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Trump offered to mediate Kashmir dispute with Pakistan India

As far as foreign policy, Pakistan threw its a door open to US to it's own detriment across the cold war + 15 years, now it's doing the same vis-a-vis china.

Both wars that Pakistan participated were for exactly the same reason - Pakistan First. Afghan jihad was initiated by Pakistan before US/West joined the holy cause. So no this war wasn’t for dollars or jets as you had accused - Pakistans interest were to stand up to the soviet power, it was just easier with US support.
Same was the case for Afghan war 2 - where joining War on terror was the sensible thing to do. Please do point out an example where a FP decision was based on Dollars or Jets?
On the contrary history shows Pakistan gave up on billions of dollar offers for Yemeni war and actually lost the aid/jets from US due to its FP decisions in Afghan theater.

I just don’t understand the condescending tone about these foreign policy decisions. Based on your attitude I guess you expect that unless Pakistan commits economic and diplomatic suicide as a rogue state like Iran or becomes a vassal state like Bangladesh for India, its just selling out for dollars to China and USA.
And that is fine, but if a moderator is baiting straw incidence to generalize a nationality, I am going to point it out.

When a moderator on this forum thinks, outright lying (common trump trait) = signal for India to "do more", how do you gauge that.

Well assuming Trump is lying, then he could use lying for that specific purpose as well. He certainly did make fun of Modi talking about building a Library in Afghanistan - and that was satirical criticism of Indias soft role in WOT. I don’t mean to support his views etc. but he has been demanding other countries to really “do more” including his close western allies. His track record definitely is that of BSer. But please do remember your stance here next time for Pakistan as well, when in a few months due to his unstable personality he spews some nonsense about Pakistan just like he did in the past. The Indian govt, media and members here would join his troll band wagon and start singing in consonance. This specific behavior will be expected from trolls but not from title holders.

The main question is still - did Modi say something privately to Trump? Trumps struggle with reality is well known, but is he lying in this specific instance as well ? He was quite specific with the details about his conversation with Modi. Indian MEA just repeated its official stance though.
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Sure, if there was obfuscation by the MEA or transcripts of the call released by State dept in response to MEA's rebuttal. But Neither happened;
MEA> immediately called Trump on his lie.
State Department> did not back trump comment
Ex MoS and from the opposition party in India> debunked the claim
The Minister of External Affair in parliament> rebutted the Trump claim.

And then there is trumps own record, whether it's Finland Rake, Migrants in Germany, or Lying about terror attack in sweeden, Trump was served humble pie by all of the foreign offices of these nations, India is just another in the list.

Modi needs to come out and call Trump a liar.

IK responded directly to Trump when Trump lost the plot. Modi should do the same or continue facing humiliation as he and his nation is. Rebuttal needs to come from the man accused of requesting mediation.

If Modi doesn't call Trump out, he will be deemed as a weakling!
@MilSpec what should a proper Indian response be If i may ask.

Trump is used to such 'accusations' of lying cheating and stealing like a mexican is.
Modi needs to come out and call Trump a liar.

IK responded directly to Trump when Trump lost the plot. Modi should do the same or continue facing humiliation as he and his nation is. Rebuttal needs to come from the man accused of requesting mediation.

If Modi doesn't call Trump out, he will be deemed as a weakling!
Our deliberations are to a cause, not to please someone. The response was prompt and through the right channel. We have a ministry of external affairs, and the Minister of External Affairs is a seasoned bureaucrat who knows how to deal with the situation as these. The adequate response was provided, we neither want to prove Trump is an imbecile and prod his ego, and nor do we want to ignore a false statement. The diplomatic approach was nuanced irrespective of what you might personally perceive.

@Retired Troll I think the above also addresses your query.
Also, the eddie gurriero reference is quite racist, isn't it?
Our deliberations are to a cause, not to please someone. The response was prompt and through the right channel. We have a ministry of external affairs, and the Minister of External Affairs is a seasoned bureaucrat who knows how to deal with the situation as these. The adequate response was provided, we neither want to prove Trump is an imbecile and prod his ego, and neither want to ignore a false statement. The diplomatic approach was nuanced irrespective of what you might personally perceive.

Can you make a thread specifically to counter the claim?

This thread is for discussing the scenario of Trumps Brown Deal of The Century.
Can you make a thread specifically to counter the claim?

This thread is for discussing the scenario of Trumps Brown Deal of The Century.
no, you are free to do so. This thread is to discuss Trumps BS about mediation, thats all.
no, you are free to do so. This thread is to discuss Trumps BS about mediation, thats all.

But unless he takes the offer Back or india refuses it, the offer is public and being discussed.

He gets to kill two Birds with one stone. You are trying to kill a stone with the bird.
I am serious: let Pakistan declare they would accept his mediation first. :D

The offer was made in the presence of PM of the country publically.

We hold the rights to wait for it option.

The more India waits. The more credible the claim.
But please do remember your stance here next time for Pakistan as well, when in a few months due to his unstable personality he spews some nonsense about Pakistan just like he did in the past. The Indian govt, media and members here would join his troll band wagon and start singing in consonance. This specific behavior will be expected from trolls but not from title holders.
My conduct is consistent, irrespective of the direction wind blows in.


I am serious: let Pakistan declare they would accept his mediation first. :D
Yes, I think Pakistan will take what works for it at that point of time. When it thinks it is ina position of power a military solution, when it's not a diplomatic one, without giving up any of the cards it holds.
I heard PM already did in the press meeting.

Be careful what you wish for. His mediation may not exactly be impartial.

Yes, I think Pakistan will take what works for it at that point of time. When it thinks it is ina position of power a military solution, when it's not a diplomatic one, without giving up any of the cards it holds.

I think Pakistan will not like what he has to say on the subject if the process goes ahead. Seriously.
Yes, I think Pakistan will take what works for it at that point of time. When it thinks it is ina position of power a military solution, when it's not a diplomatic one, without giving up any of the cards it holds.

Thus Proving how important Kashmir cause is to Pakistan.

If Pakistan is offering peace why not take it?

Both countries have parliamentary democracy if someone needs reminding.
Both sides will have to compromise on solving the kashmir issue...
The only difference is that in india people have this grandiosity assumption of themselves and their armed forces.. As if they are invincibles..
Secondly their media is an expert in making a mole out of a mountain and a mouse into a lion so the same media will be the biggest factor in any settlement.
A ommon indian is hostage to its media and its perception are based on the filth that is uttered on different news channels rather than what are facts.
Be careful what you wish for. His mediation may not exactly be impartial.

I think Pakistan will not like what he has to say on the subject if the process goes ahead. Seriously.

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