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Trump administration to end Iran deal waivers in a blow to Obama-era pact

Maybe there is a seperate, IRGC runned, nuclear program and nothing is lost
Remember the satellite put in orbit by IRGC
Honestly, the chance of successfully running a covert nuclear program in your own territory without getting exposed is small these days. I also hope that the IRGC is involved in it, but it will be difficult to have a full covert nuclear program. You will need secret uranium mines, secret enrichment facilities, secret centrifuge production facilities, people who can be trusted with no trace of them in academia, etc.

I really hope Iran did purchase the nuclear warheads that went missing in Kazakhstan after the collapse of the Soviet Union. And I hope that the IRGC can find a way to covertly purchase nuclear weapons from North Korea. The North Koreans can give us the blueprints and the fissile material and we can assemble them here in Iran. This can be done covertly and we all know that the Iranian missile program and the North Korean missile program have benefited from each other in the past. And we signed a defense and security treaty with them in 2000s. So, this seems like a more realistic option.
Well I don't know really what to say honestly. The JCPOA/Trump's election was such an epic oversight that screwed over Iran it's sort of hard to walk away from this situation with your head held high knowing what has gone down ever since that Orange idiot stepped into Office.

If Iran can really bring Arak back to pre-JCPOA specifications within two years or less, weathering all the sanctions and deeming such a course of action as worth it, then godspeed.
The point is by considering all JCPoA flaws the reality is even the UNSCR is being violated by America like many other treaties, accord and international laws .. it all happens not because of the Trump's election but due to one fact that the whole international system created after WW2 was based on game of power .. so superpower would exploit everything for their own interests as they are more equal.
On JCPoA we needed the time to work on our centrifuges, mines and yellow cake production and uranium stokpile ... on the other hand the knowledge has been mastered and the other side know it .. so really I don't know what exactly you mean by pre-JCPOA specifications .. before it you could build your nuclear program with installing 45k IR1 in Natanz with 1 SWU capacity and unreliability did we have enough uranium for such a program? now you could install IR4 & 6 with 10 SWU .. which means just 4.5 k centrifuges would give the same result of 45k IR1 ... which means in smaller sites you could enrich more ... we could put 1700 IR8 in Fordow with 30k SWU which is 3 times more than Natanz enrichment capacity before nuclear deal ... By Feb 2020 we had 1.5 ton enriched uranium now it's around 2.2 and it'd be 4 tons by the USA election ... so I don't know the problem ...
If rouhanis regime had no intention of returning the reactor to its original non enriched design then why did salehi publicly state that iran had imported enough components to build a second calandria?
Also with the experience gained in constructing the first calandria the second one should be finished far more quickly than the several years that it took for the original.
Ultimately tho with the limited time remaining to the rouhani regime I think that decision will be up to rouhanis presidential successor to make and frankly I cannot see them either halting construction or implementing the redesign under the likely circumstances.
I do however agree that rouhani and his clique of appeasers were complete idiots to ever trust the west and were especially foolish to agree to destroy the original calandria before the new one had been designed,built and installed.
In the end tho this is a truly massive blunder by the chump regime as it clearly reopens irans path to the plutonium route to the bomb........and thats a good thing.

Salehi is a vatan fooroosh I said it before and got crap for it, but it’s clear as day. The guy is a liar and trying to save his *** from being executed.

He first said Iran lied and never poured concrete into the reactor and it’s hidden in safe place. Now you say he says they imported material to build another from Canada.

The dude is a liar and a village idiot who got played by the Americans. They set him up with an American nuclear expert and he thought that guy was his friend. He got played.

Should just execute him at this point. His incompetence in negotiating away Arak was astounding.
Russian senator criticises U.S. for ending sanctions waivers on Iran nuclear sites

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States’ decision to end sanctions waivers that had allowed some work to proceed at Iranian nuclear sites will only provoke Tehran into developing nuclear weapons, Interfax cited Russian Senator Vladimir Dzhabarov as saying on Thursday.

