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Trump thanks Pakistan for anti Terrorism efforts l Applauds Progress in front of Modi & Supporters

"Our relationship with Pakistan is a very good one, thanks to these efforts that we are beginning to see signs of big progress with Pakistan," he added.

That's what omer qureshi mentioned in his tweet. And that exactly what's written above in your countryman's post which is actually taken from an Indian news agency. Now stop embarrassing yourself.
Omar Qurashi tried to imply Indians were not happy that statement when it was exactly the opposite.
"My administration is working in a very positive way with Pakistan to crackdown on terror organizations and the militants that operate on the Pakistani border," said Trump.
"Our relationship with Pakistan is a very good one, thanks to these efforts that we are beginning to see signs of big progress with Pakistan," he added.

This is what he said and look at the headlines. I mean seriously Pakistan doesnt need enemies with people like these in our midst.
That silence though.

try again, only silent for first 5 seconds
Yeh to Lol ho goya. Their God has spoken. Time for Modi to follow in the foot steps of his God and improve relations with Pakistan. He can start off by lifting curfew in Kashmir.
omer qureshi tweet is lacking context. Bharat and Pakistan are/will be treated on their own merits but never at the expense of bharat
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Omar Qurashi tried to imply Indians were not happy that statement when it was exactly the opposite.

His observation was based upon video in attachment. However, the instant articles with sensational headlines by Modi Media Houses, says a lot about unhappy or even concerning attitude.

Modi praising US and Trump, the oldest democracy...in return Trump was talking about Pakistan and that we have good relations with Pakistan...that was brutal.

When will India decipher, US is a super power and India is just a pawn and has just transactional importance to US, same with US treating Pakistan. And Trump is clamoring for good India Pak relations for US benefits and to checkmate China. India has other ideas...

Modi...Donaaaald Trump.
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