shortcomings and work on fixing them. Suicide bombings were never ever been known among Muslims for 1400 years until Arabs and other Muslims made it to Afghanistan and were ruined over there, and your countries started exporting terrorism. Taliban was found decades before Qaeda. Read your own history and stop being yourselves by blaming others for your own problems:

"Many blame the late President Zia ul-Haq for letting Satan out of the bottle. He allowed and encouraged fundamentalist and jihadist ideas, which has ancient roots in the Indian subcontinent since the famous revolution against the British in the eighteenth century. These extreme groups settled along the bordering areas with Afghanistan after the British enclosed them. Their ideas remained dormant and they continued looking for an opportunity to revive them, until the Afghan jihad against the Russians, which awakened them. They did well there, and thus Zia ul-Haq was encouraged to repeat the experience in Kashmir.

In the late nineties, I personally visited a training camp for Kashmiris. Under the pretext of the liberation of Kashmir, the goal of Zia ul-Haq and his effective “military intelligence” was to let them loose on India, which is a historic problem of Pakistan. However, after the Sept. 11 disaster, these extreme groups together with another Ul-Haq group along the border areas transformed from being “undercover” friends to enemies of the regime.

Extremism became the biggest disaster for Pakistan. It is in an advanced state there. It has spread, intellectually and practically, more in that nation than any other Muslim country. There are more suicide operations there than any other Islamic country (figures only challenged by Iraq). There is an online site that announces painful and reliable figures on the network called “the counter of the dead in Pakistan.” It noted that until last week, 369 suicide attacks were recorded in Pakistan killing 5,329 people.

These operations occur in the mosques, markets, and public places, and not only against army personnel. It is clear that the mufti of Pakistan’s Taleban does not see anything wrong with a young man committing suicide by blowing himself up in the public market or in the central meeting place of the general population, or even in a mosque to kill the targeted official. What sound reason can permit such an action?"

You will never progress until you live in this world and admit your so many shortcomings and work on fixing them. Suicide bombings were never ever been known among Muslims for 1400 years until Arabs and other Muslims made it to Afghanistan and were ruined over there, and your countries started exporting terrorism. Taliban was found decades before Qaeda. Read your own history and stop being yourselves by blaming others for your own problems

What a load of BS ! The Taliban were created in the early '90s to tackle a problem that had been created during the so-called Afghan Jihad which was funded by Arab petrodollars & Saudi Religious Seminaries popping all over Pakistan ! And then when Pakistan looked to the International Community to help us rebuild Afghanistan & Pakistan after they had been used & discarded with such nonchalance, the rest of you turned their backs on us & left us with a country that has seen a decade of war where generations had lived & died under the shadow of guns & millions of refugees pouring into Pakistan.

We are guilty & we are suffering from our own mistakes - Yes ! And they are 'trusting' that somehow religious seminaries opened up by Saudi Arabia all over Pakistan in the name of doing Islam a service by the Custodians of the Kabbah was an act in good faith.

And the Taliban & the Mujahideen were infected by your degenerate Osama Bin Ladin & the rest of the ilk he brought from Arab lands ! Why do you think there weren't suicide bombings during the Afghan Jihad against the Soviets ? Because its not a part of our culture...you gave it to us.

And now when we ask you to own up to some of that mess & help us deal with the situation......you people have the temerity of telling us that we're the ones who taught you to blow yourselves up !

You obviously have no idea of the timeline of events, Taliban were not created decades before AQ, Taliban came after AQ, and were created in the 90's, AQ was created as far as we know in the 80's by a wealthy Saudi citizen partnered with an Egyptian Doctor and aided by CIA originally.

However, after the Sept. 11 disaster, these extreme groups together with another Ul-Haq group along the border areas transformed from being “undercover” friends to enemies of the regime.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...a-most-great-arab-nation-3.html#ixzz2J7rPKc7z

Yes Sept. 11, where 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens, 2 from UAE, 1 from Egypt, and 1 from Lebanon.
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What a load of BS ! The Taliban were created in the early '90s to tackle a problem that had been created during the so-called Afghan Jihad which was funded by Arab petrodollars & Saudi Religious Seminaries popping all over Pakistan ! And then when Pakistan looked to the International Community to help us rebuild Afghanistan & Pakistan after they had been used & discarded with such nonchalance, the rest of you turned their backs on us & left us with a country that has seen a decade of war where generations had lived & died under the shadow of guns & millions of refugees pouring into Pakistan.

We are guilty & we are suffering from our own mistakes - Yes ! And they are 'trusting' that somehow religious seminaries opened up by Saudi Arabia all over Pakistan in the name of doing Islam a service by the Custodians of the Kabbah was an act in good faith.

And the Taliban & the Mujahideen were infected by your degenerate Osama Bin Ladin & the rest of the ilk he brought from Arab lands ! Why do you think there weren't suicide bombings during the Afghan Jihad against the Soviets ? Because its not a part of our culture...you gave it to us.

And now when we ask you to own up to some of that mess & help us deal with the situation......you people have the temerity of telling us that we're the ones who taught you to blow yourselves up !

No, it's Saudis mistake, they should have left you alone fighting the USSR, get spanked, they should have left Afghanistan fall under USSR occupation, and let USSR take their revenge from Pakistan, India from the east and USSR from the west...Lovely. Do you realize how low it is to deny all the financial aids you have been getting? And for God's sake enough with humiliating yourselves by bringing up the 16 pilots!


You obviously have no idea of the timeline of events, Taliban were not created decades before AQ, Taliban came after AQ, and were created in the 90's, AQ was created as far as we know in the 80's by a wealthy Saudi citizen partnered with an Egyptian Doctor and aided by CIA originally.

Yes Sept. 11, where 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens, 2 from UAE, 1 from Egypt, and 1 from Lebanon.
1979-present (assisting mujahideen)
The Taliban movement traces its origin to the Pakistani-trained mujahideen in northern Pakistan, during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. When Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq became President of Pakistan he feared that the Soviets were planning to invade Balochistan, Pakistan so he Akhtar Abdur Rahman. In the meantime, the United States and Saudi Arabia joined the struggle against Communism by providing all the funds.[1] Zia-ul-Haq has been labelled the "grandfather of global Islamic jihad". He aligned himself with Pakistan's Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam and later picked General Akhtar Abdur Rahman to lead the war against Communism inside Afghanistan. About 90,000 Afghans, including Mohammad Omar, were trained by Pakistan's ISI during the 1980s.[1]
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