“The U.S. is pushing them and in the end they are provoking Iran to create a nuclear bomb, unequivocally,” said Dzhabarov, adding that Russia would continue to cooperate with Iran.

The United States on Wednesday terminated waivers that allowed Russian, Chinese and European companies to carry out work originally designed to make it harder for Iranian nuclear sites to be used for weapons development.

Salehi is a vatan fooroosh I said it before and got crap for it, but it’s clear as day. The guy is a liar and trying to save his *** from being executed.

He first said Iran lied and never poured concrete into the reactor and it’s hidden in safe place. Now you say he says they imported material to build another from Canada.

The dude is a liar and a village idiot who got played by the Americans. They set him up with an American nuclear expert and he thought that guy was his friend. He got played.

Should just execute him at this point. His incompetence in negotiating away Arak was astounding.
What I know is every reactor has got a biological/radiation shield which unlike photoshoped photos of Arak reactor has remain intact like the rest of the plant and its construction is undergoing so no cement in the reactor:

the IAEA stated the following: Iran “removed the existing calandria from the IR-40 Reactor,” and “rendered the calandria inoperable by filling the openings in it with concrete,
which calandria is pierced by pressure tubes made of zirconium alloy in which the natural uranium fuel is placed and through which heavy water coolant is circulated."

The reactor without calandria:

The reactor with calandria:


The undergoing construction and installation:


Do you see cement like this?

So Iran just filled the pressure tubes with cement .. if you have calandria which Iran does (other side wanted to destroy it and Iran said we want it for museum :agree: )then you could replace the tubes ... Iran stated it has enough of pressure tubes.

So the reactor is intact.
Instruction has continued
Other countries cooperated in redesigning it, beside the new design the Iranian design wasn't dropped in case of other reluctance to cooperate.
You have the tubes and your own old design.
Besides in the same time you have made centrifuges 10 times faster ... you have opened facilities to manufacture centrifuges ... your uranium stockpile increased as heavy water ... you have made SICBM ...

The point is when we didn't have Arak reactor or nuclear technology no one dared to attack us I pretty sure we'll have enough time to make a bomb if we want ...

So what is the problem?
خامنه ای یه پیرمرد هشتاد سالست با شست سال سابقه سیاسی و بی اعتماد شدید به غرب و با علاقه بسیار به پیشرفت علمی و خاصه هسته ای و موشکی

خودتون رو بگذارین جای اون و ببینین چه معامله هسته ای میکردین

خلاصه اش اینکه‌ حرص نخورین
اگه چیزی با برجام به دست نیومده چیزی هم از دست نرفته

Loos at this beauty, like jewelry.
Zirconium is the Iranian element of the periodic table.

Zirconium comes from Zargun which is Persian name for gold-like. Iranians used Zirconium in jewelry, like gold.

You might as well call this beauty Iranium.
What I know is every reactor has got a biological/radiation shield which unlike photoshoped photos of Arak reactor has remain intact like the rest of the plant and its construction is undergoing so no cement in the reactor:

the IAEA stated the following: Iran “removed the existing calandria from the IR-40 Reactor,” and “rendered the calandria inoperable by filling the openings in it with concrete,
which calandria is pierced by pressure tubes made of zirconium alloy in which the natural uranium fuel is placed and through which heavy water coolant is circulated."

The reactor without calandria:
View attachment 636364

The reactor with calandria:

View attachment 636363
The undergoing construction and installation:
View attachment 636362
View attachment 636365
Do you see cement like this?
View attachment 636366

So Iran just filled the pressure tubes with cement .. if you have calandria which Iran does (other side wanted to destroy it and Iran said we want it for museum :agree: )then you could replace the tubes ... Iran stated it has enough of pressure tubes.

