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Trump reportedly tells Pompeo that he can do anything he wants in Iran bar ‘World War III’

The hammer is about to come down on Iran. US will probably bomb Iran nuclear facilities, They've been working on high tech bunker buster bombs for just such a situation. Will be interesting times.

The present news report suggests otherwise because it claims Trump asked them to stop short of igniting "World War 3", which is a way of saying they should avoid major escalation and/or overt war.

Indeed Iran is safe from such overt aggression thanks to its deterrence power (tens of thousands of ballistic missiles on mobile launchers as well as in tens of huge hardened underground facilities built underneath mountains + network of loyal, armed ideological allies accross the region + ability to seriously interdict global energy supplies).


The same deep-state will remain in power it is always been the same. New face but same policy.

Haven't you noticed all presidents post Bush followed his policy and the same will occur again. Biden already said he won't lift china's tariffs immediately

Pretty much what I've been saying. The equation can only be altered by complete regime collapse, not by any of the successive US presidents no matter their rhetoric or actions.
The present news report suggests otherwise because it claims Trump asked them to stop short of igniting "World War 3", which is a way of saying they should avoid major escalation and/or overt war.

Indeed Iran is safe from such overt aggression thanks to its deterrence power (tens of thousands of ballistic missiles on mobile launchers as well as in tens of huge hardened underground facilities built underneath mountains + network of loyal, armed ideological allies accross the region + ability to seriously interdict global energy supplies).

I disagree with this notion. I think the US has more allies in the region then Iran it has successfully burned alot of bridges. The US would be able to run thru Iran without issues or breaking sweat. Everyone is friends with the US not many with Iran. Their diplomacy have been really poor if you ask me and counter-productive
I disagree with this notion. I think the US has more allies in the region then Iran it has successfully burned alot of bridges. The US would be able to run thru Iran without issues or breaking sweat. Everyone is friends with the US not many with Iran. Their diplomacy have been really poor if you ask me and counter-productive

Iran hasn't burnt bridges to its own allies. I'm not referring to diplomatic relations with neighboring states, but to armed groups capable of harming US interests (such as Lebanon's Hezbollah, Iraqi PMU's, etc). These aren't less numerous nor less proficient than before.

If the US was capable of such a thing at a cost it deems acceptable, then it would have gone ahead with it already. The fact that Washington refrains from such military aggression shows the opposite.
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Trump was an element of controlled pseudo-opposition put in place by the same deep state, under the supervision of Henry Kissinger. The Flynn clan (father and son), which orchestrated the "Q-Anon" hoax, has NSA and psy-ops background. It's not that the deep state Trump was denouncing doesn't exist, nor that its members aren't degenerates responsible for horrendous crimes. It's that Trump never was the person willing and capable of confronting let alone eradicating it.

But he instead took on a ride some of the alienated segments of US citizenry, those with a revolutionary potential, all the while of delegitimizing the anti-deep state discourse in the eyes of the more educated segments still loyal to the system, because of his clownish antics and due to some of the more outlandish claims mixed with true ones that "Q-Anon" and similar Trumpist propaganda outlets were peddling.

This is one of the tactics employed by the oppressive US system: when threatened by the consequences of its own manhandling and exploitation of its subjects, it will prop up a controlled opposition figure whose strings it pulls and whom it does not have to fear the least, in order to misdirect and neutralize brewing popular anger.

Another tactic is the so-called "horizontalization" of the social struggle, i.e. the redirection of the main target of popular wrath, away from the entirety of the ruling class and towards parts of society iself (and particularly of the working class), following the divide and rule principle. Which is exactly what occurred under Trump with artificially engineered and entertained divides such as "left vs right", "racists vs anti-racists", "whites vs blacks and immigrants" etc.

you are assuming elites are that smart
OK, Are we really need to get screwed by these uncivilized genocidals for some people in this country to sit around their kitchen table and think "Hey we really need to make some nuclear weapons"?!
Iran hasn't burnt bridges to its own allies. I'm not referring to diplomatic relations with neighboring states, but to armed groups capable of harming US interests (such as Lebanon's Hezbollah, Iraqi PMU's, etc). These aren't less numerous nor less proficient than before.

If the US was capable of such a thing at a cost it deems acceptable, then it would have gone ahead with it already. The fact that Washington refrains from such military aggression shows the opposite.

ludicrous assumptions
I’m sure if Pompeo attacked Natanz. Iran wouldn’t do anything beside protest to UN and warn of a “severe revenge”.

