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Trump admin weighing retaliatory action against Iran after Saudi oil attack

Very valid point. The thing is sanctions are hurting iran and they want something to happen. They are also aware that arabs are scared of war because of their luxury lofe, hence the provocation.
Sanctions are but more important are buffer statez of yemen syria and iraq
The iraq chaoter is over while syrian almost over and yemen is what iran wants to end
They're not gonna do anything, all of world is helping Iran and has helped it by overthrowing Saddam and US/Russian intervention in Syria/Iraq when they almost fell to militants in 2014. EU/China/Russia are helping Iran economically/militarily. Iran also has ties with India/Turkey and other powers. World has never formed an international coalition against Iranian sponsored Shia militias whatsoever. As Shia's are a strategic asset for them against Sunnis. On other hand, world has attacked almost every Sunni militia that arises.

Now you may say because these Sunni militias are irresponsible and I agree. However, an responsible and civilized Sunni Islamist united front is still going to get attacked by the world as world does not Sunni Islam and Sunni Muslims to prosper in their own region as they have historical scores they want to settle with them.

Iran is nothing without whole world+Arab regimes helping them. Same with Israel. If there were good Sunni Muslims that arise into political scene, God will support them against whole world and nothing will stop them from establishing worship of God in their own lands and securing their lands from foreign terrorism and demons with genocidal intent towards Muslims.
. Once u will became a real problem for the West you will be smashed like a bug. Check what happened to Nazi Germany and Japan which was 1000 times more powerful and developed than you.

so Stalinist soviet union is the "west" now??

cause last time I checked, the german army absolutely steamrolled the "western" countries in absolutely stunning fashion. Only suffered defeat at the hands of a brutal Russian winter/ combined with an iron willed stalin throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the much smaller german army to stop them.

If Iran wanted to march an army on Russia, id agree with you.

In fact... western armies have been quite pathetic when faced with anything remotely resembling a fair fight. And id work on the math if I were you hasbara...

Iran is a faaaar more difficult country to invade then then tiny japan with 0 natural resources/fuel. or whatever was left of the german army in 44-45 whos 3rd or 4th rate/injured troops got attacked with everything the US /Britain/Canada/aussies etcetcetc… had. while having 90% of their army deployed facing the soviets.

your western stronk is quite pathetic. And hopeless given how the "West" is on its way down.
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