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TTP says it will continue suicide attacks in Pakistan

What about Afgan Taliban dear ????
Pakistanis hate the TTP but defends Afgan Taliban which is inflicting the same thing on Afghanis.
And you guys support TTP. Many of Indian member appraised work of TTP and said to support them is good. Because its Indian national interest. But does this make govt policy???
FATA should be handed over to Afghanistan or given th efreedom they are dying for...These guys have always been useless and a nuiscence to Pakistan...What they got? Men with less than two brain cells,women who rarely see sunlight,children who learn how to kill since the afe of 5 or less.Not to mention the tons and tons of Drugs and weapons they transport Pakistan and the deaths and measury caused by this merchandise of theirs.

Please hold your comments. Go and study history learn about great people from FATA. I request you not to generalize things and write what you hear while living in UK. :coffee:
FATA should be handed over to Afghanistan or given th efreedom they are dying for...These guys have always been useless and a nuiscence to Pakistan...What they got? Men with less than two brain cells,women who rarely see sunlight,children who learn how to kill since the afe of 5 or less.Not to mention the tons and tons of Drugs and weapons they transport Pakistan and the deaths and measury caused by this merchandise of theirs.
Ohhh You opend my eyes.....Learn the history....Then speak.
And you guys support TTP. Many of Indian member appraised work of TTP and said to support them is good. Because its Indian national interest. But does this make govt policy???

We never support them but neither do we hate them.
What about Afgan Taliban dear ????
Pakistanis hate the TTP but defends Afgan Taliban which is inflicting the same thing on Afghanis.

We have serious concerns about their style of government or interpretation of Sharia but at the end of the day they are fighting for their land against foreign forces. What demands TPP have, absolutely nothing but money. Any ways we are already into a flood situation in addition to these TPP guys and you also start feeling concerns in your own house regarding human rights violations in IHK.
No big deal..........we are at War....we too will continue targetting them......

Only this time around, time is not on their side...Unlike the past, Pakistan is determined not to export these terrorists to India, which was a short cut for us then....this time around, we will continue to weaken their capacity by unrelentless campaigns as conducted in the Northern areas, and sooner or later, the Taliban in Afghanistan is going to force the US to pull out, as their policy is simple, get out of Afghanistan, then we'll talk......too bad the US didnt understand the stubborness of the Afghan Mujahideen.

Nonetheless, for Pakistan, this will be a good move as the Taliban will most definately not allow the TTP to use Afghan soil for its attacks on Pakistan, and this will assist greatly in dealing with the TTP once and for all. Our differences with the Afghan Taliban is on an academic level, and this has always been the case and a matter whcih can always be resolved as and when the need arises. However, the TTP within all its elements, should never be forgiven or forgotten....they murdered in cold blood our children, women and elderly. Our schools and hospitals and many other inhumane acts of violence....such scum should never be able to live in Pakistan.......continue down the Sri Lankan route and eradicate this disease.
No big deal..........we are at War....we too will continue targetting them......

Only this time around, time is not on their side...Unlike the past, Pakistan is determined not to export these terrorists to India, which was a short cut for us then....this time around, we will continue to weaken their capacity by unrelentless campaigns as conducted in the Northern areas, and sooner or later, the Taliban in Afghanistan is going to force the US to pull out, as their policy is simple, get out of Afghanistan, then we'll talk......too bad the US didnt understand the stubborness of the Afghan Mujahideen.

Nonetheless, for Pakistan, this will be a good move as the Taliban will most definately not allow the TTP to use Afghan soil for its attacks on Pakistan, and this will assist greatly in dealing with the TTP once and for all. Our differences with the Afghan Taliban is on an academic level, and this has always been the case and a matter whcih can always be resolved as and when the need arises. However, the TTP within all its elements, should never be forgiven or forgotten....they murdered in cold blood our children, women and elderly. Our schools and hospitals and many other inhumane acts of violence....such scum should never be able to live in Pakistan.......continue down the Sri Lankan route and eradicate this disease.

i do agree with the part that we have to weaken TTP but i don't think its in our interest to have Afghan Taliban rule in Afghanistan!
i do agree with the part that we have to weaken TTP but i don't think its in our interest to have Afghan Taliban rule in Afghanistan!

What would you prefer..........Karzai and his goons of Soviets who work closer to the Indians. The Taliban in Afghanistan are honourable people......yes their understanding of Shariah is somewhat different to ours and this can be resolved through discussion and debates and education. If they are wrong or ourselves being wrong.

