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Trump offered to mediate Kashmir dispute with Pakistan India

Lmao he said that.. but you being a gangu will say that. gangus being gangus
I don't know why they are trying to deny this. If Modi has said what Trump reported then I would consider it a courageous act of statesmanship in the interests of regional and world peace worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Look at milenaia swooning over our imran

The women just love him . Unlike the turd to the east
The man is a rock star.

kabhi kabhi jab ajeeb se gosht wali biryani ka muft ka dabba kha loon to kuch aisa ho jata hai, bas control hi nahi rehta....
Keema wala naan mil jaye to aap ka kya banay ga.
First of all, you didn't bring up any facts yourself but gross generalizations. Please provide evidence on what you said, including:

  1. That "eastern movements" have gained momentum. Really? How?
  2. There's always been tension between South Indians and North Indians, but where's the proof it's going to catch on fire?
  3. And what does Kartarpur corridor have to do with Khalistan movement? Nothing.
I await your reply, assuming you have one.

Good. Does this mean that if there's another terrorist attack from Afghanistan, you won't be blaming India anymore?

Seriously, as long as Iran is in the picture, India will have a hand to play in Afghanistan.
You implicitly accepting terror attacks in Pakistan from Afganistan are instigated by India.
India has become irrelevant in Afganistan though India tried every bit.
Just want to point out, for India - hatred, venom and Malice towards Pakistan and Muslims is no policy. In the end It will hurt India more than Pakistan.
Modi needs to come out and call Trump a liar.

IK responded directly to Trump when Trump lost the plot. Modi should do the same or continue facing humiliation as he and his nation is. Rebuttal needs to come from the man accused of requesting mediation.

If Modi doesn't call Trump out, he will be deemed as a weakling!
...and guilty as charged.
You implicitly accepting terror attacks in Pakistan from Afganistan are instigated by India.
India has become irrelevant in Afganistan though India tried every bit.
Just want to point out, for India - hatred, venom and Malice towards Pakistan and Muslims is no policy. In the end It will hurt India more than Pakistan.

Who are you going to blame next time if there’s a terrorist emanating from Afghanistan? Don’t blame India because they, according to you, are now irrelevant. :D
I don't know why they are trying to deny this. If Modi has said what Trump reported then I would consider it a courageous act of statesmanship in the interests of regional and world peace worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.

The man is a rock star.

Keema wala naan mil jaye to aap ka kya banay ga.
do botiyaan mil jayin to NS farishta aur maryam hoor pari lagnay lagti hai...tum jaisa youthis kiya jany adrak ka swad....wait just wait as soon as mera sher is out everythign will be ok, how long you people will go one aik nahathi larki bechari
Who are you going to blame next time if there’s a terrorist emanating from Afghanistan? Don’t blame India because they, according to you, are now irrelevant. :D
I am silly, actually you are very genius.
Its been almost a week and i have not seen any response from u after u called me out and asked for a reference or to back up my talk with facts... But i see that u have been active on this forum pretending to be aloof from this.

Now going forward i expect u to not be a troll on this forum and just dont start something u cant finish. This unconcerned or imbecile attitude is unlike some of the Indians i have met but perfectly fits the individuals one who are full of crap and / or hot air.

I intend to use this post as a reference for all future discussions on this forum where u poke ur nose or call out people on threads or stuff which is based upon ur assumptions, media brainwash or literary strength rather than on facts or actual realities on the ground.
Have a good day
Firstly i did not invite you to quote me and derail the topic by ur false facts and post. Secondly your reply above is typical of indians.. i.e. counter a question with a question.. my point was in reply to a seasoned and mature poster @VCheng where i humbly put forward my suggestion in response to his post that rather than economic india was more worried about separatist movements littered across north-east, kashmir and dissent in south and then you jumped in with east pakistan (bangladesh) and etc.

Anyways, just so that you are given a chance to prove your point that there is no uprising or growing insurgency or separatist movement; here are a few references related to ONLY north - east india.
Do note that I have tried to exclude manyyy pakistani origin articles or articles by people living in the west who can be debated as of Pakistani origin...rather i have included a few indian writers as well. Moreover i have also included in orange the year of article in front of the title and you will see that majority of the articles are from 2016 and on wards thus can be taken as current.
Also note that if you want me to refresh your memory with news cuttings of violence or killings then i can surely do that too but will restrict myself to articles for now.
Lastly as mentioned above i have mainly avoided articles for kashmir, naxalites, khalistan or kaeralites / tamils. Lets agree to deal with them one by one... shall we.
Edit: same way kartarpur corridor is a source of concern and can lead to khalistan movement getting active is something an imbecile can see as well. You just need to see the source and method the khalistan movement is being propagated, the 2020 refrendum and why main indian leaders and parties were wary of attending the inauguration ceremony of this corridor. As an eye wash they can accuse Pakistan for every violent act to every fly killed in west india for all i care as you cant hide the truth. One just needs to connect dot a with b.
so lets start with north east india, here goes..
Now @cloud4000 please restrict yourself to the topic in question. Do not include any pak, east pak / bangla or any tom dick and harry subject as that is not what i wrote in my post that made you reply or that is not what you wrote against which i am replying now. I expect that like me you will try to be civil and post references mainly from last 5 to 6 years which are majorly either international or Pakistani authors who will refute the points above. Granted Pakistani reference is a long shot but so were Indian ones before i spent 5 mins on google.

