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Total breakdown? US-Pakistan may go to war in 2012

The indian nukes are already in the hands of the terrorists, so I don't think anything worse can happen if the Pakistani nukes are in the hands of your adversaries.

I only have a problem with your perception of me. If there is an all out war with america pakistan will use its missiles and maybe even nukes against american bases and so forth. Only problem with you indians is that you are scared of getting your a$$es kicked by chinese so you like to have wet dreams about americans being gods who can do anything and you want to believe that these whites are masters of the universe and will save you from china and pakistani atacks

Ok you will nuke american bases and then..............????.......
please tell the full story please....sir.....
Here i see 3 scenarios .....

1. US will attack Syria.
2. US will attack Iran.
3. US will Attack Pakistan.

This US is that United States of America as we know it ? If it is... How can he attack to 3 nations in the same time? It seems really fantastic. I bet it US never ever dare to attack Pakistan coz Pakistan is not regular a country which located in Africa. Pakistan is the pride of Muslims. Its not easy like that. Going on war with Pakistan means going on war with all muslims around the world. I really wonder that US has ability to go on war with Syria or Iran? I think no. If he cant attack Syria and Iran how dare he can attack Pakistan?

I just say NO WAY ...
Here i see 3 scenarios .....

1. US will attack Syria.
2. US will attack Iran.
3. US will Attack Pakistan.

This US is that United States of America as we know it ? If it is... How can he attack to 3 nations in the same time? It seems really fantastic. I bet it US never ever dare to attack Pakistan coz Pakistan is not regular a country which located in Africa. Pakistan is the pride of Muslims. Its not easy like that. Go on war with Pakistan means go on war with all muslims around world. I really wonder that US has ability go on war with Syria? I think no. If he cant attack Syria, Iran how dare he can attack Pakistan?

I just say NO WAY ...

Syria will implode; no need to attack.
Iran will remain isolated; no need to attack.
Pakistan will be persuaded to work with the US; no need to attack.

Bottom line: There will be no attacks by the US.
Syria will implode; no need to attack.
Iran will remain isolated; no need to attack.
Pakistan will be persuaded to work with the US; no need to attack.

Bottom line: There will be no attacks by the US.

election year in the USA - so they may take a siesta in 2012
wars cost $$ so they may need to take a break and sort their finances out before their next victim
Mark my wordz brother!
The war gonna happen very soon most probably in next year 2012.....already been planned.....pplz don't believe it but its written right on the wall.......Everybody needz to get ready cuz there is very short time left.....it will eventually turn into worldwide Nuclear with many countries vanishing from the face of the planet.The reason as soon as US going to install defence missile shield in Poland etc, they gonna do Nuclear aggression on Russia, China and us together.....:smokin:

who told you????? lion zaid hamid (laal topi waala)
Assalam alaikum

pakistaniyo indians spent about 50 years doing chaploosi to ussr and 1 one day they became yateem they just develope the taste of americans ----- ( u fill in the gap plz ). so they r afraid one day they wake up and see themselves yateem again

they r trying hard to pressurise us

keep those supply lines closed, get out of the stupid wot. step up the defences

moot to aik hi baar ai gi

while i very much doubt if there is any war they r just bullying us to work on same old salary
it is upto us to bargain now ( hard bargain )


waleikum assalaam tariq bhai,
hum to yateem hai par ab ke to, subhan allah, do do baap hai.....china aur US ......jung koi bhi ho jeetoge to aap hi
khuda haafiz
So I should ensure I have a large supply of popcorn and have a good HD plasma TV.. Since I assume this is talking of a new Hollywood movie or a TV series on the lines of 24 and Nikita :lol:

Buddy I wouldn't be laughing considering what country you're currently living in. If Pakistan is endangered by US or not Pakistan will make sure your nation ceases to exist. You won't be eating any popcorn, besides that's an American thing to do, funny how you people copy the mannerisms of Westerners; you were the same with the Muslims when they ruled you.
Buddy I wouldn't be laughing considering what country you're currently living in. If Pakistan is endangered by US or not Pakistan will make sure your nation ceases to exist. You won't be eating any popcorn, besides that's an American thing to do, funny how you people copy the mannerisms of Westerners; you were the same with the Muslims when they ruled you.
and you are the outcome of that..
any ways, let me tell you a famous saying.. a tree with fruits will always be seen lowered due to weight of its fruits where a fruitless tree will be standing arrogant.
Buddy I wouldn't be laughing considering what country you're currently living in. If Pakistan is endangered by US or not Pakistan will make sure your nation ceases to exist. You won't be eating any popcorn, besides that's an American thing to do, funny how you people copy the mannerisms of Westerners; you were the same with the Muslims when they ruled you.

Hate has made you behave like an idiot. Writing before comprehending ???. count to 10.. Take a deep breath and read my post carefully again..

and btw, we were ruled by a Muslim even a few years back when Dr Kalam was our president.. Currently we are ruled by a Sikh..
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