Iran has lost all deterrence, thank god Trump lost. Because 4 more years of Trump and Israel punching and kicking Iran would be tough to swallow.
I think some iranian here are a bit unfair about their mother land country..
Guys...Iranians have shown that the have the balls to take on the world's biggest military . I would say many countries in this world do not even think of verbalizing thing like that..

- Iran hack crashes RQ-170 , copies her and gives middle finger to Obama.

-Iran shoots the $200 M Global Hawk for target practice .Gives middle finger to Trump. Trump thanks them for not shooting his other plane!

- Iran blasts US bases in Iraq and declares her ballistic missile CEPs are satisfactory and as per spec..Gives another finger to Trump.

- Iran captures US naval boat..provides fresh pants to US sailors crying from fear..gives them chelo-kabob, keeps their boat as momento, sends then home to Obama

Now be patient...Nathan_yaboo's turn will come also..the nite is still young..lol
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The notion that the Trump regime could launch an overt attack on Iran's nuclear facilities without provoking a severe military response is grossly far-fetched.

If Iran's deterrence was lost then no, the US would not sit idle but would in effect resort to conducting direct raids on Iran's nuclear and military infrastructure. The fact that it doesn't, implies precisely that Washington is being deterred from taking such steps due to Iran's defense architecture, consisting foremost of its massive, highly survivable and largely precision-guided missile arsenal, its vast network of allied, ideologically committed armed formations spread all over the region, as well as its ability to interdict global energy supplies to a significant extent.

It is precisely these Iranian capabilities that the US and its European vassals are desperate to neutralize through negotiations, something they have miserably failed to achieve despite Trump's pressure campaign, which targets not only Iranian state institutions but also ordinary Iranian civilians on a massive scale. Trump could be in charge for another 40 years, he would fail just as pitifully. How utterly humiliating it is for the global superpower with its virtually infinite resources not to be able to bring to its knees a medium power such as Iran in over 40 years of all out confrontation.

The amount of biased extrapolations from the assassination of a retired scientist and other such peripheral operations, all of which are deprived of a significant geostrategic impact is staggering. These acts of terror offer no proof whatsover that Iran's deterrence against overt military aggression is compromised. On the contrary, it is precisely because the enemy lacks a viable and affordable military option that it has to fall back on such desperate measures.

These provocations are done in large part to support the enemy's psy-ops campaign against Iran and Iranians. And some here will join the propagandistic chorus by rehashing typical flawed talking points aimed at suggesting that Iran has been defeated, stands no chance, is going to be attacked soon etc.

I wonder if those who strike this tone would have made use of similar language to describe the US regime when the latter failed to retaliate in kind to the bombing by pro-Iranian forces of the Marines barracks in Beirut in the 1980's, or when Iran assisted Iraqi resistance groups to eliminate 600+ US occupation troops in the 2000's...

The zionist regime for its part, cannot even eradicate relatively small resistance groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad right next door in Gaza. Its "kicks and punches" are akin to those of a hysterical, fragile female gesticulating erratically out of frustration while the real man in the room, Iran, is patiently taking these feeble little outburst with a big confident smile, knowing that beneath the hazy fog of propaganda and outward appearance, it will keep making the strategically sound moves and advancing unshakably on its principled path of anti-imperial Resistance.
I think some iranian here are a bit unfair about their mother land country..
Guys...Iranians have shown that the have the balls to take on the world's biggest military . I would say many countries in this world do not even think of verbalizing thing like that..

- Iran hack crashes RQ-170 , copies her and gives middle finger to Obama.

-Iran shoots the $200 M Global Hawk for target practice .Gives middle finger to Trump. Trump thanks them for not shooting his other plane!

- Iran blasts US bases in Iraq and declares her ballistic missile CEPs are satisfactory and as per spec..Gives another finger to Trump.

- Iran captures US naval boat..provides fresh pants to US sailors crying from fear..gives them chelo-kabob, keeps their boat as momento, sends then home to Obama

Now be patient...Nathan_yaboo's turn will come also..the nite is still young..lol

-RQ-170 was in Iranian territory

-Global Hawk again was in Iranian territory and refused calls to move away

-Al-Assad attack happened after the most important general in Iranian history was assassinated. If US had done that to China or Russia it would be war or at the minimum a dead US general

-The sailor capture was done under a US Democrat president. Iran has a habit of ratcheting tensions against democrats whom they don’t respect (like Rouhani) because they know Democrats fear conflict.

Also once again the sailors were in Iranian territory.

So let’s review: 3 cases of violation of territory and 1 case of assassination of a government figure

So in fact everything Iran did was the BARE MINIMUM in all cases. Not something to be congratulated for. Unless Iran doesn’t want to defend its territory.
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