@Arsalan @waz and other mods... my apologies for this off topic post. If the gentleman in question comes back with a specific and to the point reply then i will open a new thread or request you to shift you the messages to a newer one.
Its been almost a week and i have not seen any response from u after u called me out and asked for a reference or to back up my talk with facts... But i see that u have been active on this forum pretending to be aloof from this.

Clouds never stay. The come and disappear, after a while.:p::p::p:
We don't need a mediation, largely there is no need for a peace deal between militants and Pakistan. Certainly we don't need Trump. If India denies it, nobody can force us not even US. The US knows it and they don't want India to side with Russia as staying neutral is in best interest of both of us. So, US against India is a still born idea.
Coming to other movements in India.
Firstly the eastern movements have gained momentum in the past few decades.. Modi dealing with them has slowed things a bit... But it will reignite.
The North East was a mess, a bigger mess than Kashmir during early 90's. But they made an agreement in 97 long before Modi ever come to power. Every militant groups require outside support, in this case it was with support of neighboring states. Not the government but few ethnic minorities in Myanmar and Bangladesh. If it could reignite, then it needs support of any of those states. But Myanmar recently allowed Indian forces in their land to carry out an attack, Bangladesh is reigning in on others.
2017, insurgency in the region has declined by 36 per cent year-on-year and by approximately 63 per cent since 2014. 2019 report

The North East militants are slowly finding an economic prospect rather than fighting forever because there will never be an outcome (a separate nation) and people already started routing for elected governments which is why they were desperate to make a deal. Since Modi, the attacks actually declined and funny enough, your link showed some 30 groups operating in Tripura, but there was zero militancy. Change in priority I guess.

About south india, its the itch by the centr that ignites the fire... The statements inrecent past whch were pro hindi, pro beef ban and the kaerla floods have just made it a bit more open.
I live in South India, only Tamil Nadu have a problem with Hindi because they are proud of their language culture, and they want to preserve it. They are some of the most nationalistic Indians I've ever seen. Certainly more nationalistic than my people.
LOL! Separatism over beef ban? States can independently make rules on Beef ban, where I live, beef is freely available, in TN beef is available but you can't slaughter young ones or you go to prison. Similar cases with other South Indian states.
About khalistan, well lets say its dead,.... Then why the itch.. Why the delaying tactics... Open up the kartarpur corridor and allow free movement and then "wait for the surprise "
Prevention is better than cure. There will never be a free movement in corridor even Pakistan won't allow it. Whoever comes and goes to Pakistan will be thoroughly monitored. And there will still be Indian intel operating from Pakistan who will give enough inputs over it.
Qbout east pakistan, well we did learn and r just returning the favour.
Good luck with that. We are more stable than ever. If there was any Chance it was in the 90's. Since 2000 the states are looking for more interconnection. Next is Jammu and Kashmir or should I say few districts of Kashmir. Given Ladakh and Jammu are gone case for you now.
Thank you very much for replying in place of someone.. i was hoping when would the cavalry join in.
You have put forth some valid and also debatable points. I say valid coz i myself know that BJP and recently modi has improved situation aot. u refuted modi well do remember the national registration drive on the east which is designed to allay anxiety and cement the vote bank..
my point was always that india is walking a very thin line.. the liberation or pro independence movements are still alive or just to give you leverage for a gud answer they are simmering out there on the east.
about South, its not about beef only... i know about hindi language issue since decades, rising cow vigilantes attack in spite of being a beef eating state, the kerala floods, the rising dissent due to the generation of revenue vs money returned by center etc etc. So again india is treading on thin and ill defined boundaries.
About khalistan and kashmir; well just agree to disagree. i would just refer you to why many leaders did not attend the kartarpur ceremony, the rising suspicion of pakistani sponsored or pro pakistani spies, the pigeon spy, delaying the kartapur specific talks and lastly 2020 referendum.. join the dots brother. Point is where there is smoke there has to be fire and kashmir is burning and punjab is dry fodder with past wounds ready to be opened up.
hence my conclusion: india can not let kashmir go... if kashmir goes there will be a wave of separatist movements littered across its physical mass.
Its been almost a week and i have not seen any response from u after u called me out and asked for a reference or to back up my talk with facts... But i see that u have been active on this forum pretending to be aloof from this.

