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TTP says it will continue suicide attacks in Pakistan

I guess Indian has the second or third largest army right? How come you can not face Maoists ;)
That's because the Indian Army is not yet deployed to fight the Maoist menace ( You can look up the information here). And secondly, the menace of Maoism is not because of their better armaments or their reported killings of the CRPF and the Local Policemen ; The menace is because it halts the growth and progress of the nation. IT DEFINITELY CANNOT BE COMPARED TO THE JIHAD FACTORY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BORDER. All we require to tackle this is an effective Civil Administration in place and political bureaucracy that can import a military thinking and skills to create the necessary administrative ability to positively influence and dominate the ground.

And in defense to your statement of our Army, all i can say is, IA is the last and the ultimate cornerstone to safeguard threats to the Union of India (internal and external). If the IA is ever deployed, Maoists will vanish like **** through a goose.
Lot of countries are facing these internal threats. The fact is Musharraf/Pakistan didn't choose to fight these fringe elements instead they decided to join American War where the elements were America's enemy and not Pakistan's.

i posted thank you for this use full post that has neither substance nor truth things are not what they seem to be we r fighting these figments first of all let me say this OK ttp is not a organization that is in Afghanistan it is in Pakistan second the drone attacks that are carried out are in waziristan not Afghanistan. so afghani taliban has nothing to do with it its the local taliban that are threatening pakistan and these are the figments we r fighting against whether this war was pakistan or not it doesnt matter because this is our war now lets beat it now and here
This is not about what i think. :disagree:

It about what Pakistani's Think , understand.

By your response i will conclude , the political situation has not improved any. So be it.

You better pray to you god to save your nation , as long as your politicians try to shift blame and focus to India. they don't have to lift a finger.
And you should pray to save your nation....As I see everything happens in India linked to Pakistan. Even stone throwing kids are paid by us:lol:
Talibans or whatever..those who against STATE should be eliminated,I think thr r few black sheep in the PA & intelli people who keep a blind eye on whatever they do & even supply weapons & give field info to hit high profile targets etc
give proofs....OR stop thinking nonsense.....
aren't the thousands of intelligence men to keep u safe ? its OK if u have a couple of blasts,,but these things are getting more frequent,most precious lives have been lost.
When it blast every one knows how many happend this year......But when it dont only few knows how many they stopped this year....

As I have someone in ISI (Retired now however) we know how many they are stopping on daily basis.....
Quite an absurd statement you are making here. You cannot judge them alone on what they say in their propaganda statement. Killing countless innocents is not the way of a reasonable bunch.
Propaganda statement is I'm afraid what I have to go by. It is at least, with a high degree of confidence, traceable to the issuing organization. We can't go by media reports. For all we know T-Faz might be phoning the media after any bomb attack and implicating the TTP!

Isn't the government killing its citizens through murdurous policies? Hasn't the PA killed (at the order of the govt. or whatever), without trial, people in Balochistan and Karachi? doesn't that make them 'unreasonable'?

Another thing, what Pakistan Army does, we will stand by them as they are working in the interest of our nation. Why should we be dictated by some terrorist thugs who should all be six feet under.
When the army does wrong, or does something that is against the interest of the nation, it is reproachable, and I think a citizen is failing in their citizenship if they don't do so.

I'm trying to be open-minded here. I think they believe that a country they regard as theirs is under occupation, and since the occupier is hors de portée of their warmaking envelope, they're taking it out on the aider and abbetor of the occupier. Their children are killed in UCAV attacks, so they kill some of ours. That sounds fair in a war, moreso under tribal ROE.

Offtopic: What use are children anyway, they throw you out and usurp your property when you're old!
When it blast every one knows how many happend this year......But when it dont only few knows how many they stopped this year....

As I have someone in ISI (Retired now however) we know how many they are stopping on daily basis.....

:tup: to ISI if they're STOPPING it or preventing..but never read anything abt this topic dear brother,maybe they suppressing from the media fearing repercussions
Propaganda statement is I'm afraid what I have to go by. It is at least, with a high degree of confidence, traceable to the issuing organization. We can't go by media reports. For all we know T-Faz might be phoning the media after any bomb attack and implicating the TTP!

Isn't the government killing its citizens through murdurous policies? Hasn't the PA killed (at the order of the govt. or whatever), without trial, people in Balochistan and Karachi? doesn't that make them 'unreasonable'?

Knowing the area where this attack occurred and it's close proximity to militant hideouts, one can be certain that it's only this group that is involved in yet another cowardly attack. There is no need for such propaganda statements to be issued because you can recognise the culprit by it's actions. There isn't anyone else going around blowing things up apart from these lot.

As for the government, yes it has many times over undertaken questionable actions against our own that have cost us dearly but we should not abandon it on the behest of some terrorist group.

When the army does wrong, or does something that is against the interest of the nation, it is reproachable, and I think a citizen is failing in their citizenship if they don't do so.

I'm trying to be open-minded here. I think they believe that a country they regard as theirs is under occupation, and since the occupier is hors de portée of their warmaking envelope, they're taking it out on the aider and abbetor of the occupier. Their children are killed in UCAV attacks, so they kill some of ours. That sounds fair in a war, moreso under tribal ROE.

Offtopic: What use are children anyway, they throw you out and usurp your property when you're old!

We have and will rightfully question the actions of our government of army if they hurt the interests of our nation. There is no doubt about that and it has been done many times over and it shall be done in the future too but why use those incidents to make this somehow acceptable.

These militants use this example of "they are killing our people so we kill them" as an excuse to gain sympathy and distort a few opinions. What of those who differ ideologically from these people, what wrong did they do to be mercilessly killed amass by these people. A Shia or Ahmadi never did anything wrong to these people yet they were murdered because they differed in their ideology. Even the people killed by them have no say in what occurs in their land. The fact of the matter is that this war was started by them, not us.

Such calls to distance ourselves from our security forces and government are absurd, at the end of the day they are our own and we have to appreciate the work that they do put in. If we were to just condemn them and not support it, what is the point of having a country.
Well then Pakistan is not alone in facing internal rebellion..Italy has Sisely,France got Corsica,Spain got Basque separatists.....Not as bloody as Pakistans..but still
It was LJ which accepted the responsibility of some terrorist attacks than why does TTP owns it? are they both working in tandem? so does the drones? using drone attacks an excuse for attacks on Pakistani civilians..... I heard it a lot that forces in Afghanistan are trying hard to instigate civil war in Pakistan by various means, drones are one tool.
Knowing the area where this attack occurred and it's close proximity to militant hideouts, one can be certain that it's only this group that is involved in yet another cowardly attack. There is no need for such propaganda statements to be issued because you can recognise the culprit by it's actions. There isn't anyone else going around blowing things up apart from these lot.

Interesting to know that TTP only operates in limited geography!
Why ignore propaganda? why so certain? TTP is not on ground it is a ghost organisation which even quite surprisingly controlled the police transfer and their duties as far as in Lahore.
Apparently, They know all on service and retired army and police officers from north to south and their official and private residence.
Even, if geography is so critical than ANP is also part of same geography and assumed power same time TTP fell from heaven. didn't that occurred to you?
Abolish FATA and make the area a proper province or part of Pakistan with Pak state Laws and everything ...

Major weapon to fight these bastards is
Solution is Zardari needed to go but US cannot annoy India by dumping him yet.
Abolish FATA and make the area a proper province or part of Pakistan with Pak state Laws and everything ...

Major weapon to fight these bastards is

But the initial agreement between tribal areas and GoP in the begining was that the FATA guys will be allowed to have semi autonomy, i dont think the gov can get out of it like that.
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