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Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

Unlike pakistan we dont dont have any "existinsial threat" as you guys call it ...
If push comes to shove we can simple isolate ourselves like we did for 50 years before1990
There is a reason india gets exempt from chahbahar, s400, npt , you name it ....
And bdw trumps "indo pacific squad " is a continuation of asian pivot

Yes, that reason is to leverage against china.
Can you imagine that Chief Minister of J&K could initiate any criminal case against Indian army.
Pakistan Army doesn't roam in the streets of AJK. They don't rape,kill & abduct the residents of AJK. So that's why they don't face these charges.

Regarding the post there was an officer who put a man in front of his jeep and roamed the streets and then got awarded.
indians celebrating the upcoming visit of a humiliated and impeached trump visiting them after collapsing in front of China...so entertaining!!! :lol:
Have you been paying attention to US politics? The impeachment trial was a total sham. And now Pelosi got outplayed badly by McConnel. It is already given that Trump will get cleared in the Senate.
So accoring to you qatar is the only superpower today ... Hmm you always learn new things on pdf
You talked of wallet so i quoted you this example. See i taught you well. So wallet size doesnt matter, i hope you understood!
You can 'Lol' all you want...

The fact is that your Foreign Office knows that a prisoner has to be handed in 2 Days. It isn't hard telling that to a PM to demand it on National TV, knowing full well it'll happen.

You haven't made your point that anyone was scared on our end - including Imran Khan.

You think prisoners of war has to be handed over in 2 days. Lol.

The rules protecting prisoners of war (POWs) are specific and were first detailed in the 1929 Geneva Convention. ... Their detention is not a form of punishment, but only aims to prevent further participation in the conflict. They must be released and repatriated without delay after the end of hostilities.
If a country's security is at risk, per article 360 of the constitution of India, financial emergency will be imposed. All funds except for basic services can be diverted towards war. INDIA can divert $100 billion without breaking a sweat.

Great for you. But ultimate deciding factor is the already built up resevers kept for military, not this big of a monetary factor. By the time, something significant comes of it, missiles will be in the air, and that's thinking months.
Yes, that reason is to leverage against china.
Yet not a single US base or indian soldier in asian countries yet .... Might i say its its good deal ... Scare US and get good deals .. you know indian "baniya" is good at negotiations right
And if Pakistanis get excited whenever Trump shakes IK's hand and says the K word, I don't see why Indians can't get excited when He is planning to make India his first South Asia visit(everyone who pays attention knows the significance of that).
Yet not a single us base or indian soldier in asian countries yet .... Might i say its its good deal ... Scare us and get good deals .. you know indian "baniya" is good at negotiations right
how can you be scared? arent you a supa powa?
And if Pakistanis get excited whenever Trump shakes IK's hand and says the K word, I don't see why Indians can't get excited when He is planning to make India his first South Asia visit(everyone who pays attention knows the significance of that).

They can, we have no problem, but your friend for some reason brought the Imran Khan and his meet in this thread although completely irrelevant.
Great for you. But ultimate deciding factor is the already built up resevers kept for military, not this big of a monetary factor. By the time, something significant comes of it, missiles will be in the air, and that's thinking months.

Your built up reserves won't last 2 weeks. You need continuous replenishment of supplies, for that you need money. If you want to trade missiles, may be Imran should have taken that option, than hastily returning the pilot after serving him tea and refreshments.
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