Now going forward i expect u to not be a troll on this forum and just dont start something u cant finish. This unconcerned or imbecile attitude is unlike some of the Indians i have met but perfectly fits the individuals one who are full of crap and / or hot air.

I intend to use this post as a reference for all future discussions on this forum where u poke ur nose or call out people on threads or stuff which is based upon ur assumptions, media brainwash or literary strength rather than on facts or actual realities on the ground.
Have a good day

The reason I didn't respond to your earlier post was that it wasn't worth responding to. But since you want one...

You wrote:

Anyways, just so that you are given a chance to prove your point that there is no uprising or growing insurgency or separatist movement; here are a few references related to ONLY north - east india.

First of all, I never said there was no uprising or separatist movements. I just don't think they are gaining momentum as you claim, hence my clarifying question. I don't need a laundry list of google links stating the obvious, but I want some evidence claiming these movements are reaching critical mass.

Not only did you not comprehend what I wrote but misconstrued what I said in a later post.
The reason I didn't respond to your earlier post was that it wasn't worth responding to. But since you want one...

You wrote:

First of all, I never said there was no uprising or separatist movements. I just don't think they are gaining momentum as you claim, hence my clarifying question. I don't need a laundry list of google links stating the obvious, but I want some evidence claiming these movements are reaching critical mass.

Not only did you not comprehend what I wrote but misconstrued what I said in a later post.

Read ur own post (post 201) where u finished referring post by me by saying " i await ur reply, assuming you have one". That was kind of compelling or challenging me to reply and guess what Mr. troll, i did.
As i said a few messages above, u ain't worth the salt to be taken seriously and are nothing but a troll. Speak facts, say what you know through neutral media, not what u think is the truth or what is fed on the dozen after dozen of the monkey news channels and that too 24/7.

Now as per forum rules or norm; you have three choices
1) In case you think the above is not true then open a thread, tag me in and reply to the questions or references i posted.. lets talk point by point.. followed by other regions and freedom/separatist struggles. That is kind of what men do i.e. walk your talk
2) Go berserk, spew filth and call in the half a dozen to a dozen cavalry u have here.
3) Take a hike bozo.

@waz @Arsalan
Please delete the off topic posts from my side and from others including this troll. I requested the same in post 208 and i am grateful for the patience shown towards the off topic messages.
The fact that Pakistanis are jumping up and down over some comments made by Trump, who is famous for making unsubstantiated, off-script comments and who probably knows almost nothing about the Kashmir conflict shows how desperate they are after recent diplomatic defeats. First the UNSC condemned Pulwama as a terrorist attack and blamed JeM for it, in contradiction to Pakistan's stance that it was a lone-wolf attack and justified resistance. Than the UNSC blacklisted the man responsible specifically for his affiliation with JeM after India and its allies pressured China into abandoning Pakistan. Then the UN Human Rights Commissioner left Kashmir out of the annual oral update, and when the report on Kashmir was finally released, it blamed India and Pakistan equally. And of course, there are Pakistan's losses in international court cases, including the ICJ.

The fact is, the status quo will remain in Kashmir for a while, and the world will continue to support India no matter how many times Pakistan cries in the UN. And India will continue to destroy Pak's assets in Kashmir, which will eventually lead to peace in the Valley, and there is nothing Pakistan can do about it.
The fact that Pakistanis are jumping up and down over some comments made by Trump, who is famous for making unsubstantiated, off-script comments and who probably knows almost nothing about the Kashmir conflict shows how desperate they are after recent diplomatic defeats. First the UNSC condemned Pulwama as a terrorist attack and blamed JeM for it, in contradiction to Pakistan's stance that it was a lone-wolf attack and justified resistance. Than the UNSC blacklisted the man responsible specifically for his affiliation with JeM after India and its allies pressured China into abandoning Pakistan. Then the UN Human Rights Commissioner left Kashmir out of the annual oral update, and when the report on Kashmir was finally released, it blamed India and Pakistan equally. And of course, there are Pakistan's losses in international court cases, including the ICJ.

The fact is, the status quo will remain in Kashmir for a while, and the world will continue to support India no matter how many times Pakistan cries in the UN. And India will continue to destroy Pak's assets in Kashmir, which will eventually lead to peace in the Valley, and there is nothing Pakistan can do about it.

Then you will get the padma busha for the best script writing in Bollywood.

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