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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korea

Trump cancels Singapore summit in letter to
Kim Jong Un - CNN Politis

I wonder if you actually read the news or you just say what you think.

NK insist not to give up the nuclear weapon until sanction is lifted, and that nothing is to be done (beside destroying the test site) until there are some action done by the US.

This is a bad deal for the US, as there are no substantial evidence suggesting NK would do anything after US action. The destruction of NK test site can be reuse in a short notice.

US only welcome a solution that would have solve the problem ONCE AND FOR ALL. Not just a fake talk then promise to do something by NK and nothing is actually done, the same result with the last couple US-NK talk.


Also, the US embassy in Israel have been APPROVED in 1995. It's not unprovoked nor sudden. As we discussed before.
and NK knows as soon as they dismantle their nukes, they will be no more. Same as Saddam Hussain and his Iraq...
usa wants war dosent matter with whome .
actually it matters with whom. the usa wants war with small nations that it can actually win against...it'll never go to war against nations like China or Russia or even smaller but powerful ones like France, etc.
The buffoon laments about a missed historic opportunity after canceling the summit? He could have gone through with it, displaying on the World stage his commitment to the peace process. I wonder what Pres. Moon thinks of all this. Frankly, he missed a golden opportunity to upstage the Democrats in the coming midterms. Now, the Democrats can easily use this missed opportunity against him and the GOP.

actually it matters with whom. the usa wants war with small nations that it can actually win against...it'll never go to war against nations like China or Russia or even smaller but powerful ones like France, etc.

It never was about winning. It's about making money.
I like how they try to push the blame for making threats and refusing diplomacy on North Korea after North Korea has already successfully met with almost every relevant party. China, South Korea, Japan even India. Except the bully of the block who was late. And was only recently responding to unprofessional and stupid threats against North Korea made by U.S. officials.

Thats just a taste of what you get if you submit to their hypocrite and unfair demands. Libya, Syria, Iraq they made even bigger errors. The U.S. was never interested in peace and it was just a matter of time till they foil or ruin it.
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Who is surprised?? Anyone?
You the European guy?? NO?
oh my Indian friend?? NO still?

oh damn, every one knew it
NK demolish nuclear test site... trump cancels summit...

Taken them for a ride
None of it...Read it, re-read it and tried to make sense from any angle ...but NADA, ZILCH, Noll, Siffer, 0..
You're saying NK should give up its nuclear program before sanctions are removed....what a joke..and btw ...why NK has to give up its nuclear program while USA can have its? And latter is the only country that has used nuke bomb not once but twice against the innocent civilians.

The same question to you.


Notice I did not call for NK completely de-nuclearize, I call for SERIOUS STEP to de-nuclearize. As the example I listed even if you destroy the sample of the weaponized uranium cake, you can make another one as you have the know how, but that will set you back years of time, and if you do, you will be easily caught on by IAEA people.

What the NK did is destroyed their nuclear test site. (actually claimed they were destroy) which is nothing, because everything you need to develop nuclear weapon is still there, and as soon as you found another suitable place to test your nuke, you can basically continue your weapon development without any hindering. In fact, you don't need nuclear blast site to test nuclear weapon, you can do it with a supercomputer once you already have actual blast and collected datum point on it, like what the US, UK, Russia, China is doing.

A negotiation only work if it is in a position favourable to both country. If this is not going to solve the problem at hand in a scarious manner and will turn into one of those ruse just to waste time, then why we need to negotiate to begin with? The condition is not favourable to the US, Trump cancel the summit. I don't see why it's not logical and make no sense?

Trump also said in the letter, if NK is serious to solve this question once and for all, they are more than Welcome to come back to the negotiation table.

and NK knows as soon as they dismantle their nukes, they will be no more. Same as Saddam Hussain and his Iraq...

Why NK need nuke to begin with? Were they under Chinese protection?

Your statement is like saying if South Korea does not have nuke, they will be no more and run down by North Korea like they did in Korean War.

South Korean does not have nuke, they were under the US protection. I failed to see why NK have to maintain a Nuclear Weapon program. Unless what Chinese offer the protection to North Korea is not real?

Exactly, the USA is the only country in the world that has actually used nuclear weapons on civilian populations.

So why doesn't the USA disarm their nuclear weapons first?

What a joke, the only country that has ever actually used nuclear weapons, asking others to give up their nuclear weapons, but keeping theirs?

The jokes is on you.

You want it to be like the last 6 times is your business, as I said, NK only suck on the Chinese so at the end of the day, US weren't paying for it. You want a serious negotiation, you need to provide serious step (if you compare to the JCSA on Iran) and even that deal was not favoured by the American people, you think destroying, or claim to have destroyed the nuclear test site would score you some brownie point?

asking US to drop their nuclear weapon is another issue altogether, don't divert the topic because it will make you act like you are losing the argument.
Sanctions should remain in place until North Korea completely dismantles its Nuclear and Missile programs.

God bless Trump. God bless America.
India shall dismantle your nuclear weapon at first.

World should enforce strictest sanctions on North Korea, Iran, India and Pakistan until they give up their Nuclear & Missile programs and sign the NPT. These are the axis of evil.
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