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Trump's USA to Initiate Nixon-Kissinger-type Strategy with Russia against China


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Xi meets Henry Kissinger, discusses China-U.S. ties
2016-12-03 08:03 | Xinhua | Editor: Wang Fan


Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 2, 2016. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Beijing Friday, saying China will work closely with the United States at a new starting point to maintain the smooth transition of ties and stable growth.

Xi appreciated Kissinger's contribution to China-U.S. relations over the past years, saying the sustained, healthy and stable growth of China-U.S. ties meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples and has helped with peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.

U. S. President-elect Donald Trump paid a visit to the 93-year-old strategist after he won the election.

Kissinger told Xi that he believes it is the expectation of the U.S. new administration to facilitate sustained, stable and better growth of U.S.-China relations.

"The development history of China-U.S. ties since the forging of diplomatic ties has proven our common interests far outweigh the differences," Xi said.

In their over one-hour-and-a-half meeting, Xi said the two countries should properly handle their different views and divergences in a constructive manner.

He stressed that China and the United States should have a correct understanding of each other's strategic intentions, abandon the zero-sum mentality, stick to non-confrontation and non-conflict, respect each other and carry out mutually beneficial cooperation, to boost the building of a new type of major country relationship between China and the United States.

Xi called on both countries to maintain close high-level exchanges, maintain stable development of win-win economic and trade ties, expand substantial cooperation in various areas and strengthen coordination on major global and regional issues.

Kissinger, a regular visitor to China, said he hopes to continue efforts in boosting understanding and cooperation between the two countries.

As a trailblazer for China-U.S. ties, Kissinger paid a secret visit to China in 1971 which paved way for the establishment of China-U.S. diplomatic ties in 1979.


Trump paid a visit to Dr Kissinger after he won the election. I bet he is the emissary sent by Trump, otherwise the Chinese President wouldn't have granted him a meeting. In fact they spent 1.5 hours together.
Both China and US are going to have a much better relationship, they cannot afford not to.

Xi meets Henry Kissinger, discusses China-U.S. ties
2016-12-03 08:03 | Xinhua | Editor: Wang Fan

View attachment 357756
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 2, 2016. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)​

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Beijing Friday, saying China will work closely with the United States at a new starting point to maintain the smooth transition of ties and stable growth.

Xi appreciated Kissinger's contribution to China-U.S. relations over the past years, saying the sustained, healthy and stable growth of China-U.S. ties meets the fundamental interests of the two peoples and has helped with peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.

U. S. President-elect Donald Trump paid a visit to the 93-year-old strategist after he won the election.

Kissinger told Xi that he believes it is the expectation of the U.S. new administration to facilitate sustained, stable and better growth of U.S.-China relations.

"The development history of China-U.S. ties since the forging of diplomatic ties has proven our common interests far outweigh the differences," Xi said.

In their over one-hour-and-a-half meeting, Xi said the two countries should properly handle their different views and divergences in a constructive manner.

He stressed that China and the United States should have a correct understanding of each other's strategic intentions, abandon the zero-sum mentality, stick to non-confrontation and non-conflict, respect each other and carry out mutually beneficial cooperation, to boost the building of a new type of major country relationship between China and the United States.

Xi called on both countries to maintain close high-level exchanges, maintain stable development of win-win economic and trade ties, expand substantial cooperation in various areas and strengthen coordination on major global and regional issues.

Kissinger, a regular visitor to China, said he hopes to continue efforts in boosting understanding and cooperation between the two countries.

As a trailblazer for China-U.S. ties, Kissinger paid a secret visit to China in 1971 which paved way for the establishment of China-U.S. diplomatic ties in 1979.


Trump paid a visit to Dr Kissinger after he won the election. I bet he is the emissary sent by Trump, otherwise the Chinese President wouldn't have granted him a meeting. In fact they spent 1.5 hours together.
Both China and US are going to have a much better relationship, they cannot afford not to.

I remember when Timothy Geitner visited Beijing in 2009 and pledged on upholding fiscal discipline, China uphold her duties by injected 4 trillion yuan into CAPEX, appreciates currency, sacrificed low margin manufacturing exports in Guangdong, massively expand services deficits (tourism and others), but US results? We all know, ZIRP, QE, spending on war like there's no tomorrow, flooding the market with cheap money, and now US public debt is closing in on $20 trillion as we speak. China hoards unreasonable burden of forex reserves, heavy on T-bills, that yields only one result - investment deficits of $200 billion per year.

Now as China shift away from forex reserves to ODI, US government (CFIUS, even secret service) is increasing actively in blocking Chinese M&A of US assets, they even bother to sabotage Chinese M&A in other continents.

And they have no shame in talking about China as currency manipulator, when they have deficits with over 100 countries.