We in Pakistan are no angels either, our society does not follow Islam nor does our system in Pakistan.......therefore in Pakistan's interest, looking at the bigger evil and lesser evil, the Taliban would be far better for stability and peace in that region and for us to get on with our lives also.
What would you prefer..........Karzai and his goons of Soviets who work closer to the Indians. The Taliban in Afghanistan are honourable people......yes their understanding of Shariah is somewhat different to ours and this can be resolved through discussion and debates and education. If they are wrong or ourselves being wrong.
So, the Afghan Taliban will change their stance if we just talk with them, just like the TTP?
What would you prefer..........Karzai and his goons of Soviets who work closer to the Indians. The Taliban in Afghanistan are honourable people......yes their understanding of Shariah is somewhat different to ours and this can be resolved through discussion and debates and education. If they are wrong or ourselves being wrong.

We in Pakistan are no angels either, our society does not follow Islam nor does our system in Pakistan.......therefore in Pakistan's interest, looking at the bigger evil and lesser evil, the Taliban would be far better for stability and peace in that region and for us to get on with our lives also.

I find so many different "understandings of Shariah" or understandings of the Quran itself. The way the Arabs practice, the Pakistanis practice, The Iranians, The Iraqis (Sufi, Wahabi, Shia, Ahmediyya, Sunni) and I can tell you that coming to a common understanding about the Books between these people is almost impossible.

I think the first thing is to separate religion from State. and then work on common "Moral" grounds. This way all of us can have common code of conduct while leaving our preference of religion to ourselves.

Its high time to get things in order in this world and since 2000 years of killing has proven that religion is not an answer to get that order.
So, the Afghan Taliban will change their stance if we just talk with them, just like the TTP?

Afghan Taliban is not the TTP.

Put yourself in their shoes..........Pakistan sided with the US in allowing its soil to be used against itself...........abit like the Indians allowing the Israeli Air Froce to conduct the 1998 air raid against Pakistan's nuclear facilities, an act which Pakistan would have replied destroying India's facilities, despite our differences where the Indians think they are right and us thinking we are right...........

Just like that, the Taliban believe they are right...........have we even discussed the Shariah with them...........and what has the Afghan Taliban done to harm Pakistan anyways, before 9/11 and after.

Mullah Omar has continiously made clear that no attacks by his forces are to be conducted against Pakistan. To date, not a single Taliban has been arrested for attacking Pakistan. They have always planned attacks against the US itself in Afghanistan. This is despite us stabbing them in the back.

We, as Pakistanis need to come down from our high horse and take responsibility for our ill actios also.

Teh Taliban demanded, RIGHTFULLY, like any ruler of their land would, evidence of 9/11 and of OBL's involvement. The US, in its arrogance refused and went ahead with an attack. What did Pakistan do or say to relay to the US of protocol of speaking to the Taliban. Instead it arrested the ambassador of the Taliban and handed him over to the US. A guest and a diplomat of a State who Pakistan recognised as the governing body along with Saudi Arabia...........SO PLEASE SPARE ME THE SERMONS here.

I have the moral of saying we were wrong and move forward
I find so many different "understandings of Shariah" or understandings of the Quran itself. The way the Arabs practice, the Pakistanis practice, The Iranians, The Iraqis (Sufi, Wahabi, Shia, Ahmediyya, Sunni) and I can tell you that coming to a common understanding about the Books between these people is almost impossible.

I think the first thing is to separate religion from State. and then work on common "Moral" grounds. This way all of us can have common code of conduct while leaving our preference of religion to ourselves.

Its high time to get things in order in this world and since 2000 years of killing has proven that religion is not an answer to get that order.

Silver, there is only one Shariah.............the Quran.....

The groups you mentioned are mainly thanks to the British Divide and rule structure which has played its part well. The Islamic Empire thrived when Shariah was followed based on the teaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and if disputes arise, as had done during the course of our Caliphs, the matter was looked into and discussed with Quran and supreme and the hadiths as further guidance.

You have your opinion with regards to religion being the cause maybe for the last 2000 years. I say that every community has black sheep and ou cannot ever attribute the ills of man with God. No religious tect in the world out there will preach chaos, anarchy or otherwise. Its peoples interpretations and the lack of patience to listen to each other.
Silver, there is only one Shariah.............the Quran.....

The groups you mentioned are mainly thanks to the British Divide and rule structure which has played its part well. The Islamic Empire thrived when Shariah was followed based on the teaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and if disputes arise, as had done during the course of our Caliphs, the matter was looked into and discussed with Quran and supreme and the hadiths as further guidance.

You have your opinion with regards to religion being the cause maybe for the last 2000 years. I say that every community has black sheep and ou cannot ever attribute the ills of man with God. No religious tect in the world out there will preach chaos, anarchy or otherwise. Its peoples interpretations and the lack of patience to listen to each other.

So the British can divide people even from the same religion for their political purposes? Is it that easy to divide people from same religion? Then what do you think will prevent present political elite to take advantage and divide you further? How come each sect of Islam calls itself the "correct" form? I never seen a Shia say that Sunni sect os correct - they are so brainwashed that they are right.

Same case with every religion and every sect. It is impossible to find common ground with these differences. As far as I know this method of "trying to find a common ground" will be impossible with hardliner- the Al Qaeda - types.
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