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Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

i mean like iran did by mistake:)
You can't find any Iranian boasting about that mistake . but in turkey they boast about the su-24 while hitting those syrian drones was a lot harder than hitting su-24 but nobody talk about them every body talk about su-24 because they don't know what is real spec of su-24. They think because it is a manned aircraft its harder to be successfully engaged, Well they knew nothing at all.
only for 3 day and as I said hitting Su-24 is no big deal even F-5 have advantage over su-24 in air to air fight and more importantly Su-24 is not a fighter its a bomber in and out .
It's a fighter-bomber, as in it can play both roles.

And dlfor syria, it IS a big deal, because it's one less tool in the Assad's belt. Syria can't afford to replace these tools.

so how come Assad took Idlib and erdogan signed for peace ?

you can win every battle but lose the war

so how come Assad took Idlib and erdogan signed for peace ?

you can win every battle but lose the war

I dont think war was lost especially after a beating that assad will never forget. There must have been a trade btw the 2 parties which is not made public yet. Russia definitely offered something and erdogan found it hard to refuse and that's why you could hear in some video clips erdogan asking the russian if assad was consulted? That means russia offered something of which involves assad most likely
It was like a trailer of future capabilities of Turkish Armed Forces.

so how come Assad took Idlib and erdogan signed for peace ?

you can win every battle but lose the war

PUTIN-ASSAD-ROUHANI dreamed about taking whole Idlib and forcing 4 million sunni muslim Syrians to move from Idlib to Turkiye

-- PUTIN : We have no plan for meeting ... Assad Regime will take whole Idlib
-- ERDOGAN : Ok , our military power will solve problem in Idlib

Turkish UCAV and Electronic Warfare technologies changed the game in Idlib
even Russia,Europe,India are dreaming about this UCAV and EW technologies

Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs killed over 3.200 of Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists in Idlib in one week

Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs destroyed 155 Tanks , 51 Howitzers , 52 MLRS , 29 AFVs , 68 Military Vehicles ,15 Anti Tank Weapons , 36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns and 8 Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR-S1 , BUK-M2 in Idlib in one week ( 15% of Assad Regime military equipments )

also over 3500 Turkish Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs and over 25.000 Turkish soldiers and over 20.000 Syrian National Army soldiers were ready for massive attack in Idlib

-- and PUTIN : ooh shit we are ready to meet in Moscow for ceasefire
-- ERDOGAN : Ok , we are coming to Moscow to solve Idlib problem with dialogue

Turkish Army cleaned Afrin,Jarablus,Azaz,Dabıq,Al Bab,Telabyad,Rasulayn from the US,France,S.Arabia,the Uae backed PKK/YPG and ISIS terrorists who want to destroy Syria's territorial integrity

now over 3.500 Turkish Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs and over 25.000 Turkish soldiers are in Idlib not to allow radical sectarian Assad and Iran to transfer terrorist groups like Pkk/Ypg , Hezbol , Hashdi Shabi , Shaiba , IRGC to Idlib for attacking Afrin and Hatay
why turkey not carryout similar attacks against israel to help oppressed Palestinians who are suffering for more than 70yrs
Why not Pakistan carry out similar strikes against India, who bomb a school in Pakistan? Kashmiris are more oppressed than Palestinians.
I dont think war was lost especially after a beating that assad will never forget. There must have been a trade btw the 2 parties which is not made public yet. Russia definitely offered something and erdogan found it hard to refuse and that's why you could hear in some video clips erdogan asking the russian if assad was consulted? That means russia offered something of which involves assad most likely
Its not really a achievement to beat Assad. Even ISIS did that. So what ?
I have changed the title and have ad Buk and S300 with question mark:-). I will repost later the day about the russian airdefence and ther downside.


Can you change the title of the topic with adding Buk and S300 with question mark. I couldn't change it.

thanl you
Pantsir S1 and Buk-M2 (officially reported 8 kill) converted to sitting duck by Turkish drones+electronic attack methods. We may even hear more news about the kill of two Russian made SAM system today. Their PESA radars can not stand on powerful electronic attacks of Turkish Jammers and become an easy target of drones.

What is the score? And that PESA radar makes me doubt about S-400. I have reached some information about Russian Radar technology i could not find more then Phassed Array technology what we call PESA. ther technology is old and outdated when it comes to electronics like ther EO and sensor. In time of war our S400 will decrease range and engagements because of the jamming.

They lack on AESA and GaN technology, and the question is did they have AESA? If we look to ther SAM radars they are all Phassed Array.

So called radar that can detect Stealth. The angle you can steer and detect a stealth fighter from a different angle make doubt about the effect in real lif scenario.


advantage of a PESA
* it can steer electronicly, yes thats the only advantage you can find on the internet.

disadvantage of a PESA
* it works with single band and easy to jam what we have see against assads whores in the field.

Advantage of AESA
* longer range
* possible to work in multi band
* better ressistance against jamming
* detect smaller targets
* Low interception
* realiabillity because of a single T/R fall of it can work.
* Need les T/R

disadvantage of AESA
* field of view betwee 90 and 120 degrees.


Our jammers like KORAL based on AESA and GaN will overkill Russian SAM. I have pity on Arab dictators buying and giving billions on equipments what wont protect them:-).


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