Henry Kissinger might be a heavy-weight, but don't expect him to change this back-stabbing, shamelessly greedy US establishment, which will continue to drive US down debt spiral, with no end in sight. Sustainability? This planet is not enough, it will take aliens to help feed this black hole of debt.

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I remember when Timothy Geitner visited Beijing in 2009 and pledged on upholding fiscal discipline, China uphold her duties by injected 4 trillion yuan into CAPEX, appreciates currency, sacrificed low margin manufacturing exports in Guangdong, massively expand services deficits (tourism and others), but US results? We all know, ZIRP, QE, spending on war like there's no tomorrow, flooding the market with cheap money, and now US public debt is closing in on $20 trillion as we speak. China hoards unreasonable burden of forex reserves, heavy on T-bills, that yields only one result - investment deficits of $200 billion per year.

Now as China shift away from forex reserves to ODI, US government (CFIUS, even secret service) is increasing actively in blocking Chinese M&A of US assets, they even bother to sabotage Chinese M&A in other continents.

And they have no shame in talking about China as currency manipulator, when they have deficits with over 100 countries.

Henry Kissinger might be a heavy-weight, but don't expect him to change this back-stabbing, shamelessly greedy US establishment, which will continue to drive US down debt spiral, with no end in sight. Sustainability? This planet is not enough, it will take aliens to help feed this black hole of debt.

Kissinger is part of the establishment. But anyways, China should have let US sink further in 2008.
Now as China shift away from forex reserves to ODI, US government (CFIUS, even secret service) is increasing actively in blocking Chinese M&A of US assets, they even bother to sabotage Chinese M&A in other continents.

Trump's potential currency and trade war might in fact be the best help to break this vicious cycle of funding US debt and sacrificing on high-return investment.

China still plays reactionary. I do hope that China will start to more actively blocking and disturbing US-led acquisitions and mergers.
'Friends forever'? China wary of Rex Tillerson wooing away Russia
The Trump administration will have close ties to Moscow via its secretary of state but relations with Beijing are frosty. Could Sino-Russian ties be under threat?
Dec. 14, 2016:
Rex Tillerson’s controversial nomination as secretary of state has delighted Moscow where the Texan oilman has deep and long-standing ties. Donald Trump’s choice of the ExxonMobil chief was “100% good news” for Vladimir Putin, one opposition politician claimed.

But in Beijing, already reeling from Trump's early forays into foreign policy, the move has inspired no such celebration, instead fuelling fears that the president-elect’s courtship of the Kremlin could be part of a bold strategic bid to isolate China.

“He’s a very adventurous strategist,” Shi Yinhong, a foreign policy specialist from Renmin University, said of the incoming president who has already enraged Beijing by threatening to upend decades of US policy towards China.

“If Mr Putin and Mr Trump become great friends then China can do nothing about it – but China will be prepared for some degree of alienation between Moscow and Beijing.”

Growing Chinese angst that the Republican might take a harder line on China and seek to drive a wedge between it and Russia was on display on Wednesday in the editorial pages of the Global Times, a state-run tabloid.

The newspaper played down what it said were public “concerns” that warmer ties between Trump and Putin might harm the Sino-Russian relationship but admitted such thinking was “not ridiculous”. “[China and Russia] will keep going forward side by side,” the newspaper insisted.

John Delury, an associate professor of Chinese studies at Yonsei University, said that within Chinese foreign policy circles Tillerson’s nomination was seen as clear evidence of Trump’s “tilt to Russia”.

The oil industry veteran has made at least five trips to China since 2008, most recently in July when he met with Wang Yilin, a longtime Communist party member who is the chairman of state-run energy giant China National Petroleum Corp.

But Tillerson, who has opposed US sanctions against Moscow, enjoys far deeper connections to Russia.

The ExxonMobil chief is reportedly a personal friend of Igor Sechin, a Russian official considered the country’s second-most powerful man after Putin, and was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship in 2013 after striking a drilling deal with state-run oil giant Rosneft.

Delury said that even before Tillerson’s nomination policy wonks in Beijing had raised their eyebrows at how Trump was sending “loving signals to Moscow” but showing no such tenderness to China’s President Xi Jinping.

“They are very much aware of a double standard in how Trump seems to embrace Putin and at best keep Xi Jinping at arms length, if not seem to want a combative relationship.

“It does suggest that there is geopolitics behind this. It is obviously not informed by values: if Trump likes strongmen – as he was accused of – then he should like Xi Jinping as much he likes Putin.”

China has offered a tepid official response to Tillerson’s nomination.

“We have noted the relevant reports,” foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang told reporters, adding that Beijing was “willing to work with the secretary of state, whoever it is, to move China-US relations forwards”.

However, some observers say China’s leaders will be alarmed at the possibility that Trump is seeking to play Richard Nixon’s “China card” in reverse by wooing Moscow while treating Beijing mean.

In 1972, in an audacious bid to isolate the Soviets, Nixon and Henry Kissinger travelled to China to seal a historic rapprochement with Mao Zedong.

