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Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

I see Pakistanis are really shocked that in Tunisia it is legal for women to marry whoever they want now...

What if your daughters marry a chinese guy who is a Taoist, Buddhist or even worse- an Atheist? Won't you be happy about that guys? After all China is the iron brother of Pakistan etc. :D

Fortunately, Pakistanis don't tend to be cucks like you wanna be second class whites. :lol:
everyone will be held accountable for what they make in their life

that include do the law that contrary with Quran or Hadith

we as a ordinary Muslim, only can give an advice

amar ma'ruf, nahi munkar

the rest up to Allah
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Religion and State Laws...are two different things in Tunisia.

Thats great .
But why not? Who said they cannot? Are they not individuals with free will?

@jamahir @Peshwa @Well.wisher

You see , I donot agree with the pakistani version of faith that's mostly aimed at biased judgements and hypocritical views ... specially the treatment nd judgement of women such pakistanis hold in their minds is the most hated thing in my list ..

I cannot say anything about Tunisia women or their religious approach but I as a woman will surrender myself to Allah's commands .
it is not restricted to woman but same applies to Muslim man too.
Well, a Muslim man is allowed to marry a ahl-e- Kitaab.Though, the many famous Bollywood actors and Khans have married (not married in the light of Islam) a non ahl e Kitaab.

I see Pakistanis are really shocked that in Tunisia it is legal for women to marry whoever they want now...

What if your daughters marry a chinese guy who is a Taoist, Buddhist or even worse- an Atheist? Won't you be happy about that guys? After all China is the iron brother of Pakistan etc. :D
A Pakistani Muslim woman will most probably never marry a non-Muslim in general let alone their Parents deny them to a non-Muslim.
Perhaps a Non-Muslim woman can marry one from your list.

Nonetheless, It is wrong to discuss such matters here.
No, because men pretty much almost always dominate the family. If the father decides he wants his son to be a non Muslim like him, he'll be able to relatively easily due to his position of power. He will also be able to enforce his ideology onto his wife. Therefore, we do not permit our women to marry men of different religions. It isn't misogynistic, it's the way things work.
Funny enough I agree. The thing is that religion itself is a quite patriarchal, something most women nowadays resent I suppose . So in this case its difficult for a pious religious woman not to be totally submissive to the man and agree to whatever religion imposes on a woman that it doesn't on a man. So if you want to follow religion as a woman you also have to follow its teachings/rules as well(even if those rules are unfair in the modern word)
So if Tunisia is an Islamic state like say Pakistan or Iran then this move will be illegal /wrong, but if the country is a secular state then there's nothing controversial /wrong about this.

Some of the hypocrites in this thread sitting in sweden and canada don't hesitate to take advantage of western liberal democratic ideas and basic modern ideal of seperation of religion and state when it suits them,but up in arms as the guardians of culture when same ideals are pursued elsewhere.
Lol why are you surprised? Human beings in general( 'the pious religious ones included') have always valued wealth, social status and the well being of themselves and that of their family over religion. Thats a fact, eventhough some of them like to use some silly excuses to justify this. Lol.
So its not surprising that many 'pious Muslims' and their family will for example keep trying or willing to leave their religious Islamic society /country to emigrate to a non-islamic /Christian country in Europe, U. S, Canada , Australia etc where they and their family can live a better lifel :)
Absolutely outrageous move, even with the religious ruling removed, why would anyone be a cuck that allows their women to marry men of a completely different culture?

When Islam allows Muslim men to marry the women of completely different culture, then what is wrong if Muslim women also marry with men of different culture?

And Men are even allowed to BUY the slave girls of any culture and religion from the slave markets and have sex with her.

Issue is not different culture, but issue is "LOVE".

Who said boy and girl of different cultures could never fell in love with each other? If any one says so, then he is talking against the NATURE.

These are only the obstacles created by narrow minded Traditions and religions that LOVE could not take place between boy and girl of different culture/religion. All such claims are against the Human Nature.

People do fell in love with people of other cultures and religions, and overcome the obstacles through broad mindedness and love.

No, because men pretty much almost always dominate the family. If the father decides he wants his son to be a non Muslim like him, he'll be able to relatively easily due to his position of power. He will also be able to enforce his ideology onto his wife. Therefore, we do not permit our women to marry men of different religions. It isn't misogynistic, it's the way things work.

This mentality exists only among the narrow minded people where they want to dominate the women and want to impose their Ideology over others including their children, and snatching the rights from children to do the freethinking and decide their path themselves when they are old enough to think about it.