So the reactor is intact.
Instruction has continued
Other countries cooperated in redesigning it, beside the new design the Iranian design wasn't dropped in case of other reluctance to cooperate.
You have the tubes and your own old design.
Besides in the same time you have made centrifuges 10 times faster ... you have opened facilities to manufacture centrifuges ... your uranium stockpile increased as heavy water ... you have made SICBM ...

The point is when we didn't have Arak reactor or nuclear technology no one dared to attack us I pretty sure we'll have enough time to make a bomb if we want ...

So what is the problem?

Well obviously they didn’t put cement in the actual reactor or else how would they redesign the reactor o_O

And there is no proof only tubes were filled with cement. If so, then why does Iran need to build a new one? Like I said a lot of lies and smoke screen by Salehi.

He gave away Arak for nothing, basically nothing. The US was most interested in Arak then Fordow, that was their prized goal was destroying Arak and that idiot Salehi gave to them for FREE! Arak would have been Iran most dangerous nuclear program facility as it allowed Iran to build 5+ nuclear bombs a year.

Natanz is a joke. Fordow another cruel joke at this point. The plutonium path was much more dangerous for the world then Iran going the Uranium path.
Lets see how the us feels when the arak reactor,now rebuilt to its original specifications of course,produces its first load of plutonium.Now its probably only going to be enough for around perhaps 2 bombs per year,but hey....you`ve got to start somewhere.......

This is the sort of thing that happens when you have a political system that allows someone who is essentially a low level street thug in an expensive tailored suit with no political ability of any kind whatsoever to become president,someone who is so stupid that he is not only willing to cut off his own nose to spite his face,but is even willing to go so far as to cut off his own head to spite his face.
Donald Trump,americas great political experiment in :usflag::help:governance through non-governance:help::usflag:
His monkey supporters will blame Obama for it:lol:
So Iran just filled the pressure tubes with cement .. if you have calandria which Iran does (other side wanted to destroy it and Iran said we want it for museum :agree: )then you could replace the tubes ... Iran stated it has enough of pressure tubes.
What do you mean that they poured cement only in the pressure tubes?

The picture you have shown suggests that the fuel bundle has been filled with cement too. You can see the holes for adjuster rods filled with cement completely. If so, the calandria is completely useless now. It's useless even for putting it on display at a museum.

And it's cute that you think all those nuclear inspectors graduated from top Western universities would get fooled by us and let us keep the calandria for a museum. Unless they believed that it has become inoperable and it can't be used or modified in anyway in future, there's no way in heaven that they would allow us to do that.
What do you mean that they poured cement only in the pressure tubes?

The picture you have shown suggests that the fuel bundle has been filled with cement too. You can see the holes for adjuster rods filled with cement completely. If so, the calandria is completely useless now. It's useless even for putting it on display at a museum.

And it's cute that you think all those nuclear inspectors graduated from top Western universities would get fooled by us and let us keep the calandria for a museum. Unless they believed that it has become inoperable and it can't be used or modified in anyway in future, there's no way in heaven that they would allow us to do that.

That cemented picture is photoshopped. That is what he meant.

By the way, those Ivy League US school students are not better than out Sharif and Tehran and etc students. They have more funding but they are not smarter.
اکجا میدونم
چون دوتاشو تجربه کردم

Finally, the best options for the west was to:
1. Make enrichment ban permanent.
2. Have extensive investigation on military sites as well.

Those smart Americans could live with that calandria.

Americans wanted both 1 and 2. However no deal was possible with either option 1 or 2.

A deal was not worth for Khamenei with either 1 or 2 period
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That cemented picture is photoshopped. That is what he meant.
That's not what I was talking about. His authentic photo (the same photo where you talk about the origin of the word zirconium) shows that the holes where rods are placed are filled with cement.
That's not what I was talking about. His authentic photo (the same photo where you talk about the origin of the word zirconium) shows that the holes where rods are placed are filled with cement.

I don’t see any cement there. Where is it?
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