OK, Next time that we
sell you the oil, Not only you can keep the money and invest it on your own economy, But we are going to send you a bag of cash with every barrel, Is that a good "something in return"?
Oh, Poor China is really suffering under harsh sanctions from helping Iran to bypass the sanctions
that they themselves voted for, that they themselves are part of the reason that they are in place to being with. And those poooooor pooooooor Chinese got nothing in return.
(Maduneed age fekr konid chizi beheshon reside.)
Let me simplify thing so that dumbest people of all time can understand.
1- North Korea is U.S enemy.
2- China and North Korea have an active mutual defense treaty.
3- North Korea builds nukes, hydrogen bombs and ICBM's for years under heavy sanctions to safeguard herself from Yankees invasion.
The Outcome:
Kim vows to give up nuclear weapons if there is no security threat
And Now:
1- Iran is U.S enemy---> Iran and U.S make a deal ---> The outcome: Iran is going to disarm herself completely.
2- Iran is U.S enemy---> Iran and China sign a mutual defense treaty ---> Iran is going to build nukes & ICBM's for years under harsh sanctions to safeguard herself from Yankees invasion ---> The outcome: Iran is going to make a deal with U.S and disarm herself completely + Now all of Asia except China are Iran's enemies.
Geez, I wonder what route any sane person is going to take. You used to ask for this kind of favors when you were in school? No wonder why the guy were nowhere to be found!
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