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Train Accident near Gujrawala

إِنَّا للهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ :(

proper investigation of this incident should be done. this does looks like sabotage
looking at pictures of bridge look in bad shape, its sad day, their should be inquiry conducted to confirm cause of accident,

May ALLAH Bless their souls,
A very tragic incident, may the families have strength to face this hardship.
Casualty could have been higher if it was carrying civilians, armed forces are trained and have strength and courage to fight any circumstances, thus i guess a majority of life could have been saved.

In order to hide the poor health of railway system, sabotage will be the reason given and then followed by marking it as RAW's involvement and then big media push will be given to blow the trumpet against RAW and hide there incumbencies.

None the less these kind of incidents should open up the eyes of management and maintenance crew to do there duty as expected. There families could be next ...
I sure hope that this is what went down. The thought of foreign agencies working with such impunity scares me

There's need to scare from the menacetry of railway.

"Pakistan Railways has planned rehabilitation of 60 weak bridges at an estimated cost of Rs175 million in the current financial year in an attempt to ensure safe journey and avoid any untoward incident.

This is part of a broader rehabilitation and strengthening programme for 159 dilapidated bridges identified by the management for immediate repair and maintenance following an incident when Ran Pathani Bridge collapsed, an official said requesting anonymity.

Ran Pathani Bridge collapsed in October 2006, suspending rail
services between Hyderabad and Karachi for five days. Besides disturbing travel plans of passengers, it also caused a loss of over Rs1 billion to the public purse, disrupting transportation of goods within the country, exports, imports and Afghan transit trade, the official said.

After this incident, Pakistan Railways constituted a committee, headed by the federal government inspector of railways with the task to review the condition of all bridges and making recommendations for
repair and maintenance. In the review process, 159 railway bridges were identified and marked “in acute distress”, requiring immediate repair and maintenance for rehabilitation.

There were a total of 13,841 railway bridges, most of which were constructed from 1886 to 1900".
Express Tribune 16 November 2012

Howmuch work was done after that, needed a thorough investigation. This time there must be a resign somewhere.
A bridge collapsed over in the Gujranwala making a special train with 6 wagons sink in Chenab river killing at least 13 people.
Lt Col Amir Jadoon, with his family embraced Shahadat today in Gujranwala Train Accident.
Maj Adil, Capt Kashif, Lt Abbas are also among the Shaheeds.
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Lt. Col. Amir Jadoon Shaheed
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Railways under govt run are not safe now as repairs and modernization takes lots of time and these types of tragic accidents happens
There were a total of 13,841 railway bridges, most of which were constructed from 1886 to 1900".
Express Tribune 16 November 2012

When you say most of them its not like 10-15 its in thousands, bridges older then 100yrs without proper maintenance is nothing but an open invitation to death trap.

South Asian countries often play a game of hide and seek with death due to poor financial status making a normal routine life a challenge.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.

I'm very sad to hear about their deaths. May Allah give them peace.

Now as for the cause, accident due to the negligence we see towards Pakistan's infrastructure or foul play.
Inna lillahi wa inallah-e-raji'oon

There are many bridges in this condition but no attention is given to them; a "ghissa pitta" bayan from the concerned authorities is given after every such incident...let see what the investigation concludes.
very sad incident ... but thing is that they will be going Straight to heaven , as they are blessed to get Martyr in this blessed month ...
According to railways initial report, the fishplate on the track appears to have been tampered with.
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