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Dec 13, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
EDIT: This thread went to complete trash by being swarmed upon by trolls and keyboard warriors, @waz or @Serpentine please delete this thread or lock it at least.

So, Donald Trump has now won the US Presidency. The Republicans have also taken the House Of Representatives and the Senate.


Good things for Iran:

- Trump is an idiot. He has no experience in politics. He would for sure make mistakes and bad decisions in regional strategic issues.

- His idiotic economic policies would weaken the US, possibly sending it into recession.

- He has seemingly been seeking to alienate US allies in the middle east, thus reducing the power of our enemies.

- His Presidency will liquidate any respect or credibility the world has for the US Govt/President.

Bad things for Iran:

- Because he is an idiot, his mistakes may be due to reckless decisions which could cost Iran.

- If America's economy weakens so does the rest of the world, and that includes Iran's.

- Alienating US Allies may drive them to be more belligerent.

- He has said he wants to void the JCPOA/Barjam, which would be bad for the Iranian economy. It remains to be seen if his lack of credibility will enable the rest of the P5+1 to follow.
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Bad times ahead for Iran and Pakistan. Not a shred of doubt about it. Iran can consider the nuke treaty to be null and void.

India, Israel and Russia are the winners. They are going to enjoy good relations with USA under Trump.

- His Presidency will liquidate any respect or credibility the world has for the US Govt/President.

Fully agree with the above. US credibility will be reduced now.
Nuke deal is " almost nothing " for iran ....

Its sad that our Supreme leader banned Ahmadinejad from 2017 election ....

Anyway bye bye Rouhani ....
Trump seems far far far better for world peace than psicopathic war criminal Killary.
Trump's speech talks about non-war mongering, bringing back home US troops around the world, stopping US wars in Middle East... and also behaving more friendly with Russia and Putin.

He is far better for Iran than Killary. But facts talk, not speech. We will have to wait....
Bad times ahead for Iran and Pakistan. Not a shred of doubt about it. Iran can consider the nuke treaty to be null and void.

India, Israel and Russia are the winners. They are going to enjoy good relations with USA under Trump.

- His Presidency will liquidate any respect or credibility the world has for the US Govt/President.

Fully agree with the above. US credibility will be reduced now.
Let see how many country effects from this. Putin, Trump alliance will make sure to smoke many countries and then rebuild, and sell weapons again. 8 year term, expect 8 countries in smokes mostly muslims.
To people saying Trump is stupid and naive in politics you forget it is not just him making decisions, he has many advisors put in place pulling his strings who in turn receive orders from above like any other U.S President.
Syrian army will win now.

No more support for the terrorists, after Iraq deals with IS which is soon experienced Iraqi forces will join up in Syria larger than ever before and help crush the terrorists.

IS is a much tougher enemy than rebels, it'll be easier.
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India, Israel and Russia are the winners. They are going to enjoy good relations with USA under Trump.
THis idea that Russia and US will become friendly during Putin- Trump era IMO is BS. US and Russia have many ideological issues and competition in the world, TRUST ME, Trump coming in wont fix that easily.
Iran will benefit in Syrian theatre where Trump is forsure poised to shut support for Syrian rebels and back Assad and Russia. Trump may review the nuke deal to appease Israel.
Erdogan , Sisi and Ryadh's position will be consolidated. In terms of Pak, all of our eggs arent in the American bucket anymore , CPEC and security coop with Russia has given Pakistan a geo strategic leverage. Anti terror coop to counter IS will definitely increase.
LOL! An Iranian saying "Hes an idiot" and that's it.
Listen, Trump is for Israel, he says that he will act against Iran, so, just wait a few months and then look at your country.
LOL! An Iranian saying "Hes an idiot" and that's it.
Listen, Trump is for Israel, he says that he will act against Iran, so, just wait a few months and then look at your country.

It is undoubtedly true that Trump supports Israel, but what will Trump do? LOL Apply sanctions and undo the nuke deal? Guess what, the Iranians are going to start the enrichment process again and Trump will be barking like a toothless dog from the sidelines. In other words, back to square one.

I hate to burst your bubble, but America has lost the standing and moral authority by electing Trump. The world isn't going to stand by the US under Trump in a direct confrontation with Iran or any other nation for that matter. We have already seen a muted response by most world leaders today and that is a taste of things to come. Trump has destroyed his resume and credibility during the election campaign. The whole world has been a witness. I don't think blackmail or sanctions are going to work. On the contrary, they will have an adverse effect. Trump will be on a suicide mission if he tries to act wacky.

Here comes my prediction. Trump is eventually going to act wacky and try to please Israel. Only a matter of time.

THis idea that Russia and US will become friendly during Putin- Trump era IMO is BS. US and Russia have many ideological issues and competition in the world, TRUST ME, Trump coming in wont fix that easily.

Only time will tell. I do think that under Trump US Russia relations are not going to be as tense as during Obama or others.
It is undoubtedly true that Trump supports Israel, but what will Trump do? LOL Apply sanctions and undo the nuke deal? Guess what, the Iranians are going to start the enrichment process again and Trump will be barking like a toothless dog from the sidelines. In other words, back to square one.

I hate to burst your bubble, but America has lost the standing and moral authority by electing Trump. The world isn't going to stand by the US under Trump in a direct confrontation with Iran or any other nation for that matter. We have already seen a muted response by most world leaders today and that is a taste of things to come. Trump has destroyed his resume and credibility during the election campaign. The whole world has been a witness. I don't think blackmail or sanctions are going to work. On the contrary, they will have an adverse effect. Trump will be on a suicide mission if he tries to act wacky.

Here comes my prediction. Trump is eventually going to act wacky and try to please Israel. Only a matter of time.
Who the hell talks about diplomacy? He openly said that he is going to work with Israel against the Iran deal.
Military option.
It doesn't matter if the whole world will be a witness, For the US, Israel and NATO it doesn't matter, we are the stronger side of the world.
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