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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korea

Trump is not mentally fit to be President or any position of power ..

on Topic , maybe NK prostitutes refused to pee on him ..
I wonder if you actually read the news or you just say what you think.

NK insist not to give up the nuclear weapon until sanction is lifted, and that nothing is to be done (beside destroying the test site) until there are some action done by the US.

This is a bad deal for the US, as there are no substantial evidence suggesting NK would do anything after US action. The destruction of NK test site can be reuse in a short notice.

US only welcome a solution that would have solve the problem ONCE AND FOR ALL. Not just a fake talk then promise to do something by NK and nothing is actually done, the same result with the last couple US-NK talk.


Also, the US embassy in Israel have been APPROVED in 1995. It's not unprovoked nor sudden. As we discussed before.
Doesn't make sense at all.
Doesn't make sense at all.

What doesn't make sense?

NK have been playing the West and China for the last couple of Top-Ranking summit.

What NK did was, they will start a summit when they needed something form either China or the West. Then they will agree to the terms and condition with the exception of actually dismantle their nuclear program (Which is instead of Destroying the Test site, you should destroy the Weaponized Uranium/Plutonium Sample and the Reactor.)

Then when the West agree (or Chinese agree) and lifted Sanction, NK would continue their nuclear weapon development, and then the West or China found out and stop the deal. This has been happening since at least 1990, that is the reason why no one is actually stopping NK from having Nuclear weapon in the first place.

So, now, would you rather NK once again use the summit talk as a ruse and nothing is done, or actually force NK to give up their weapon program? And in this case, all sign point to NK wanting to do the former, hence a bad deal for the US.
When NK is actually serious about peace and denuclearization give us a ring.

Why dont you denuclearise first? The only country to ever use nuclear weapons and that too against a non nuclear country, its ironic that you guys talk about denuclearising others?

So, now, would you rather NK once again use the summit talk as a ruse and nothing is done, or actually force NK to give up their weapon program?

Exactly, the USA is the only country in the world that has actually used nuclear weapons on civilian populations.

So why doesn't the USA disarm their nuclear weapons first?

What a joke, the only country that has ever actually used nuclear weapons, asking others to give up their nuclear weapons, but keeping theirs?
When NK is actually serious about peace and denuclearization give us a ring.
Uhm...you do realise that it was your president and not kim who cancelled the summit,right?
By the way you might be waiting a very long time for that phone call,opportunities like these probably come once in a generation,if you`re lucky,and the last time you had the prospect of talks at this sort of level was waaay back in the clinton era 90s.
Imagine if nixon had acted like this and had cancelled his trip to china the entire history of the last 45 years would likely be very,very different,but then again nixon despite all of his many,many numerous flaws was a seasoned career politician who had many years of experience under his belt not to mention actual political skill and ability,by comparison trump has not one iota of any of those same levels of skill or experience and boy does it show now....big time!.
When NK is actually serious about peace and denuclearization give us a ring.
if we use some logic , the only country who used Nukes against citizens of another country should be first in list of destroying her nukes ...

Trump is not mentally fit to be President or any position of power ..

on Topic , maybe NK prostitutes refused to pee on him ..

That doesn't matter , System is making the decision and thanks to Obama evil doing , USA regime thinks he is going to win over the world at this decade ...
Sec of State Pompeo:
"Over the past many days, we have endeavored to do what Chairman Kim and I had agreed, was to put teams, preparation teams together to begin to work to prepare for the summit, and we had received no response to our inquiries from them."

North Korea was NEVER serious about these talks. NK blew this big time.
What doesn't make sense?
None of it...Read it, re-read it and tried to make sense from any angle ...but NADA, ZILCH, Noll, Siffer, 0..
You're saying NK should give up its nuclear program before sanctions are removed....what a joke..and btw ...why NK has to give up its nuclear program while USA can have its? And latter is the only country that has used nuke bomb not once but twice against the innocent civilians.
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And latter the only country that has used nuke bomb not once but twice against the innocent civilians.
US has been and is the Most irresponsible nuke possessors in the world ,
& still they whine about N.K. & Iran ! lol ! What a Joke ! :laugh:
The election of the likes of Trump, Modi, Netanyahu are not a matter of concern for the people of the world but it shows the moral bankruptcy, inability to judge the credibility and shortsightedness of the nations who are responsible for their election. i feel sad about the dilemma faced by the nations who unfortunately elected these morons and every voter who supported these clowns will be held responsible on the day of judgement for every human killed by these morons on planet earth.
I don't think any other American president has behaved like this on the world stage.
Just like with the completely unprovoked US embassy move to Jerusalem (which was condemned by the whole world), every time there is a hint of peace on the horizon.... the USA immediately squashes it:



US President Donald Trump has cancelled a planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

He said he had made the decision based on the "tremendous anger and open hostility" in a recent North Korean statement.

Mr Trump said it would be "inappropriate" to hold the summit as scheduled in Singapore on 12 June.

In a letter to Mr Kim, he said he was very much looking forward to meeting him "some day".

"I was very much looking forward to being there with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have the long-planned meeting," Mr Trump said.

"You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used," he added.

I don't think mister agent orange knows about China's nuclear capabilities...:lol:

North and south korea both would be wise to just ignore this ranting orange and move ahead with their own peace talks.

The u.s. is fast proving to be a pariah state...
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