“I know that you are one who sees when an opportunity comes, and then knows that you must seize the hour and seize the day,” Nixon told Chairman Mao, paraphrasing one of the revolutionary's own poems.

Now, some believe Trump may be hoping to do the exact opposite: cut an increasingly assertive China down to size by luring Moscow away from its embrace.

“I think that is Trump’s intention,” said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a political scientist professor from Hong Kong’s Baptist University who believes the billionaire president-elect would like to “detach” Moscow from Beijing.

Political and economic ties between Beijing and Moscow have blossomed since Xi became president in 2013 with the Chinese leader painting the two countries as "friends forever".

Last year Putin was guest of honour at a massive military parade in Tiananmen Square, appearing on the rostrum on Xi’s right.

Even so, Shi Yinhong said he could see how the Russian leader might be tempted by the carrot Trump was dangling before his nose: improved relations with Washington, and possibly Brussels, an end to economic sanctions, and the ability to reduce Moscow’s dependency on China. “Mr Putin will be very pleased [by this],” he said.

Delury said he would not be surprised if President Trump chose to visit Russia before flying in to Beijing. “He’s looking for leverage with the Chinese and he’s trying to needle them. He’s already getting under their skin with Taiwan and I suppose he could try a Moscow trip too.”

It was even possible Trump might use such a trip to further undermine Beijing by holding talks with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un on the sidelines of a meeting in the Russian capital.

“That’s the kind of brave new world we could be entering,” Delury said. “Beijing would not like that. It would be a brash move and it would put Beijing in a tough spot because they do want dialogue … and they are always telling the Americans you’ve got to talk to Pyongyang. But if it happened in Moscow without them there and with them kind of in the dark … that could give them a little heartburn.”

But the American scholar said he was unconvinced Trump would manage to break the bond between Russia and China by pursuing an “upside-down Nixon strategy”.

“Putin is going to go along for the ride a little bit but Putin doesn’t want a breakdown in relations with China,” he said.

“The reason it all worked in the Seventies was the Sino-Soviet split. Nixon could do what he did because China and the Soviets were enemies. They were ready to go to war. That isn’t the situation at all today.”
Link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...hina-wary-of-rex-tillerson-wooing-away-russia
If true, that would be uncharacteristically smart of them. :enjoy:

That said, China's oil and gas purchases from Russia will run into the trillions (the pipeline deal alone was worth $1 trillion) over time, and the USA is a rival oil producer to Russia. So the interests don't work out.
Obama has already tried everything, guess what happened to the end?

Here is the same WikiLeaks that most Trump supporters regarded as the revelation.

well what has been tried in past and not worked is not a proof that things will not work in future either...having said i agree that chances are bleak...i just said that if at all it happens then America do have a good bargaining chip...
well what has been tried in past and not worked is not a proof that things will not work in future either...having said i agree that chances are bleak...i just said that if at all it happens then America do have a good bargaining chip...

You think the US sanctions on Russia are a good bargaining chip? :P Do you have any idea how furious the Russians were that America sanctioned them in the first place?

And there is hardly any trade between America and Russia to begin with. America is a major oil producer too, they aren't going to import trillions in oil and gas from Russia. In fact only China has that kind of demand.
well what has been tried in past and not worked is not a proof that things will not work in future either...having said i agree that chances are bleak...i just said that if at all it happens then America do have a good bargaining chip...

Obama's honeymoon with Medvedev, guess how long it could last between Trump and Putin.

You think the US sanctions on Russia are a good bargaining chip? :P Do you have any idea how furious the Russians were that America sanctioned them in the first place?

And there is hardly any trade between America and Russia to begin with. America is a major oil producer, they aren't going to import trillions in oil and gas from Russia. In fact only China has that kind of demand.
you are contradicting yourself...if there is hardly a trade then why are Russians angry to begin with?? The traditional russian markets are European...that is where the infra is set up...so yeah they do have bargaining chips...
Fyi, if the whole world already knows about it before Trump has even taken office, it's not really a Nixon-Kissinger type strategy. It also misses where the pro-Russian sentiment with many of us conservatives, (that Trump just latched onto.), comes from. Just a clue; it has nothing to do with China.
You think the US sanctions on Russia are a good bargaining chip? :P Do you have any idea how furious the Russians were that America sanctioned them in the first place?

And there is hardly any trade between America and Russia to begin with. America is a major oil producer too, they aren't going to import trillions in oil and gas from Russia. In fact only China has that kind of demand.

Yep, Trump doesn't understand the political compromisation, not everything can be treated like a business deal.

He wants Putin to serve as his henchman to tackle against his archnemesis China, but Putin has to look after Russia's national interest first. To antagonize China for no reason does not match Russia's national interest.

Trump and his supporters are quite naive to believe in a real political world that everyone has to be your callboys when there is very little you can offer them.
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