Non-Muslim countries can do what they like in terms of legal issues, but we as Muslims rightfully expect Muslim majority nations to rule by Sharia.

No majority has the right to take away the "Basic Human Rights" of any person or minority.
Choosing a life partner comes under this very Basic Human Right.

No Muslim country rules by Sharia (in fact no country rules by Sharia), and not everyone has a choice in the matter (some people get their passports confiscated when they try to leave, others don't have the financial capability, some are too young, etc).

Have you ever thought about it why NOT a single Muslim country in whole 1400 years succeeded in having Sharia?
Does it not automatically proof that Sharia is not a practical system which could be implied?

When Maulana Moudoodi was trying to bring back Caliphate System in Pakistan, then a Hindu wrote him a letter and asked him why he want to bring back that 1400 years old system which was not even able to last 30 years and the presence of the best Muslim generation of companions and ended within 30 years causing the blood of thousands of Muslims at the hands of each other?

And Maulana Moudoodi had no answer for this question.
Folks the truth is to be a real Muslim by the real order is extremely hard in this day and age.
you are surrounded by elements of hostile people and corrupt practices.
pakistan is no Islamic it not even sovereign - it has usury,alcohol, corruption of all kinds, paper money, digital currency etc. doesn't pakistan answer to the UN and international law which is American imperialism.

if you want to live true Islamic principle you must move to towards a farming society and out of the way. Technology is limited - survival prepper/off the grid way of life. You must use gold and silver currency. you grow you organic food and health care you do it your self herbal medicine. Transport is minimum in term of car - you ride horse. you are to reduce your dependency on oil which feeds imperialism.

For me this is freedom you are not dependent on governmnet for anything or institutions.
You live like amish. However governmnet don't like it they will come for you.
Not many people can do this cutting off phone, internet etc.
Ahahahah .... As expected, you always carry the cup when it comes to unorthodox views on here. I don't think many people will agree with what you just said though. :D
That's a stupid move. A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim. @django @Maarkhoor @PakSword

In quran its is instructed that a muslim woman should not marry a mushrik , now if she ever chooses to marry him i dont know whether nikah will be valid or not this thing isnt clear.

Religion and it's practice cannot stand in the way of human freedom and dignity. By all means if you disagree with the choice of partner of your relative, you can cut of ties.

Religion and State Laws...are two different things in Tunisia.

Wth ..
A true muslim woman would never marry a non muslim men unless he accepts islam .

Anyway , their country their rules .
Hope it'll be not included in religious teachings of Islam .

But why not? Who said they cannot? Are they not individuals with free will?

@jamahir @Peshwa @Well.wisher

There's no biological reason for disallowing such marriages.

I believe the reason for disallowing a Muslim woman in marrying a non-Muslim man is this :

During an Islamic wedding there is the "Mahr" ( or Mehr ) which is the compulsory money amount or any other item having financial potential, that is either given to the bride as a whole during the wedding or promised as alimony to be given to the wife after divorce. In the case of Muslim bride/Non-Muslim groom, in the absence of a secular civil law, the bride will not receive any guarantee of financial cushion in case of divorce or abandonment.
So a country where secular law is present there should be no problem in allowing such marriages.

Completely and clearly forbidden in Islam.

In another thread you were supporting the burqa.
Way to go so mate :) . I honestly thought Tunisia was a religious hell hole... but this is a pleasant news. Not that Tunisian ladies were waiting to get married to non muslims but even if a token gesture , it will pave path for more liberalization and better for your economy etc.
Why dont you start a thread on Tunisia , pics , culture etc?

I don't understand your meaning of "religious" hell hole. If it's mean it's a religious country, that ppl are in great great majority following their religion, and their everyday actions is made according their belief...Then Tunisia, is a religious "hell hole"...But if you Definition, is something similar as being Under ISIS, then it isn't...

So Tunisia is not an Islamic state then ?
It is.
Tunisia is Not "Officially Secular" and will mostly never be... at least written in the constitution... But it will seek a balance between Religion and State affair...by giving everyone, the same rights and duty...Man or Woman.


The paradox in Tunisia... is the contrast btw what they put ahead...and what they are...
Many Western countries...thing that Islam and Democracy do not work together...
Many Believed that this form of Governance was something that fall under the Ideology of the "Muslim Brotherhood"... but it doesn't...
Tunisia is a Democracy... That will seek the best Balance btw powers... and is Also... The One with the MOST hardcore religious ppl...

A sweet and Fragile Paradox... That Time will test...
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