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Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

There is a reason india gets exempt from chahbahar, s400, npt , you name it ....
You think prisoners of war has to be handed over in 2 days. Lol.
WoW, another 'Lol'...

Sorry, I didn't get the time to sit & Google the whole Geneva Convention. Point is he had to be returned, before we would've been...accused for torture.

We got blamed for shooting one while he was still coming done a parachute.
Unlike pakistan we dont dont have any "existinsial threat" as you guys call it ...
If push comes to shove we can simple isolate ourselves like we did for 50 years before1990
There is a reason india gets exempt from chahbahar, s400, npt , you name it ....
And bdw trumps "indo pacific squad " is a continuation of asian pivot

Uncle Sam has a habit of slowly enticing you in to their orbit like the Sun does to a comet/meteor. The more closer you become to them, the more likely they are to burn you when you are not needed.

India is needed by the US to counter China. The US does not want you and China/Russia to become close. Of course it will do everything it possibly can to placate you, including giving you favourable treatment. Or do you really think that the US is scared of India, or needs Indian rupees this much? Of course as an Indian, you would like to feel in control, but do look at the bigger picture when you get a chance. I am not saying it's a bad thing per say, or that India should not also take advantage of its relationship with the US.

But the US has only its own interest in everything it does. Countering/maintaining China is #1 in its list of priorities. Regardless of whether you can see it or not.

But I digress, I only have a fleeting interest in this topic, so I'll leave you guys to enjoy the troll fest that's becoming this thread.
Common don't be so literal ... Wallet for countries is forex and right now ours is 30 times greater than yours

US has $120 billion in forex reserves. I guess India is the new superpawa.
indians celebrating the upcoming visit of a humiliated and impeached trump visiting them after collapsing in front of China...so entertaining!!! :lol:
China stronk ... Iron brother's xi jinping also visited india 2 months ago while ignoring you ... Your views?
China stronk ... Iron brother's xi jinping also visited india 2 months ago while ignoring you ... Your views?
So by your definition you dumb, Trump visited North Korea made him ignore many others that he didnt visit, right?
Pakistan Army doesn't roam in the streets of AJK. They don't rape,kill & abduct the residents of AJK. So that's why they don't face these charges.

Regarding the post there was an officer who put a man in front of his jeep and roamed the streets and then got awarded.
The Chief Minister of a state can make any laws and has state police under its command. I hope AJK president has constitutional power to order any enquiry against PA.

These are the powers beside having a right to openly issuing statements siding with Indian enemies, which need to be curtained.
Your built up reserves won't last 2 weeks. You need continuous replenishment of supplies, for that you need money. If you want to trade missiles, may be Imran should have taken that option, than hastily returning the pilot after serving him tea and refreshments.

You clearly have zero idea what you're talking about and you're pulling it out of arse.
Why would US hoard US dollars when it could just print them ... haha you guys don't even know the concept of forex reserves .. those 120 billion are mainly gold reserves ...

Okay, fine, France has $200b reserves.
Australia has less reserves than Libya, so do many NATO countries.

I guess India is stronger than France, Israel, UK. Lmao.
Why would US hoard US dollars when it could just print them ... haha you guys don't even know the concept of forex reserves .. those 120 billion are mainly gold reserves ...
yeah hyper power of universe, you're nothing but puppet of west/USA to contain China
Your built up reserves won't last 2 weeks. You need continuous replenishment of supplies, for that you need money. If you want to trade missiles, may be Imran should have taken that option, than hastily returning the pilot after serving him tea and refreshments.
You released 90000 POW. Were you scared too???
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